Clarificatory Instructions regarding granting of step up of pay.

No. FIN(PR)-B(7)-1/2009-III
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Finance (Pay Revision) Department.

Principal Secretary (Finance) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh.

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh.

Dated: Shimla-171 002, the 10th September, 2013.

Subject:- Clarificatory Instructions regarding granting of step up of pay.

    I am directed to Invite a reference to this Department's letters No. Fin(PR)B(7)-1/2009 dated: 05.10.2010. FIN(PR)B(7)-1/2009-III dated: 27.01.2012 and Fin(C)-B(15)-2/2009 dated: 04.04.2013, all containing clarificatory Instructions regarding removal of anomaly by stepping up the pay of senior Government employees drawing less pay than their juniors due to application of Rule-22 of Fundamental Rules and protection of pay as per provisions of Rule 11-A of the Himachal Pradesh Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules. 2009.

Amendment in Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1996.



No. F.12(6)FD(Rules)/2009

Jaipur, dated : 27.09.2013

Subject: Amendment in Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1996.

   In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Rajasthan hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1996, namely :-

Fixation of Pay of teachers in the Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay Scales for Government Non Engineering Polytechnic College Teachers) Rules 2013.



No. F. 9(5)FD/Rules/2009

Jaipur, dated : 27.09.2013

Sub: Fixation of Pay of teachers in the Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay Scales for Government Non Engineering Polytechnic College Teachers) Rules 2013.

   The undersigned is directed to invite attention of this Department Notification of even number dated 27.09.2013 under which the Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay Scales for Government Non Engineering Polytechnic College Teachers) Rules, 2013 have been promulgated. For fixation of pay of these Teacher under these rules as on 01.01.2006 in the running pay band and grade pay, the following instructions may be followed:-

Chhattisgarh Govt. announced 10 % Dearness Allowance

   Bringing a major respite from rising cost of living, Chief Minister Raman Singh on Saturday announced a hike of 10 per cent in the Dearness Allowance (DA) for State Government employees.

   As per the Chief Minister's directives, the Finance Department has issued the order from the Mantralaya for increase of 10 per cent in DA of State Government employees, which will be applicable from July 23, 2013.

   The DA of State Government employees, which was 80 per cent till now, has been increased to 90 per cent. Singh made the aforementioned announcement while addressing a massive gathering held at Block and Tehsil Headquarters Deobhog, situated around 225 kms away from Raipur on Saturday evening.

Madhya Pradesh on Thursday announced a hike of 10 per cent in dearness allowance (DA).

   The Madhya Pradesh Cabinet on Thursday approved a hike in the Dearness Allowance for all employees of the State government and local bodies.

   The DA has been hiked from 80 to 90 per cent of the basic salary. The double digit hike comes less than a week after the Centre announced a 10 per cent hike for its employees. Timed before the model code of conduct for elections comes into force, the DA would be paid retrospectively from July 1.

   The BJP government of poll-bound Madhya Pradesh on Thursday announced a hike of 10 per cent in dearness allowance (DA).

   The decision comes as a bonanza for a large number of employees and pensioners ahead of the festive season.

Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations.

F. No. 2(54)/08-DPE (WC) - 13
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises

Public Enterprises Bhawan,
Block 14, CGO Complex,
Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003.

Dated the 26th September, 2013


Subject: – Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to para No. 2 and Annexure III to this Department’s O.M. dated 14.10.2008 wherein the rates of DA payable to the employees who are following CDA pattern has been indicated.

   2.The DA payable to the employees may be enhanced form existing rate 80% to 90% with effect from 01.07.2013

CGDA Order2013: Outsourcing of Specialist Medical Services.

(IFA wing)

INSTRUCTION NO. 03 of 2013

No. IFA/142/Vol-I                                                                       

Dated :-26 -09-2013


Sub: Outsourcing of Specialist Medical Services.

   A number of references were received in HQrs. office seeking clarification on outsourcing of medical services in the Armed forces and accordingly the matter has been reviewed denovo.

   2.    On a careful examination of the list of services which can be outsourced (refer Part IV and Annexure III of Govt. letter dated 13.04.2012), it is observed that there are certain overlapping areas and certain services which were being outsourced have not been included in the current list of services. However, it does not imply that these can not be outsourced now. The guiding factor is that the outsourcing should be confined to the ‘non-core’ areas. However, if the necessity of a non core service has been established, outsourcing of the same may be allowed. Further, under AMC in Part IV, Technical Medical Services can be outsourced, which can also be interpreted to include specialist medical services. It is, therefore, felt that outsourcing the services of specialists existed prior to the issue of Govt. Order dated 13th April 2012 and the Govt. Letter dated 13.04.12 has since been issued to streamline the system of outsourcing.

Grant of financial upgradation to Pharmacists treating Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/PB-2 as their entry grade for MACPS purposes.

(Railway Board)

No PC-V/2011/M/4/NFIR

New Delhi, dated 25-09-2013

The General Secretary
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi-I 10055


Sub:- Grant of financial upgradation to Pharmacists treating Grade Pay of ` 4200/PB-2 as their entry grade for MACPS purposes.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to NFIR’s letter No. IV/NFIR/MACPS/09/Pt.7, dated 27.08.2013 and to state based on recommendations of 6th CPC Grade Pay of ` 2800/PB-1 has been allowed for the recruitment grade (entry grade) of Pharmacists category. Subsequently on recommendations of Fast Track Committee, Government decided to place them in Grade Pay of ` 4200/PB-2 on completion of 2 years service in the entry grade of Grade Pay ` 2800/PB-1.

Recruitment of Persons with disabilities from open market — regarding.



New Delhi, dated 25-09-2013

The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/PUs,
Chairman/RRBs & RRCs.

Sub:- Recruitment of Persons with disabilities from open market — regarding.

   Attention is invited to this Ministry’s letters of even number dated 17/9/2007, 18/2/2011 and 27/4/2012, regarding guidelines for providing concessions/facilities including scribes to persons with disabilities (PWDs), while conducting examination for their recruitment from open- market. It has come to the notice of this Ministry that the said guidelines are not being followed properly, resulting in undue hardship to PWDs.

Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to Central Government Employees for the year 2012-13.

No.7/24/2007/E III (A)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
E III (A) Branch

New Delhi, the 27th September, 2013


Subject: - Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to Central Government Employees for the year 2012-13.

