Showing posts with label DoPT Clarifications. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DoPT Clarifications. Show all posts

Restriction of officiating pay under FR 35 – clarification – reg.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi
31st December, 2013


Subject: Restriction of officiating pay under FR 35 – clarification – reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the O.M. of even number dated 8th March, 2010. It is clarified, that the provisions of this O.M. are applicable from the January, 2006, the date from which the revised Pay Scales became applicable.

Consolidated Instructions on Forwarding of Applications of Government Servants for Outside Employment-regarding.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 23rd, December, 2013


Subject: Consolidated Instructions on Forwarding of Applications of Government Servants for Outside Employment-regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to say that various instructions/guidelines have been issued by the Government from time to time regarding forwarding of applications of Government Servants for posts outside their own Cadre. All such instructions issued till date have been consolidated under easily comprehensible headings for the facility of reference and placed as Annexure to this O.M. All Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the above guidelines to the notice of all concerned.

General Clarification regarding counting of broken spells of ad-hoc promotion for increment -reg.

No.19/2/2013-Estt. (Pay-I)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block. New Delhi
Dated the 12th December 2013


Sub: General Clarification regarding counting of broken spells of ad-hoc promotion for increment — reg.

   The undersigned is directed to say that this Department has received referenccs from Ministries / Departments regarding counting of broken spells of ad-hoc promotion for the purpose of increment.

Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission-Revision of rate of Training Allowance and Sumptuary Allowance - Clarification regarding.

13016/05/2011-Trg (ISTM)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Training Division

Old JNU Campus, Block IV, Fourth Floor,
New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110067
11th November, 2013


Subject: Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission-Revision of rate of Training Allowance and Sumptuary Allowance - Clarification regarding

   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departments O.M. No.13024/1/2008-Trg.I dated 5.9.2008 on the subject mentioned above and to furnish the following clarifications:

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary & Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) - Para 38 of the Committee's Report regarding payment of TA/DA to retired government servants appearing as witnesses in proceedings before the CDI in CVC - Government's decision thereon - reg .

372/3/2007-AVD-III (Vol. 10)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 14th October, 2013

Office Memorandum

Subject:      Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary & Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) - Para 38 of the Committee's Report regarding payment of TA/DA to retired government servants appearing as witnesses in proceedings before the CDI in CVC - Government's decision thereon - reg .

   The undersigned is directed to say that the Government had appointed a Committee of Experts to review the procedure for Disciplinary/Vigilance Inquiries and recommend measures for their expeditious disposal. The Committee comprised the following:

Model Recruitment Rules for the various posts in Official Language Cadre for Subordinate Offices.

No. AB-14017/46/2011-Estt (RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi

Dated the 19th September , 2013


Subject: Model Recruitment Rules for the various posts in Official Language Cadre for Subordinate Offices.

   The Model RRs for the posts of Hindi Officer, Senior Translator and Junior Hindi Translator in OL cadre issued by this Department have been reviewed in the light of 6th CPC recommendations.

Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme - regarding qualifications for Scientists.

No. AB. 14017/44/2011 -Estt. (RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi

Dated the 5th September, 2013


Subject: Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme - regarding qualifications for Scientists.

   Reference is invited to the instructions on Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme for Scientists issued in this Department OM No. AB.14017/37/2008-Estt. (RR) dated 10th September, 2010 based on the recommendations of the 6th CPC. The guidelines prescribe the qualifications for Scientists as under:-

Dopt Order: Risk Allowance to Central Government employees – clarification reg.

No.21012/01/2010-Estt. (Allowance)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training

Block No.IV, Old JNU Campus,
New Delhi, 26th August, 2013.

Office Memorandum

Subject: Risk Allowance to Central Government employees – clarification reg.

