State Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1987 - Table of Benefits under Savings Fund for the year of cessation of membership 2011-2012.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. : 10286-F(J)

Kolkata, the 14th November, 2011.

Subject: State Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1987 - Table of Benefits under Savings Fund for the year of cessation of membership 2011-2012.

   In continuation of this department's Memo No. 10324-F(J), dated 01.11.2010 the undersigned is directed to say that a new table of benefits showing accumulations in the savings fund under the above mentioned scheme corresponding to a unit subscription of Rs. 10/ - (Rs. Ten) only per month has been drawn up for the period from 01.11.2011 to 31.10.2012 in matching with the table of benefits of the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 circulated under GOI's OM No. 7(1)/EV/2010, dated 31.01.2011. A copy of the said table is enclosed as ready reckoner. The figures have been worked out on the basis of interest @ 12% p.a. (compounded quarterly) for the period from 01.11.1987 to 31.10.2001, 11% p.a. (compounded quarterly) from 01.11.2001 to 31.10.2002, 9.5% p.a. (compounded quarterly) from 01.11.2002 to 31.10.2003, 9.0% p.a. (compounded quarterly) from 01.11.2003 to 31.10.2004 and 8.0% p.a. (compounded quarterly) w.e.f. 01.11.2004 onwards. The mortality rate continues to remain unchanged.


What is the CIBIL TransUnion Score?

   The CIBIL TransUnion Score is a 3 digit numeric summary of your credit history.  The Score is derived by using the details found in the “Accounts” and “Enquiries” sections on your Credit Information Report (CIR) and ranges from 300 to 900.  The closer your Score is to 900, the more favourably your loan application will be viewed by a credit institution.  The Score plays a critical role in the loan approval process.

What does my Score mean?

   An individual’s Credit Score provides a credit institution with an indication of the ”probability of default” of the individual based on their credit history.  What this means in simple English is that the Score tells a credit institution how likely you are to pay back a loan (should the credit institution choose to sanction your loan) based on your past pattern of credit usage and loan repayment behaviour.  The closer you are to 900, the more confidence the credit institution will have in your ability to repay the loan and hence, the better the chances of your application getting approved.

New Scheme of Special Dispensation Admission in Kendriya Vidyalayas.

18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi-110 016

F.No. 110331/02/2012-KVS(Hq.)/Sp.Disp./MP

Dated: 20.07.2012.


Subject:- New Scheme of Special Dispensation Admission in Kendriya Vidyalayas

   Consequent upon the approval of the Board of Governors of KVS in the 93rd Meeting held on 12th July 2012, the New Scheme of Special Dispensation Admission for Members of Parliament for recommending names for admission in Kendriya Vidyalayas (in lieu of the existing scheme), comes into vogue with immediate effect with the following features:-

Induction of Trackmen in to other departments-Revision of Age Limit Regarding.

RBE/ESTT.NO. 86/2012


NO E(NG)1-99CFP/23(Vol.II)

New Delhi Dated: 02.08.2012.

The General Managers (P)
All Indian Railways and
Production Units
(As per Standard List)

Sub:- Induction of Trackmen in to other departments-Revision of Age Limit Regarding.

   In terms of the extant provision contained in para 179(XV) Indian Railway Establishment Manual Vol.I (Revised Edition-1989) First Re-Print Edition-2009, the lower age limit of Trackmen for induction to workshops against 10% and 40% quotas has been prescribed as 45 years.

Training slots for trade Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961.

Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)

RBE No. 85/2012
S.C. No.30 to MC.08


New Delhi, dated 30.07.2012.

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways including Production Units

Sub: - Training slots for trade Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961.

   Kindly refer Boards’ letter No.E(MPP)97/6/7 dated 15.04.2010 followed by letter of even number dated 19.09.2011 wherein it was requested to conduct resurvey/jt. Survey, as the case may be, in all the railway establishments who are coming under the purview of the Apprentices Act 1961, in keeping with the training facilities available with the units.