   The undersigned is directed to convey the sanction of the President to the grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (Ad-hoc Bonus) equivalent to 30 days emoluments for the accounting year 2012-13 to the Central Government employees in Groups C’ and D and all non-gazetted employees in Group ‘B’, who are not covered by any Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme. The calculation ceiling for payment of ad-hoc Bonus under these orders shall continue to be monthly emoluments of Rs. 3500/-, as hitherto. The payment of ad-hoc Bonus under these orders will also be admissible to the eligible employees of Central Para Military Forces and Armed Forces. The orders will be deemed to be extended to the employees of Union Territory Administration which follow the Central Government pattern of emoluments and are not covered by any other bonus or ex-gratia scheme.

State Govt. Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1987 - Table of Benefits under Savings Fund for the year of cessation of membership 2013-14.

Government of west Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. : 7700-F(J)

Kolkata, the 24th September, 2013


Subject : State Govt. Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1987 - Table of Benefits under Savings Fund for the year of cessation of membership 2013-14.

   In continuation of this Department’s Memo No. 7783-F(J), dated 11.09.2012, the undersigned is directed to say that a new table of benefits showing accumulations in the savings fund under the abovementioned scheme corresponding to a unit subscription of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten) only per month has been drawn up for the period from 01.11.2013 to 31.10.2014 matching with the table of benefits of the Central Govt. Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 circulated under GOI’s OM No.7(2)/EV/2012 dated 15.01.2013. A copy of the said table is enclosed as ready reckoner. The figures have been worked out on the basis of interests @ 12% p.a. (compounded quarterly) for the period from 01.11.1987 to 31. 10.2001, 11% p.a. (compounded quarterly) from 01.11.2001 to 31.10.2002, 9.5% p.a. (compounded quarterly) from 01.11.2002 to 31.10.2003, 9.0% p.a. (compounded quarterly) from 01.11.2003 to 31.10.2004, 8.0% p.a. (compounded quarterly) from 01.11.2004 to 31.10.2012 and 8.6% p. a. (compounded quarterly) from 01.11.2012 to 31.10.2013 and 8.8% p.a. (compounded quarterly) from 01.11.2013 onwards. The mortality rate continues to remain unchanged.

Payment of Dearness Allowance to Railway employees — Revised rates effective from 01.07.2013.

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)

S.No.PC-VI/ 325
No. PC-VI/2008/1/7/2/1

RBE No.98 /2013
New Delhi, dated 25.09.2013

The GMs/CAO(R),
All Indian Railways & Production Units
(as per mailing list)

Sub: Payment of Dearness Allowance to Railway employees — Revised rates effective from 01.07.2013.

   Please refer to this Ministry's letter of even number dated 26.04.2013 (S.No PC-VI/315, RBE No.38/2013) on the subject mentioned above. The President is pleased to decide that the Dearness Allowance payable to Railway employees shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 80% to 90% with effect from 1st July, 2013.

DOP&T Order: Continuance of ad-hoc appointments in PS Grade of CSSS reg.

No. 5/8/2006-CS.II
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

Lok Nayak Bhavan New Delhi,
Dated 24th September 2013.


Subject: - Continuance of ad-hoc appointments in PS Grade of CSSS reg.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 17.10.2012 and 04.04.2013 on the subject mentioned above and to say that further continuance of ad-hoc appointments of officials upto S.No.1175 as per the updated CSL issued vide OM No.4/7/2011-CS-II(A) dated 13/07/20 12 has been reviewed in this Department.

Extending House Building by HUDCO to State Government Employees from HUDCO — Sanctioned — Orders issued.


FINANCE DEPARTMENT — Extending House Building by HUDCO to State Government Employees from HUDCO — Sanctioned — Orders issued.


G.O.(P) No. 486/ 13/Fin

Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 25/09/2013

1) G.O.(P) No.505/09/Fin dated 12.11.2009.
2) G.O.(P) No.76/08/Fin dated 11.02.2008.
3) Lr. No. HUDCO/TRO/RFU/G-31 /2013-14/142/143 dated 16.05.2013.

   As per letter under reference the HUDCO has requested the Government to consider them and also to extend HBA to Government Employees on following terms and conditions.

House Building Advance Scheme to State Government Employees 2013-14 — Combined State wise Seniority List — Published - Reg.




Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 25/09/2013

Sub: - House Building Advance Scheme to State Government Employees 2013-14 — Combined State wise Seniority List — Published - Reg.

Ref: - 1) G.O (P) No. 505/2009/Fin, dated 12.11.2009
          2) Circular No.48/2013/Fin, dated 28.05.2013.
          3) Circular No.56/2013/Fin, dated 15.07.2013.

   In the Government Order dated 12.11.2009, Government have reintroduced the House Building Advance Scheme to State Government Employees and Teachers. As per the circular 3rd cited the time limit fixed for online registration of HBA applications for the year 2013-14 expired on 31.07.2013.

Grant of Dearness Allowance to Rajasthan Government employees.


No. F. 6(1)FD(Rules)/2008

Jaipur, dated : 21-09-2013


Sub:- Grant of Dearness Allowance to State Government employees.

   The Governor is pleased to order that the existing rate of Dearness Allowance payable to the State Government employees, drawing pay in Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, under Finance Department Order No. F.6(1)FD(Rules)/2008 dated 19-04-2013 shall be revised from 80% to 90% with effect from 01-07-2013.

   The term ‘Pay’ for the purpose of calculation of Dearness Allowance shall be the Basic Pay i.e. sum of pay in running pay band and grade pay drawn and shall not include any other type(s) of pay like Special Pay or Personal Pay, etc.

Grant of Dearness Allowance to Work-charged employees.


No. F. 14(14)FD(Rules)/2006

Jaipur, dated: 21-09-2013


Sub:- Grant of Dearness Allowance to Work-charged employees.

   The Governor is pleased to order that the existing rate of Dearness Allowance payable, to the work-charged employees governed under the Rajasthan Public Works Department (B&R) including Gardens, Irrigation, Land Development (Programme), PHED, CAD Chambal Department, Kota, Ayurved and Forest Department Work charged Employees Service Rules, 1964 or under corresponding provisions of standing orders, where such employees are governed by specific standing orders and are drawing pay in the running pay bands and grade pays prescribed under the Rajasthan Work-charged Employees (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 shall be revised from 80% to 90% with effect from 01-07-2013.