   Reference in invited to this Department’s O.M. No.21012/01/2008-Estt. (Allowance) dated 18th June, 2012 wherein the grant of Risk Allowance was extended at the then existing rates beyond 30.06.2012 and upto 31.12.2012. Subsequently, vide this Department’s O.M. No.21012/01/2010-Estt. (Allowance) dated October 18, 2012 the rates of Risk Allowance were revised with effect from 1st September, 2008, implying that grant of Risk Allowance would be at revised rates w.e.f. 1st September, 2008 onwards. Hence, there is no need for issuing separate instructions continuing payment of Risk Allowance beyond 31.12.2012.

Clarification regarding grant of CCL and other related benefits - reg.

Government of India/Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Labour & Employment/Shram Aur Rozgar Mantraylya
Social Security Division/Samajik Surakasha Prabhag

Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi.
Dated the 30th July’ 2013

The Director General,
ESI Corporation,
Panchdeep Bhawan,
CIG Marg,
NEW DELHI 110002.

Subject: Clarification regarding grant of CCL and other related benefits - reg.


   I am directed to refer to ESIC’s letter bearing No. A-40/11/5/2012-E.III dated 27.05.2013 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the matter has been examined in consultation with Department of Personnel and Training.

DoPT Clarification: Children Education Allowance - Reimbursement of Examination Fee.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel & Training

Block-IV, Old JNU Campus,
New Delhi, July 31, 2013


Subject: Children Education Allowance - Reimbursement of Examination Fee.

   Subsequent to issue of Department of Personnel & Training’s O.M.No.12011/03/2008-Estt.(Allowance) dated 2nd September, 2008, and subsequent clarifications issued from time to time on the subject cited above, a number of references have been received on reimbursement of 'examination fee'. After due consideration of the references, in consultation with the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, it has been agreed to allow reimbursement of 'examination fee' as part of reimbursable items as indicated in para 1(e) of O.M. dated 2nd September, 2008, with effect from the current academic year, subject to the fulfillment of other existing conditions.

Children Education Allowance — Clarification.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, 23rd April, 2013


Subject:- Children Education Allowance — Clarification
   The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Personnel & Training's O.M. No.12011/03/2008-Estt.(Allowance) dated 2nd September, 2008, and subsequent clarifications issued from time to time on the subject and to state that various Ministries/Departments have been seeking clarifications on various aspects of the Children Education Allowance. The doubts raised are clarified as under:-

(i) Whether reimbursement of balance amount of fee paid during 1st and 2nd quarter could be paid in 3rd/4th quarter without the fee receipt for the 3rd/4th quarter?

No. As it is reimbursement for the whole year, original receipts for the fee paid for the 3rd/4th quarter has to be submitted to ensure that the child has not dropped out of the school in the mid-session.
(ii) Whether a Government servant is that required to give a certificate that the spouse, if earning, has not claimed CEA? Yes. The claimant Government servant is required to furnish an undertaking that reimbursement of CEA has not been claimed in respect of the child by any person other than the claimant.

(Vibha G. Mishra)


Consolidated instructions relating to action warranted against Government servants remaining away from duty without - authorisation/grant of leave — Rule position.

No. 13026/3/2012-Estt (Leave)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

New Delhi, the 28th March, 2013.


Subject:- Consolidated instructions relating to action warranted against Government servants remaining away from duty without - authorization/grant of leave — Rule position

   The undersigned is directed to say that various references are being received from Ministries/Departments seeking advice/post facto regularization of unauthorized absence. It has been observed that due seriousness is not being accorded by the administrative authorities to the various rule provisions, inter alia under the CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972, for taking immediate and appropriate action against Government servants staying away from duty without prior sanction of leave or overstaying the periods of sanctioned leave. It is reiterated that such absence is unauthorized and warrants prompt and stringent action as per rules. It has been observed that concerned administrative authorities do not follow the prescribed procedure for dealing with such unauthorized absence.

   2. In view of this, attention of all Ministries/Departments is invited to the various provisions of the relevant rules, as indicated in the following paragraphs for strict adherence in situations of unauthorized absence of Government servants. It is also suggested that these provisions may be brought to the notice of all the employees so as to highlight the consequences which may visit if a Government servant is on unauthorized absence. The present OM intends to provide ready reference points in respect of the relevant provisions, hence it is advised that the relevant rules, as are being cited below, are referred to by the competent authorities for appropriate and judicious application. The relevant provisions which may be kept in mind while considering such cases are indicated as follows:

(a) Proviso to FR 17(1)

   The said provision stipulates that an officer who is absent from duty without any authority shall not be entitled to any pay and allowances during the period of such absence.