Grant of Dearness Relief to Rajasthan Government Pensioners.



Jaipur, dated : 21-09-2013


Subject: - Grant of Dearness Relief to State Government Pensioners.

   The Governor is pleased to order that the existing rate of Dearness Relief sanctioned vide Finance Department Order of even number dated 19-04-2013 to the State Government Pensioners who are in receipt of superannuation, retiring, invalid, compensation, family and extra ordinary pension etc. shall be revised from 80% to 90% with effect from 01-07-2013.


   Finally the ruling Congress party and the main opposition Party BJP joined together and passed the  Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) Bill in the Parliament. In the year 1982 on 17th December, the Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court consisting of Justice (s) Y. B. Chandrachud, V. D. Tulzapurkar, O. Chinnappa Reddy. D. A. Desai and Bahrul Islam delivered the historic judgment on pension in the D. S. Nakara case, which declared as follows:

   “(i) Pension is neither a bounty nor a matter of grace depending upon the sweet will of the employer and it is Fundamental right (ii) Pension is not an ex-gratia payment, but it is payment for past service rendered (iii) It is a social welfare measure rendering socio-economic justice to those who in the heyday of their life ceaselessly toiled for the employer on an assurance that in their old age they would not be left in lurch.”

   After 30 years, the bill passed by Parliament categorically proclaims that the Contributory Pension Scheme introduced w.e.f 01.01.2004 will not give any guarantee for a minimum pension of 50% of the pay drawn at the time of retirement of the employee. Nor does it provide for the protection of the family members in the form of family pension in the event of death. New pension is going to make the social security uncertain and dependent on market forces. Government compulsorily imposed the scheme on one section of the employees in a most discriminatory manner, inspite of the fact that such scheme had been a failure in many countries including Chile, U K and even in USA. In USA the entire pension wealth (fund) has been wiped out leaving no pension due to the economic recession and share market crash. In Argentine the contributory scheme which was introduced at the instance of IMF was replaced with the defined benefit pension scheme. In majority of the countries “pay as you go” is the system of pension.

7th Central Pay Commission-Confederation press statement.

(Central Head Quarters)
1st Floor, North Avenue Post office Building, New Delhi - 110001

Dated – 25.09.2013


   Central Government has announced the constitution of 7th Central Pay Commission. Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers has been raising this demand before the Government right from 2011 onwards and has conducted series of agitational programmes including Parliament March and one day nationwide strike on 12th December 2012.

Prime Minister Approves the Constitution of Seventh Central Pay Commission; Recommendations are Likely to be implemented with effect from 1st January, 2016

    Prime Minister Approves the Constitution of Seventh Central Pay Commission; Recommendations are Likely to be implemented with effect from 1st January, 2016

   The Finance Minister Shri P.Chidambaram in a statement said here today that the Prime Minister has approved the constitution of the Seventh Central Pay Commission.

    The fourth, fifth and sixth Central Pay Commissions’ recommendations were implemented as follows:

DA Order: Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees - Revised Rates effective from 1.7.2013.

No. 1-8/2013-E-II (B)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 25th September, 2013.


Subject: Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees - Revised Rates effective from 1.7.2013.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s Office Memorandum No. 1(2)/2013-E-II (B) dated 25th April, 2013 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the President is pleased to decide that the Dearness Allowance payable to Central Government employees shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 80% to 90% with effect from lst JuIy, 2013.

JCM III DGOF Council meeting steering committee points raised by INDWF

INDWF/JCM III /DGOF Council/2013
All Affiliated Unions of INDWF
Ordnance Factories.
Sub: Outcome of the discussions held in the OFB JCM III Level meeting (11th Term) held on 18/09/2013 at OFB HQrs – Details.

Dear Colleague,
Ordnance Factory Board JCM III Level Council 14th Steering Committee meeting (11th Term) held on 18/09/2013 at OFB Hqrs.  On 19/09/2013 a meeting on membership verification and sub-committee meeting on Rationalisation of Industrial Trades and on 20/09/2013 a meeting on improving the facilities at OFILs and Factory Training Schools were held.  Important issues were discussed and the outcome of the same is given below for your information which may be communicated to your union and members.
The proposal for correlating on Rs.5200/- Pay Band and Rs.1900/- Grade Pay for all grades of Industrial Employees working on Piece Work was finally proposed and the same was re-submitted to Ministry of Defence and proposed to implement w.e.f. 01.01.2006 retrospectively.

State Public Sector Undertakings - Sanction of Bonus and Ex-gratia to the employees of State Public Sector Undertakings for the year 2012-13 payable during 2013-14- orders issued.


State Public Sector Undertakings - Sanction of Bonus and Ex-gratia to the employees of State Public Sector Undertakings for the year 2012-13 payable during 2013-14- orders issued.



Vijaya, Puratasi-2
Thiruvalluvar Andu 2044


   The Government issue the following orders for the payment of Bonus and Ex-gratia for the year 2012-13 payable during 2013-14 to the workers and employees of State Public Sector Undertakings:-

   (i) All workers and employees of State Public Sector Undertakings who are drawing a Grade pay of Rs.4300 in the scale of pay of Rs.9300-34800 and below (Pre-revised scale Rs. 5300-150-8300 and below) i.e.those who are in the ‘C’ and ‘D’ Groups, irrespective of their eligibility, be paid a minimum Bonus of 8.33% and Ex-gratia of l.67% before 30.9.2013 to claim it as an eligible expenditure under Income Tax Act 1961, subject to the salary ceiling limit of Rs.3500/- for the purpose of determination of Bonus for the year 2012-13 and in relaxation of the eligibility salary ceiling of Rs.10,000/- as per the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.



   1. There were a No of issues which come into effect when both husband and wife are defence personnel or one of them is a defence person and other is a Central Govt. employee. The issues also included whether one or both parents can be made members of the ECHS.

   2. We had taken up the case with the MOD and clarifications have been issued vide MOD letter No 22(20)05/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 10 Feb 2006(copy attached). In brief it contains the following clarifications:-

Fixation of salary in Public Sector Banks to re-employed ex-servicemen.

NEW DELHI-110 001

F. No.4/1/2012-SCT (B)

   Please refer to your D.O. No 12(35)1211/D(Res-I) dated 24/04/2012 regarding grievances of ex-servicemen re-employed in Public Sector Banks for fixation of their salary in banks.