(b) FR 17-A

   The said provision inter alia provides that where an individual employee remains absent unauthorisedly or deserts the post, the period of such absence shall be deemed to cause an interruption or break in service of the employee, unless otherwise decided by the competent authority for the purpose of leave travel concession and eligibility for appearing in departmental examinations, for which a minimum period of service is required.

(c) Rule 25 of the CCS Leave Rules 1972

   The said provision addresses the situation where an employee overstays beyond the sanctioned leave of the kind due and admissible, and the competent authority has not approved such extension. The consequences that flow from such refusal of extension of leave include that:

   i. The Government servant shall not be entitled to any leave salary for such absence;

   ii. The period shall be debited against his leave account as though it were half pay leave to the extent such leave is due, the period in excess of such leave due being treated as extraordinary leave.

   iii. Wilful absence from duty after the expiry of leave renders a Government servant liable to disciplinary action.

   With respect to (iii) above, it may be stated that all Ministries/ Departments are requested to ensure that in all cases of unauthorised absence by a Government servant, he should be informed of the consequences of such absence and be directed to rejoin duty immediately/ within a specified period, say within three days, failing which he would be liable for disciplinary action under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965. It may be stressed that a Government servant who remains absent without any authority should be proceeded against immediately and this should not be put off till the absence exceeds the limit prescribed under the various provisions of CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 and the disciplinary case should be conducted and concluded as quickly as possible.

(d) Rule 32 (6) of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972
   This provision allows the authority competent to grant leave, to commute retrospectively periods of absence without leave into extraordinary leave under Rule 32(6) of CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972. A similar provision also exists under rule 27(2) of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. It may please be ensured that discretion allowed under these provisions is exercised judiciously, keeping in view the circumstances and merits of each individual case. The period of absence so regularised by grant of extra ordinary shall normally not count for the purpose of increments and for the said purpose it shall be regulated by provisions of FR 26(b) (ii).

   3. All Ministries/ Departments should initiate appropriate action against delinquent Government servants as per rules.
   4. Hindi version will follow.

[Mukesh Chaturvedi]
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India


DOPT ORDER 2013: Children Education Allowance Scheme (CEA) Latest FAQ

No. 21011/08/2013-Estt.(AL)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

Establishment (Allowances) Section

Children Education Allowance Scheme (CEA)

Sl. No.

Frequently asked Questions



Whether Reimbursement of Children Education Allowance (CEA) for 3rd child is permissible if CEA has not been claimed for 1St and or 2nd
child? As per OM date 2.9.2008 CEA is admissible for two school going children does it mean any two school going children?

No. Reimbursement of CEA is not permissible for third child even if reimbursement has not been claimed in respect of first and/or second child. However, as per OM No.12011/03/2008- Estt.(AL) dated 11.11.2008, the Children Education Allowance would be admissible for
more than two children where as a result of the second child birth results in birth of twins or multiple children. Further, reimbursement of CEA for the 3rd child is also admissible in case of failure of sterilization operation. Such reimbursement is admissible only for the first
child birth after failure of sterilization operation. This point was further clarified vide O.M. No.12011/16/2009-Allowance) dated 13.11.2009


What types of fee are reimbursable? Whether Annual Charges and Transportation fees are reimbursable? Whether reimbursement towards purchase of school bag, water bottle, uniform, shoes and stationery is admissible?

As per OM No.12011/03/2008-Estt.(AL) dated 2.9.2008, tuition fee, admission fee, laboratory fee, special fee charged for agriculture, electronics, music or any other subject, fee charged for practical work under the programme of work experience, fee paid for the use of any aid or appliances by the child, library fee, games/sports fee and fee for extra-curricular activities are reimbursable subject to the condition that the aforementioned fee are charged by the school directly from the student. No reimbursement is permissible for Annual Charges and Transportation fees. Besides,
reimbursement for purchase of one set of text books and notebooks, two sets of uniforms prescribed by the school in which the child is studying, one pair of shoes, in an academic year are reimbursable. Uniform include all items of clothing prescribed for a day, as uniform by the
school, irrespective of colours/winter/summer/PT uniforms. Reimbursement of school bags, pens/pencils, water bottle, stationery etc., may not be allowed. O.M. No.12011/08/2010-Estt.(AL) dated 30.12.2010 and O.M. No.12011/07(0/2011- Estt.(AL) dated 21.02.2012 refers.


Whether CEA has been increased by 25% as a result of enhancement of Dearness
Allowances beyond 50%?

This Department's OM No. 12011/03/ 2008- Estt.(AL) dated 2.9.2008 clearly indicates that the limits "would be automatically raised by 25% every time the Dearness Allowance on the revised pay structure goes up by 50%". There is no need for any separate order from this Department to effect enhancement of CEA as a result of increase in DA by 50%. However, O.M. o.12011/01/2011-Estt.(Allowance) dated 4th May, 2011, has been issued to clarify this further.


Whether CEA can be claimed for the child for the same class twice?

The reimbursement of CEA is not linked to the performance of the child in his class. Even if a child fails in a particular class, the reimbursement is permissible. However, if the child is admitted in the same class in another school, although the child has passed out of the same class in previous school or in the mid-session, CEA shall not be reimbursable.


Whether CEA/Hostel Subsidy is allowed for initial two years of Diploma Courses?

Children Education Allowance/Hostel Subsidy is allowed for the initial two years of a diploma/ certificate course from Polytechnic/ITI/ Engineering College, if the child pursues the course after passing 10th standard and the
Government servant has not been granted CEA/Hostel Subsidy in respect of the child for studies in 11th and 12th standards. This is further subject to fulfillment of other conditions laid down in the O.M.No.12011/03/2008-Estt.(AL) dated 2.9.2008 and subsequent instructions issued from time to time.

6. What is hostel subsidy?

The term Hostel Subsidy would mean expenses incurred by the Government servant if he/she keeps his/her children in a hostel of a residential school/institution located beyond a distance of 50 kilometers from his/her residence.


Whether Hostel subsidy is reimbursable irrespective of transfer liability?

Hostel Subsidy is reimbursable to all Central Government Employees covered by the scheme, for keeping their ward in the Hostel of a residential school away from the station in which the employee is posted or residing irrespective of any transfer liability.


Whether Hostel subsidy can be reimbursed if the child is staying in a Hostel which is not part of residential school where he is studying?

No. Hostel subsidy is reimbursable only in case of child studying in a residential school and staying in hostel of the said residential school.


What are the components of hostel subsidy?

Hostel subsidy includes fee charged for boarding,
lodging in addition to fee as mentioned in para 1(e) of OM No. 12011/03/ 2008-Estt.(AL) dated 2.9.2008.


Whether a Government servant is allowed to get 50% of the total amount subject to the
overall annual ceiling in the first quarter and the remaining amount in third and/or fourth quarter?

Reimbursement of 50% of the entitled amount for
the academic year can be allowed in the first and/or second quarter and the remaining amount can be reimbursed in the third and/or fourth quarter. The entire entitled amount can also be reimbursed in the last quarter. However, frontloading of the entire admissible amount is not permissible. O.M. No.12011/07(i)/2011-
Estt.(AL) dated 21.02.2012 refers.


Whether any age limit has been prescribed for
reimbursement of CEA in respect of children studying in nursery classes?

There is no minimum age prescribed for reimbursement of CEA in respect of children admitted in nursery classes.

However, with regard to physically challenged children the minimum age of 5 (five) years was prescribed for disabled children undergoing nonformal/vocational education. With effect from 21' February, 2012, the minimum age stipulated as 5 years for disabled children stand removed.