   2. In this connection, I would like to mention that the Department of Financial Services had circulated instructions/directions/Circulars such as of the DoP&T’s earlier OM No. 3/19/2009-Estt.Pay II dated 8.11.2010 as well as the Ministry of Defence (MOD)’S letter No.1(4)/2007/D(Pen/Policy) dated 09.02.2011 to all Public Sector Banks(PSBs)/Financial Institutions (FIs) and Insurance Companies (ICs) for compliance.

Submission of Form 14 by the spouse to the pension disbursing bank after the death of the pensioner – instructions reg.

Latest Pensioners Portal Orders 2013

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated: 20th September, 2013


Sub: Submission of Form 14 by the spouse to the pension disbursing bank after the death of the pensioner – instructions reg.

   The undersigned is directed to draw attention to the requirement of applying for family pension in Form 14 as given in rule 81 (2) (A) (ii) of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972.

   2. This Department has been receiving representations from various quarters to do away with the condition of applying for family pension in Form 14 as it is causing inconvenience to widows, who find it difficult and embarrassing to present themselves before two Gazetted Officers/persons of repute for attestation of Form 14.

Model Recruitment Rules for the various posts in Official Language Cadre for Subordinate Offices.

No. AB-14017/46/2011-Estt (RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi

Dated the 19th September , 2013


Subject: Model Recruitment Rules for the various posts in Official Language Cadre for Subordinate Offices.

   The Model RRs for the posts of Hindi Officer, Senior Translator and Junior Hindi Translator in OL cadre issued by this Department have been reviewed in the light of 6th CPC recommendations.

Extension of joining time upto 30th September, 2013 to the candidates of direct recruitment for the post of Assistant/UDC.

18, Institutional Area Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg,
New Delhi - 110016



The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices.

Sub: Extension of joining time upto 30th September, 2013 to the candidates of direct recruitment for the post of Assistant/UDC.


   Kindly refer to this office letter dated 02.08.2013 on the subject cited above, it has been decided by the competent authority to give one more opportunity to the candidates who have been offered appointment to the post of Assistant / UDC and could not join within the stipulated date due to certain reasons. Now they may be given another extended opportunity to join upto 30th September 2013.

Children Education Allowance —Reimbursement of Examination Fee.

RBE No. 93/2013
PC-VI No. 324

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)


New Delhi, Dated: 12-09-2013

The General Manager (P),
All Indian Railways &
Production Units.

Sub Children Education Allowance —Reimbursement of Examination Fee.

   Click here to see the DOP&T Order.....

   Please refer to Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 01.10.2008 followed by subsequent letters regarding revised policy instructions / clarifications on Children Education Allowance admissible to Railway Servants, based on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission.

Shortly DA would cross 100 percent. Once again, all allowances would enhance by 25%.

   As per the information received, unlike previous time, decision on DA would be taken by Cabinet Committee Meeting without delay. Subsequent to release of AICPIN for the month of June by Labor Bureau, Finance Ministry would send for the approval of the Cabinet for final decision on DA. After obtaining the approval, Finance Ministry would release the specific orders procedurally for disbursement of money.

   Additional DA will be paid along with the salary of this month

   The arrears for the month of July and August would also be paid. With the increase of DA by 10%, the total amount of DA would enhance and stay at 90%.

   By next year, it would cross 100%. During that period, as pointed out in the 6th Central Pay Commission, certain allowances would enhance by 25%. But, that is not the expectations of the Central Government Employees. Their requirements are merger of DA with Basic Pay.

Grant of Dearness Allowance to State Government employees.


No. F. 6(1)FD(Rules)/2008

                                              Jaipur, dated :21-09-2013


Sub:- Grant of Dearness Allowance to State Government employees.

   The Governor is pleased to order that the existing rate of Dearness Allowance payable to the State Government employees, drawing pay in Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, under Finance Department Order No. F.6(1)FD(Rules)/2008 dated 19-04-2013 shall be revised from 80% to 90% with effect from 01-07-2013.

   The term ‘Pay’ for the purpose of calculation of Dearness Allowance shall be the Basic Pay i.e. sum of pay in running pay band and grade pay drawn and shall not include any other type(s) of pay like Special Pay or Personal Pay, etc.

Release of additional installment of dearness allowance to Central Government employees and dearness relief to Pensioners, due from 1.7.2013.

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Finance


   The Union Cabinet today approved the proposal to release an additional installment of Dearness Allowance (DA) to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief (DR) to pensioners with effect from 01.07.2013, in cash, at the rate of 10 per cent increase over the existing rate of 80 per cent.

Expenditure Management – Economy Measures and Rationalization of Expenditure.

Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi, the 18th September, 2013


Sub: Expenditure Management – Economy Measures and Rationalization of Expenditure.

   Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure has been issuing austerity instructions from time to time with a view to containing non- developmental expenditure and releasing additional resources for priority schemes. The last set of instructions was issued on 31st May 2012, 1st November 2012 and 14th November 2012. Such measures are intended at promoting fiscal discipline, without restricting the operational efficiency of the Government. In the context of the current fiscal situation, there is a need to continue to rationalize expenditure and optimize available resources. With this objective, the following measures for fiscal prudence and economy will come into immediate effect:-

2.1 Cut in Non-Plan expenditure:
   For the year 2013-2014, every Ministry/Department shall effect a mandatory 10% cut in non-Plan expenditure excluding interest payment, repayment of debt, Defence capital, salaries, pension and the Finance Commission grants to the States. No re-appropriation of funds to augment the Non-Plan heads of expenditure on which cuts have been imposed, shall be allowed during the current fiscal year.

Hike in DA from July 2013 to be decided in Cabinet Meeting on 20th September.

Centre set to hike DA of govt. employees by 10%

   Ahead of the festive season, the UPA government is set to hike the dearness allowance (DA) of its employees by 10%, a move that will benefit almost 8 million people by boosting their purchasing power.

   The Union cabinet will consider a proposal on the raising the allowance, which is a proportion of basic pay, at its meeting on Friday.

   In what can be seen as major sop for a large section of aam aadmi, this will be the second DA hike in a financial year. More importantly, also ahead of the 2014 general elections.

   The Centre’s decision will not only directly benefit 5 million employees and 3 million pensioners, but also help infuse more money into the economy.

Empanelment of private hospitals (including dental clinics and eve care centres) & Imaging Centre under CGHS Jabalpur.


No.6-8/13-Estt/CGHS/JBP/ 2101-13



Subject: Empanelment of private hospitals (including dental clinics and eve care centres) & Imaging Centre under CGHS Jabalpur.

   In reference to (I) the Ministry of Health & F.W. O.M. No. S.11011/23/2009-CGHS D.II/ Hospital Cell(Part IX) dated 14.02.2013 vide which the 'Continuous Empanelment Scheme' for private hospitals and diagnostic centres under CGHS was revived and (ii) Dte. General of CGHS Office Order No. S.11045/23/2013/CG HS D-ll(HEC)/CGHS(P)/(Pt.) dated 15.07.2013, vide which powers for empanelment & issuance of notifications have been delegated to all the ADs/JDs in respect of their respective CGHS cities, a list of additional private hospitals (including dental clinics and eye centres) and Imaging Centre has been finalized for a period of one year from the date of issue of this O.M. or till the next new empanelment, whichever is earlier. This list has been finalized after following the due process and terms & conditions as laid down in the O.M. dated 14.02.13 as well as signing of MOA and execution of Performance Bank Guarantee by them signifying acceptance of the terms and conditions of empanelment and rates notified under CGHS in 2010/2011 and subsequent orders.

Rotation of officials working in sensitive posts - regarding.

Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block A, INA, New Delhi 110023

Dated 11.9.2013
Circular No. 03/09/13

Subject : Rotation of officials working in sensitive posts - regarding.

   Central Vigilance Commission and the Department of Personnel and Training have issued instructions for effecting rotational transfers of officials posted on sensitive posts. As per Commission's instructions issued vide letter Nos. 98.VGL/60 dated 15.4.1999, 02.11.2001 and 004/VGL/90 dated 01.5.2008 and 04.01.2012 (for public sector banks) on this issue, it was prescribed that Ministries/Departments/Organisations and CVOs are to identify the sensitive posts and staff working in these posts and also ensure that they are strictly rotated after every two/three years to avoid developing vested interests.

Subscriber registration under NPS – NPS-Swavalamban



PFRDA/ 2013/15/POP/1

September 17, 2013

All POP’s, Aggregators, CRA & other stakeholders

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Sub: Subscriber registration under NPS – NPS-Swavalamban

   Presently Swavalamban Scheme subscribers can be registered either through Aggregators or through Points of Presence (POPs). In order to streamline the system to cater to the Swavalamban scheme objectives, it has been decided that with effect from 01/10/2013, registration of NPS-Swavalamban subscribers would be allowed only through aggregators on the NPS-Lite platform. In effect, no new NPS- Swavalamban subscriber registration would be allowed through POP’s on the all citizen model (UOS) on or after 01/10/2013.

Procedures for Resignation from Central Government Services.

Procedures for Resignation from Central Government Services - Ministry of Home Affairs

   There is available only one order about the procedures for resigning from Central Government Services, which was issued on 6th May 1958 by the Ministry of Home Affairs. After that no orders will be issued by the Ministry. We have reproduced the content of the Office Memorandum and given below for your ready reference...

   Copy of O.M. No.39/6/57-Ests.(A) dated the 6th May, 1958 from Shri.P.Sitaraman, Deputy Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi to all Ministries of the Government of India etc. etc.

Subject:-  Resignation from service-Procedure in respect of -

   Question have been raised from time to time regarding the authority competent to accept a resignation, the circumstances under which resignation should be accepted, the date when a resignation becomes effective, and the authority competent to permit a Government servant to withdraw a resignation which he has already tendered. The following instructions are, therefore, issued for information and guidance of all Ministries:-

Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to Railway employees for the year 2012- 13—reg.


No.A1RF1387/13/ NFIR/1/l0/Pt.IV

Dated: 17/09/2013

The Chairman,
Railway Board,
Rail Bhavan,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub:- Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to Railway employees for the year 2012- 13—reg.

   The Railway Board are aware that due to the continued initiatives of both the Federations involving all categories of employees, the efficiency of the Indian Railways has been improving from year to year. It is worth-mentioning that over three decades, not a single man day was lost and this has been possible due to the matured approach on the part of the two major railwaymen’s Federations.

Resolution on appointment of the 7th Pay Commission.

   The delegates’ conference of INTUC adopted a resolution on appointment of the 7th pay commission in its 30th Plenary Session held in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. Since it is one of the major Central Trade Unions in India, the resolutions which are adopted in its conference will be given national importance and it would be taken up seriously by the Central Government. As the INTUC is the labour wing of Congress Party, it is expected that the demands made by the INTUC will be considered favorably by the Government. The resolution on appointment of the 7th Pay Commission is given below

  Resolution on appointment of the 7th Pay Commission

   The delegate conference of INTUC demands the central government of India to appoint 7th pay commission without any delay.

   The 6th central pay commission has recommended a new concept of Pay Band and Grade Pay as replacement to the 5th CPC pay scales/pay structure, which was accepted by the government. Consequently the revised Pay Band/Grade Pay was implemented with effect from January 1, 2006.

Merger Of 50% DA With Pay : Resolution adopted in INTUC Conference.

Merger Of 50% DA With Pay

   The 30th Plenary Session of Indian National Trade Union Congress INTUC  is being held in Raipur from 6-9-2013 to 9-9-2013 is concluded today. There are 4 Resolutions which are considered to be very important are adopted in this Conference.One of the four main resolution is Merger of 50% DA with Pay for central government employees. So the INTUC urges the central government to consider the demand  and accord sanction for merging 50% DA with pay. The Resolution On Merger Of 50% DA With Pay which has been adopted in 30th Plenary Session of  INTUC held in Raipur from 6-9-2013 to 9-9-2013 is given below

Resolution On Merger Of 50% DA With Pay

   The Wage structure revision for Central Government employees had been enquired into by the successive pay Commission appointed by the Government of India during the past decades and gave their reports. The Government had considered the reports and decided for implementation with certain changes and improvements.

Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 2009 -- Enhancement of Special Pay based on the recommendations of Pay Grievance Redressal Cell – Orders issued -- Clarification – Regarding.

Finance (PC) Department,
Fort St. George,
Chennai – 600 009.

Letter No.47913 / Pay Cell / 2012--1, dated: 10-9-2013.

Principal Secretary to Government.