Hence, there is no minimum age of child for whom reimbursement is claimed irrespective of the fact whether the child is disabled or not.

The maximum age for normal child is 20 years and for physically challenged children the maximum age is 22 years. O.M. No.12011/07(ii)/2011-Estt.(AL) dated 21.02.2012 refers.


Whether the school/institution should be recognized?

The school/institution has to be recognized by the
Central or State Government or UT administration or by University or a recognized educational authority having jurisdiction over the area where the institution is situated. This also applies in respect of children studying in two classes prior to Class-I, i.e., nursery/LKG/UKG,
etc. OM No. 12011/03/ 2008-Estt.(AL) dated


Whether CEA is payable for the children of Central Government employees and studying abroad, including children of citizens of
Nepal/Bhutan but working in Government of India, and their children are studying in the
schools in their native place?

The CEA is payable for the children of all Central Government employees including citizens of Nepal and Bhutan, who are employees of Government of India, and whose children are studying in the native place. However, a certificate may be obtained from the concerned Indian Mission that the school is recognized by the educational authority having jurisdiction over the area where the institution is situated.


What constitutes "Fee" as per para 1(e) of the O.M. dated 2/9/2008 and whether fee paid for extra-curricular activities to some other institute and reimbursement of, school bags,
pens/pencils, etc., can be allowed? Is there any item- wise ceiling?

"Fee" shall mean fee paid to the school in which
the child is studying, directly by the parents/guardian for the items mentioned in para 1(e) of the O.M. dated 2/9/2008. Reimbursement of school bags, pens/pencils, etc., may not be allowed. There is no item-wise ceiling. O.M. No.12011/07(i)/2011-Estt.(AL) dated 21.02.2012


Whether reimbursement can be allowed in case the original receipts are misplaced and duplicate receipts are produced by the Government servant? Are the original receipts required to be attested/ countersigned/ rubber stamped
by the school authorities?

In case of misplacement of receipts given by the school/institution towards charges received from the parents/guardian, reimbursement may be allowed if the Government servant produces a duplicate receipt, duly authenticated by the school authorities. Receipts from private parties, other than the school, if misplaced shall not be entertained, even if a duplicate receipt is produced. Original receipts from school authorities need not be attested/ countersigned/rubber stamped by the school authorities. O.M. No.12011/07(i)/2011-Estt.(AL)
dated 21.02.2012 refers.


Whether Development Fee/Parents' Contribution charged by the school/institution is reimbursable?

Reimbursement of Development Fee/Parents' Contribution is allowed w.e.f. 21st February, 2012, vide O.M. No.12011/07(ii)/2011-Estt.(AL) dated 21.02.2012, on pro-rata basis, subject to the condition that the Government servant will have to certify that the school does not charge tuition fee.

However, in respect of children studying in Kendriya Vidyalaya, the Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi is reimburseable as it forms part of para 1(e) of O.M. No.12011/3/2008-Estt.(Allowance) dated 2.9.2008. O.M. No.12011/16/2009-
Estt.(Allowances) dated 13.11.2009 refers.


Whether reimbursement of fee charged directly by the school for catering to the special
needs of the child with disabilities duly certified by the concerned school authorities, in addition to items mentioned in para 1(e) of O.M.
dated 2.9.2008, is permissible?

Reimbursement of fee charged directly by the school for catering to the special needs of the child with disabilities duly certified by the concerned school authorities, in addition to items mentioned in para 1(e) of O.M. dated 2.9.2008, is allowed w.e.f. 21st February, 2012.

Special Allowance for child care for women with disability

Sl. No.

Frequently asked Questions



Whether the women employees with disabilities are entitled for special allowance for child care at double the rates for multiple births at the time of first child birth?

No. In case of multiple births at the time of first child birth, the woman employee shall not be entitled to this allowance at double the rates for multiple births.


Whether the allowance would be admissible for the 3rd child in case either of the first two children i.e. first child or the 2nd child expires
before the attaining the age of two years?