All Additional Chief Secretaries / Principal Secretaries/
Secretaries to Government, Chennai-9.


Sub: Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 2009 -- Enhancement of Special Pay based on the recommendations of Pay Grievance Redressal Cell – Orders issued -- Clarification – Regarding.

Ref: 1. Government Letter No.82431 / Pay Cell / 98-1, Finance Department, dated: 29-10-98
2. G.O.Ms.No.238, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 22--07--13.
3. From the Tamil Nadu Government Typists & Stenos Association
(affiliated to T.N.Govt. Officials Union) representation dated: 27—08—13.
4. From the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly Secretariat, U.O. No. 11566A /13-1, dated: 04—9—13.
5. From the Adi-Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department, U.O.No.12949 / OP-1/13-1, dated: 04—9—13.

    I am to invite your attention to the references cited.

Sis Ram Ola Inaugurates ESIC Model Hospital at Jaipur.

   Shri Sis Ram Ola, Union Minister of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India today inaugurated the state-of-the-art ESIC Model Hospital at Jaipur. While inaugurating the Hospital, Shri Sis Ram Ola also informed the gathering that ESIC is also going to start its own Medical Colleges in Alwar (Rajasthan), Joka (West Bengal), Gulbarga (Karnataka) and Chennai (Tamil Nadu). Shri Mange Lal Garsia, Minister of State for Labour & Employment, Govt. of Rajasthan presided over the function.

   The ESI Corporation is committed to work for the welfare of workers and improvement in their quality of life and for providing all possible social security to them. For providing the best Medical services to the Insured Persons and their families of Jaipur area, the ESI Corporation contemplated this 100 bedded ESIC Model Hospital at Jaipur. This Hospital will be upgraded 100 to 300 bedded in near future. At present, there are about 1203 Employers covering about 1.88 lakh Insured Persons and 7.29 lakh beneficiaries in Jaipur, who will get best medical facilities from this Model Hospital. This Hospital is a long cherished dream of workers of Jaipur area, which has come into reality now.

Suspension of empanelment of 'Saket City Hospital, New Delhi' from the list of Hospitals / Centres empanelled under CGHS - reg.

Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
CGHS Division

No. S-11030/4/2013-CGHS (P)
Dated the 13th September, 2013


Sub: Suspension of empanelment of 'Saket City Hospital, New Delhi' from the list of Hospitals / Centres empanelled under CGHS - reg.

   The undersigned is directed to state that CGHS has empanelled private hospitals in various CGHS covered cities to provide inpatient healthcare facilities to its beneficiaries. Empanelment of the private hospitals is done under a contractual agreement between the Government of India and the private hospital on mutually agreed terms and conditions.

Extension of CGHS facilities to permanently disabled dependent brother of a CGHS beneficiary - reg.

Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi 110 108

No. S 11011/13/2012-CGHS (P)
Dated the 25th July, 2013


Sub: Extension of CGHS facilities to permanently disabled dependent brother of a CGHS beneficiary - reg.

   The undersigned is directed to state that dependent brother of a Central Government employee is presently entitled for CGHS coverage upto the age of becoming a major. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has been receiving requests from CGHS beneficiaries for removal of the upper age-limit in the case of disabled dependent brother so as to provide them the CGHS facilities without any age limit as has been provided to disabled son of a CGHS beneficiary.

Pensioners Portal Orders 2013 - Agenda items of SCOVA Meeting to be held on 20th September, 2013.

F. No. 42/6/2013-P&PW(G)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi- 110003

Date:- 6th September, 2013


Subject: 23rd meeting of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble MOS (PP) to be held on 20th September, 2013 at 4.00 PM in Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi - Reg.

- Venue & Time of 23rd SCOVA meeting.
- Comments on Fresh Agenda Items
-  Confirmation of the participation

   The undersigned is directed to say that the 23rd meeting of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies(SCOVA) under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble MOS (PP) will be held on Friday, the 20th September, 2013 at 4.00 PM in:-

Dengue – Advice on mosquito control and prevention

18, InstitutionaL Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110 016


September 10, 2013


The Deputy Commissioner
KVS, Regional Office

Subject:    Dengue – Advice on mosquito control and prevention


   In the wake of rise in breeding of Aedes mosquitos, MCD has time and again appealed to all Govt. departments, autonomous bodies, schools etc. to take adequate steps to prevent mosquito breeding. With regard to this, all the vidyalayas under your region may be advised to take necessary precautionary measures. Instructions be circulated asking students to wear full sleeve shirts and trousers, especially primary students.

Eligibility of widowed/divorced daughters for grant of family pension — clarification regarding.

No. 1/13/09-P&PW (E)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi,the 11th September, 2013.


Sub: Eligibility of widowed/divorced daughters for grant of family pension — clarification regarding.

   Provision for grant of family pension to a widowed/divorced daughter beyond the age of 25 years has been made vide OM dated 30.08.2004. This provision has been included in clause (iii) of sub-rule 54 (6) of the CCS (Pension), Rules, 1972. For settlement of old cases, it was clarified, vide OM dated 28.04.2011, that the family pension may be granted to eligible widowed/divorced daughters with effect from 30.08.2004, in case the death of the Govt. Servant/pensioner occurred before this date.

   2.    This Department has been receiving communications from various Ministries/ Departments seeking clarification regarding eligibility of a daughter who became widowed/ divorced after the death of the employee/pensioner.

Medical facilities for in-patient treatment and post-operative follow-up treatment to ECHS beneficiaries residing in districts not covered by ECHS.

No. 22D (09)12013/US (WE)/D (Res)
Government of India
Deptt of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi

Dated the 21st August, 2013

The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff

Subject:- Medical facilities for in-patient treatment and post-operative follow-up treatment to ECHS beneficiaries residing in districts not covered by ECHS.

   1, The undersigned is directed to invite attention to Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 24(48)/03/US(WE)D(Res) dated 19th December, 2003 and to state that keeping in view, the difficulties being faced by the ECHS beneficiaries residing in districts not covered by ECHS it has now been decided to liberalise the ECHS Rules as follows to enable them to avail medical facilities for in-patient treatment and post- operative follow-up treatment:-

Centre for Railway Information Systems Launches New Enhanced Interface for Train Enquiry.

   Centre for Railway Information Systems (CRIS), the IT wing of Indian Railways, has developed an enhanced new interface for the www.trainenquiry.comfor dissemination of information to public. National Train Enquiry System (NTES) developed by CRIS is the backend system which collects information about train running on near real time basis and disseminates information through various interfaces like nationwide unique number 139, Website (, face to face enquiry, mobile interfaces etc. The new interface is accessible through or

   The new interface for the website was made public for past one week as field trial to get users’ feedback. The new interface, which offers quick and easy access to essential information for passengers, has been largely appreciated for its speed, simple interface and richness of information and smooth user experience. This new interface has been launched with effect from 6th September 2013.

Stenographer Grade ‘C’(PA) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2011- allocation of candidates - regarding.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-100 003
Date: 6th September, 2013


Subject: Stenographer Grade ‘C’(PA) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2011- allocation of candidates - regarding.

   The undersigned is directed to say that the final result of the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2011 in the grade of PA of CSSS has been declared by Staff Selection Commission on 6.9.2013 and is available on the website. As per Rotational Transfer Policy for CSSS Personnel, an official at any level, on promotion, shall be posted out of the Ministry/Department if he/she has served in the same Ministry/Department in any capacity for a period exceeding the prescribed tenure as laid down in this Department O.M. No. 13/1/2009-CS-II dated 15.7.2011.

Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme - regarding qualifications for Scientists.

No. AB. 14017/44/2011 -Estt. (RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi

Dated the 5th September, 2013


Subject: Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme - regarding qualifications for Scientists.

   Reference is invited to the instructions on Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme for Scientists issued in this Department OM No. AB.14017/37/2008-Estt. (RR) dated 10th September, 2010 based on the recommendations of the 6th CPC. The guidelines prescribe the qualifications for Scientists as under:-

Appointment of Liaison Officer for SC / ST - regarding.

Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Central Command)
Cariappa Road, Cantt., Lucknow, Pin Code - 226002

Important Circular

Admin Order No.33

Dated :- 02/07/2013

Subject: - Appointment of Liaison Officer for SC / ST - regarding.

   Under the powers vested in me as Head of the Department and Head of the Office I, Navneet Verrna, PCDA hereby appoint Smt. Mini Sri Bisht, IDAS, JCDA serving in the O/o the PCDA (CC) Lucknow as Liaison Officer for SC / ST in r/o the organization of PCDA (CC) with immediate effect. She will perform her duties and responsibilities as Liaison Officer as given in the subsequent paras 8.1.2. & 8.1.3. of Chapter 27 under Section - III of the Swamy’s Establishment & Administration, as under:-

Admissibility of one additional increment to all those Employees who were stagnating at the maximum of their pay scale more than one year as on 1.1.2006.

10-A, S. K. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA-700 001

No. Pay/Tech-I/01(6th CPC)/2013/21

Date: 16/07/2013

All Group Controllers
All Br. AOs.

Subject : Admissibility of one additional increment to all those Employees who were stagnating at the maximum of their pay scale more than one year as on 1.1.2006.

   Referencee : HQrs office letter No.AT/II/187/VI CPC/Clar/Vol-VIII dtd 02.07.2013.

   This office had sought clarification from the HQrs office regarding admissibility of one additional increment as on 1.1.2006 in the revised pay in respect of those employees who are in receipt of one or more stagnation increment and are stagnating for more than a year as on 1.1.2006.

Promotion of officers of Grade I (Under Secretary) of CSS to Selection Grade (Deputy Secretary) on ad hoc basis — date of promotion in respect of officers undergoing mandatory Level ‘E’ training as part of CSS, CTP.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi
September 5, 2013.


Subject: Promotion of officers of Grade I (Under Secretary) of CSS to Selection Grade (Deputy Secretary) on ad hoc basis — date of promotion in respect of officers undergoing mandatory Level ‘E’ training as part of CSS, CTP.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s Order No. 4/3/2013-CS.I (D) dated 7th August, 2013. vide which 20 Under Secretaries of CSS have been promoted as Deputy Secretary on ad hoc basis and to say that as per para 4 of the said order the officers are required to join the promotional post within one month from the date of issuance of the order. Of the 20 officers promoted, 16 officers are undergoing the mandatory Level ‘E’ training as part of CSS Cadre Training Plan (CTP) from 29th July, 2013 to 6th September, 2013.

Notification of fresh empanelment of Private Hospitals & Diagnostic Centers under Contentious Empanelment Scheme of CGHS, Chandigarh.

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

4th floor, Kendriya Sadan
No: AD/CGHS/CHD/RMRCB/20l3/4879 - 4908

Tele Nos: (0) 0172-2740716
AD Fax No.0172 —2740555
Dated: 30.08.2013


Subject : Notification of fresh empanelment of Private Hospitals & Diagnostic Centers under Contentious Empanelment Scheme of CGHS, Chandigarh.

   In response to Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi’s O.M No. S.11011/23/2009—CGHS D.II/Hospital Cell (Part IX) dated 14.02.2013 & letter No. S.11045/23/2013/CGHS D.II (HEC)/CGHS(P)/Pt) dated 15.07.2013 for continuous fresh empanelment of private hospitals & diagnostic centers for city of Chandigarh, a committee consisting of two senior most CMOs headed by undersigned and selected the private hospitals & diagnostic centers for Chandigarh. The qualified list of Hospitals & Diagnostic Centers is according to category and purpose attached as Annexure “I” with this O.M.

Dearness Allowance (DA) linked to Consumer Price Index against inflation..

   The Consumer Price Index is the main base for calculation of Dearness Allowance for the Central Government and State Government Employees and also the Industrial and Bank Employees.

   The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is calculated using following steps:

   a) Market prices are collected for 252 items by the Officials of Department of Statics and Department of Posts. These prices of that item & place are sent to Central processing unit from 78 centres all over India ( which are enclosed for your reference).

   b) The all India weights given the each category of items such as food 49.71%, housing 9.77 %, fuel 9.49% , footwear O.68%, transportation 7.5%, Medical 5.31%, Personnel care 2.92 % & Miscellaneous 26.31% total 100% . CPI points are determined using this all India weights and prices of the 252 items. (which are enclosed for your reference).

Empanelment of private hospitals (including dental clinics and eye care centres and diagnostic centres under CGHS, Nagpur.

Govt. of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Office of the Additional Director,
Central Govt. Health Scheme,
Seminary Hills, Nagpur - 440 006.