It is clarified that the grant of Special Allowance for the child care for women with disabilities is admissible for two years from the birth of the child so long as the woman employee does not have more than two surviving children.


DOPT ORDER 2013 : General entitlement of leave – FAQ

No. 21011/08 / 2013-Estt(AL) 
Government of India/Bharat Sarkar 
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions 
Department of Personnel & Training

Establishment (Leave) Section

General entitlement of leave


Frequently Asked Questions


1 What is the maximum period

of leave of any kind which can

be allowed to a Government


What is the impact if such

limit is exceeded?

No. Government servant shall be granted

leave of any kind for a continuous period of

5 years {Rule 12(1))

Normally, absence from duty, with or

without leave, for a continuous period

exceeding 5 years other than on foreign

service, implies that such Government

servant has deemed to have resigned from

Government service. {Rule 12(2))

2. What are the leave

entitlements of Govt. servants

serving in a vacation


The rule 28 of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972

which came into effect from 1.9.2008

regulates the grant of Earned Leave for

persons serving in the Vacation

Department. The said rule provides for as


(1) (a) A Government servant(other than a

military officer) serving in a Vacation

Department shall not be entitled to any

earned leave in respect of duty performed in

any year in which he avails himself of the

full vacation.

(b) In respect of any year in which a

Government servant avails himself of a

portion of the vacation, he shall be entitled

to earned leave in such proportion of 30

days, as the number of days of vacation not

taken bears to the full vacation:

Provided that no such leave shall be

admissible to a Government servant not in

permanent employ or quasi-permanent

employ in respect of the first year of his


(c) If, in any year, the Government servant

does not avail himself of any vacation,

earned leave shall be admissible to him in

respect of that year under rule 26.

  For the purpose of this rule, the term

`year’ shall be construed not as meaning a calendar year in which

duty is performed but as meaning

twelve months of actual duty in a

Vacation Department.

  A Government servant entitled to

vacation shall be considered to have

availed himself of a vacation or a

portion of a vacation unless he has

been required by general or special

order of a higher authority to forgo

such vacation or portion of a


Provided that if he has been

prevented by such order from

enjoying more than fifteen days of

the vacation, he shall be considered

to have availed himself of no

portion of the vacation.

  When a Government servant serving

in a Vacation Department proceeds

on leave before completing a full

year of duty, the earned leave

admissible to him shall be calculated

not with reference to the vacations

which fall during the period of actual

duty rendered before proceeding on

leave but with reference to the

vacation that falls during the year

commencing from the date on which

he completed the previous year of


As per Rule 29(1) the half pay leave

account of every Government

servant (other than a military officer

shall be credited with half pay leave

in advance, in two instalments of ten

days each on the first day of January

and July of every calendar year. This

is subject to conditions laid down in

OM No. 13013/2/2008-Estt.(L)

dated 11-11-2008.


DOPT Orders 2013 - Dopt issued clarifications as FAQ on Recruitment Rules.

No. AB.14017/13/2013-Estt. (RR) (1349)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
North Block, New Delhi

FAQs on Recruitment Rules

1. What are Recruitment Rules?
   Ans. Recruitment Rules are rules notified under proviso to Article 309 or any specific statutes for post(s) prescribing inter alia the method of recruitment and eligibility for such recruitment. It contains notification part having substantive rules and schedule part (as per prescribed Annexure-I). Recruitment Rules are subordinate legislation and so, they are statutory in nature.

2. What are Service Rules?
   Ans. Service Rules are Recruitment Rules for any of the Organized Central Services covering many aspects including constitution of the Service, seniority, probation and other conditions of service.

3. Whether Recruitment Rules are applicable retrospectively?
   Ans. The legal position is that the posts are to be filled up as per the eligibility conditions prescribed in the Recruitment Rules in force at the time of concurrence of vacancies unless the Recruitment Rules are amended retrospectively. The practice has however been to give effect to the Recruitment Rules prospectively.

4. Why are Recruitment Rules framed?
   Ans. As soon as decision is taken to create a new post/ service to upgrade any post or re-structure any service, the Recruitment Rules/ Service Rules are framed. Any post is filled up as per the provisions of the Recruitment Rules/ Service Rules.