No. CGHS/NP/Admn/Hosp. EMP/2013/1328

Date:- 29.08.2013


Subject:- Empanelment of private hospitals (including dental clinics and eye care centres and diagnostic centres under CGHS, Nagpur.

   I. The undersigned is directed to invite reference to this Office Memorandum No: CGHS/NP/Admn/HEMP/20l3/943 dated 22.07.2013 vide which the list of private hospitals (including dental clinics and eye care centres) and diagnostic centres empanelled under CGHS Nagpur have been notified under different categories.

Empanelment of private hospitals (including dental clinics and eye centres) and diagnostic centres under CGHS Delhi & NCR.

No: S. 1 1045/23/2013-CGHS D.II/HEC
Government of India
Directorate General of Central Government Health Scheme
Department of Health & Family Welfare

Bikaner House Hutments, Shahjahan Road
New Delhi 110 108 dated the 27th, August, 2013


Subject: Empanelment of private hospitals (including dental clinics and eye centres) and diagnostic centres under CGHS Delhi & NCR.

   In continuation of this Directorate’s Office Order of even no. dated 01.08.2013 on the above mentioned subject, the undersigned is directed to convey that in addition to the list of the hospitals (including dental clinics), diagnostic laboratories and Imaging Centres already empanelled, the hospitals (including dental clinics), diagnostic laboratories and Imaging Centres as per the list attached have also been empanelled under the continuous empanelment scheme under CGHS in Delhi & NCR.

Centre to hike D.A. this month

   Ahead of the festive season, the Central government will this month announce a hike in dearness allowance (DA) to 90% from the existing 80%, benefiting nearly 50 lakh central employees and 30 lakh pensioners, according to official sources.

   According to officials privy to the developments, the DA hike will be 10% and effective from July 1, this year. The sources further said the exact amount of DA, as a proportion of basic pay, works out to over 90% after factoring in the revised All-India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) for June.
   According to revised data released on August 30, retail inflation for factory workers for June stood at 11.63%, higher than the provisional estimate of 11.06% for the month released on July 31.
   Sources said since the revised estimate for the month of June was available, the finance ministry would soon prepare a proposal for the purpose for seeking Union Cabinet nod.

Lok Sabha Passes Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority(PFRDA) Bill, 2011 with official amendments;

   Lok Sabha Passes Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Bill, 2011 with official amendments; Subscribers Seeking Minimum Assured Returns Allowed to OPT for Investing their Funds in such Scheme Providing Minimum Assured Returns

   The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Bill (PFRDA), 2011 was passed by the Lok Sabha today with official amendments. It was earlier introduced in Lok Sabha on the 24th March, 2011 to provide for a statutory regulatory body the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) under the provisions of the Bill. The legislation seeks to empower PFRDA to regulate the New Pension System (NPS).

   The PFRDA Bill, 2011 was referred to the Standing Committee on Finance on the 29th March, 2011 for examination and report thereon. The Standing Committee on Finance gave its Report on 30th August, 2011. Some of the key amendments incorporated in the Bill based on the recommendations of the Standing Committee on Finance are as follows:

Recognition of Service Association of Employees of Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens/Tiffin Rooms of Central Government Offices under CCS (RSA) Rules 1993.

File No. 27/1/2007-Dir.(C)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G & Training
Department of Personnel & Training

Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi- 110001
Dated 03/09/2013

Office Memorandum

Subject: Recognition of Service Association of Employees of Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens/Tiffin Rooms of Central Government Offices under CCS (RSA) Rules 1993.

   The undersigned is directed to say that the matter regarding granting of recognition to the Associations representing Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens Employees has been under consideration of this Department for quite some time. The question of formation of separate Association of Canteen employees was earlier considered in 2003 and taking into account various factors, it was decided that there may not by separate Association exclusively for Canteen employees and they may be represented through Associations formed by other comparable categories of employees.

Dearness Allowance 90% from July 2013:Central Govt. likely to announce soon.

   Ahead of festival season, Central Government will this month announce a hike in dearness allowance to 90 percent from existing 80 percent, benefiting about 50 lakh central employees and 30 lakh pensioners.

   According to official source, dearness allowance hike will be 10 percent and would be effective from July 1, this year.

   The sources further said the exact amount of dearness allowance, as a proportion of basic pay, works out to over 90 percent after factoring in the revised all India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) for June.

   According to revised data released on August 30, retail inflation for factory workers for June stood at 11.63 percent, higher than provisional estimate of 11.06 percent for the month released on July 31.

   Sources said that since the revised estimate for the month of June is available, the Finance Ministry would soon prepare a proposal for the purpose for seeking Union Cabinet nod.

Restructuring of cadre of Artisan Staff in Defence Establishment in modification of recommendation of 6th CPC – Clarification regarding.


10-A, S.K.Bose Road, Kolkata – 700001


Date : 31/07/2013

The CFAs(Fys)
The Accounts Officer (Fys)

Sub: Restructuring of cadre of Artisan Staff in Defence Establishment in modification of recommendation of 6th CPC – Clarification regarding.

   In continuation to this office earlier circular bearing No. Pay/Tech-II/04/2013/17/Cir dated 03.6.2013, it is intimated that the matter regarding grant of 3rd MACP benefit in the same grade pay of Rs.4200/- to the MCMs in the light of MoD ID No. 11(5)/2009-D(Civ-I) dated 23.7.2012 has been examined by this office. Accordingly it  has been decided that the said benefit may be extended to all eligible MCMs (either in service or going to retiree) along with 3% increment benefit on Band Pay and Gr. Pay of Rs.4200/-.

Fixation of pay under restructuring of cadre of Artisan staff in Def. Establishment in modification of recommendation of 6 CPC.

10-A, S. K. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA-700 001

No. Pay/Tech-II/04/2013/19

Date: 02/07/2013

(1) All Cs of F&A (Fys)
(2) All Br.AOs

Sub :- Fixation of pay under restructuring of cadre of Artisan staff in Def. Establishment in modification of recommendation of 6 CPC

   While implementing the order of restructuring of Cadre of Artisan staff as issued vide MOD letter nos .l11(5)/2009-D(Civ-I) dated 14/06/2010 and 01/12/2010, various Br. Accounts Offices have referred several doubts on exercising option, for clarifications. The views of this office against the doubts raised by the Br.A.Os are given below for compliance :