5. Why are Recruitment Rules amended?
   Ans. Revision in the Recruitment Rules is made by way of amendment to incorporate changes due to implementation of Central Pay Commission Report,  modification of orders/ instructions on the subject, creation/ abolition of posts  etc. during the intervening period.

6. How Recruitment Rules are framed/ amended?
   Ans. Recruitment Rules for Group ‘A’ & 13′ posts/ service are framed/  amended by the administrative Ministry/Department in consultation with  Department of Personnel & Training, Union Public Service Commission and  Ministry of Law (Legislative Department) and approval of competent authority in the Ministry/ Department to be obtained.

7. Why and how are Recruitment Rules relaxed?
   Ans. The power to relax clause in the Recruitment Rules/ Service Rules provides the authority to relax the rules in respect of class or category of person. The administrative Ministry/ Department may resort to relaxation of the rules in consultation with Department of Personnel & Training and Union Public Service Commission.

8. Who is competent authority to frame/amend the Recruitment Rules?
   Ans. All Recruitment Rules including their amendments should be approved at the level of Minister-in-charge, unless the Minister has by general or special  order delegated such approval at a lower level(s).

9. Who is competent authority to frame/amend the Recruitment Rules of Group ‘C’ posts?
   Ans. Administrative Ministries/ Departments are empowered to frame / amend the Recruitment Rules in respect of Group ‘C’ posts keeping in view the guidelines/ Model Recruitment Rules issued by this Department on various aspects. In case of deviation from existing guidelines/ Model Recruitment Rules, the concurrence of Department of Personnel & Training is to be obtained.

10. Who is competent authority to relax the Recruitment Rules of Group ‘C’ posts?
   Ans. The Ministries/ Departments are competent to relax the Recruitment Rules for Group ‘C’ posts. The provisions governing upper age limit or  qualifications for direct recruitment should not however be relaxed without prior concurrence of Department of Personnel & Training.

11. What is the format/ procedure to send the proposal for consultation with Department of Personnel & Training for framing/amendment of Recruitment Rules?
   Ans. Proposal for framing/ amendment of Recruitment Rules for Group ‘A’ & Group ‘B’ posts (except Service Rules) is sent to Department of Personnel & Training, first, on-line under Recruitment Rules Framing Amendment and  Monitoring System (RRFAMS) of the on-line services of Department of  Personnel & Training. After approval of on-line Recruitment Rules in  Department of Personnel & Training, the proposal is referred by the Administrative Ministry/ Department in a file with a self-contained note accompanied inter alia the following: –

   (i) Check-list for sending proposal to Department of Personnel & Training.
   (ii) Copy of the report of freezed on-line Recruitment Rules.
   (iii) Draft Recruitment Rules including notification and Schedule 1 (for posts other than those in the Organized Services) in the proform in Annexure I.
   (iv) Supporting particulars in Annexure II (for framing of Recruitment Rules) Annexure-III (for amendment of Recruitment Rules), as prescribed in Department of Personnel & Training OM No. AB.14017/48/2010-Estt. (RR) dated 31.12.2010.
   (v) Recruitment Rules for the feeder posts(s) and the higher post, if any,
   (vi) Present sanctioned strength of the post for which rules are being framed/ amended as also of the lower and higher posts.

12. What are model Recruitment Rules?
   Ans. Model Recruitment Rules for a number of common categories of posts have been framed in consultation with Union Public Service Commission, wherever required. While framing/ amending Recruitment Rules for such posts, the model rules should be adhered to.

13. What is procedure for consultation with Union Public Service Commission?
   Ans. After obtaining the concurrence of the Department of Personnel & Training, the Administrative Ministry / Department should refer the draft Recruitment Rules for posts / services which are within the purview of the Union Public Service Commission in a self-contained letter to the Commission, along with the information in the prescribed proforma (Check list, Annexure II/ Annexure-III etc.). It should be stated in the letter to the Commission whether the clearance of the Department of Personnel & Training (and also the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare were required) has been obtained in respect of the proposals in question.

14. What is initial constitution clause in Recruitment Rules?
   Ans. In cases where a new service is formed and the Recruitment Rules are framed for the first time and that there are officers already holding different categories of posts proposed to be included in the service on a regular / long term basis, a suitable ‘Initial Constitution’ Clause may be inserted in the Notification so as to count the regular service rendered by such officers before the date of notification of the Rules.

15. Whether reservation, relaxation of age limit and other special categories of persons are applicable in Recruitment Rules?
   Ans. These concessions in recruitments are made applicable by inserting the following ‘Saving Clause’ in the covering notification of the Recruitment Rules:-
"Nothing in those rules shall affect reservations, relaxation of age-limit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Ex-servicemen and other special categories of persons, in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard".

16. What is the schedule in Recruitment Rules?
   Ans. The schedule of Recruitment Rules of post(s) is a 13 columns table as per prescribed Annexure-I (vide OM No. AB-14017/48/2010-Estt. (RR) dated 31.12.2010) containing details of the post(s) along with method of recruitment and eligibility criteria. The prescribed schedule is used for post() which are not covered by any organized service.

17. What is notification part of Recruitment Rules?
   Ans. Notification of Recruitment Rules contains the substantive rules which  include the provisions related to title, date of commencement, enabling provision for applicability of schedule, disqualification clause, power to relax clause, saving clause and any other rule specific to a post viz. initial constitution clause, liability for all-India Service etc.

18. What are the upper age limits prescribed for Direct Recruitment?
   Ans. The upper age limits for different posts depend upon the nature of duties, educational qualifications and experience requirements as prescribed in this Department OM No. AB-14017/48/2010-Estt (RR) dated 31.12.2010 (Para &

19. What are relaxations available for upper age limit in direct Recruitment Rules?
   Ans. A provision is prescribed in the recruitment rules for relaxation of the upper age-limit for departmental candidates up to 40 years for appointment by direct recruitment to Groups C posts and for Government servants up to 5 years for direct recruitment to Groups A and B posts:

20. How to calculate crucial date for age limit?
   Ans. In the case of recruitment through the Union Public Service Commission and the Staff Selection Commission, the crucial date for determining the age- limit shall be as advertised by the UPSC / SSC. In the case of other recruitment, the crucial date for determining the age-limit shall be the closing date for receipt of applications from candidates in India (and not the closing date prescribed for those in Assam etc.).

21. How is the educational and other qualification required for direct recruit fixed?
   Ans. The minimum educational qualifications and experience required for direct recruitment may be indicated as precisely as possible and if necessary, into two parts, viz., "Essential Qualifications" and "Desirable Qualifications" taking into account the pay band/ grade pay and the nature of duties, and the provisions in  the approved Recruitment Rules for similar higher and lower posts in the same hierarchy.

22. Whether the educational qualifications prescribed for direct recruits are applicable to promotees?
   Ans. The educational qualifications are not generally insisted upon in the case of promotion to posts of non-technical nature; but for scientific and technical posts, these should be insisted upon, in the interest of administrative efficiency, at least in the case of senior Group A posts in the Pay Band-3 Grade Pay Rs. 6600 and above. Sometimes the qualifications for junior Group A posts and  Group B posts may not be insisted upon in full but only the basic qualification in the discipline may be insisted upon.

23. Whether any age limit prescribed for promotion?
   Ans. Unless there are any specific grounds, the age limit prescribed for direct recruits are not insisted upon in the case of promotees.

24. When probation for appointment to a post/service in Central Government is prescribed? What is the duration of probation?
   Ans. The probation is prescribed when there is direct recruitment, promotion from one Group to another e.g. Group B to Group A or officers re-employed before the age of superannuation. There will be no probation for promotion from one grade to another but within the same group of posts e.g. from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘C’ and for appointment on contract basis, tenure basis, re-employment after superannuation and absorption. The period of probation is as prescribed in  this Department OM No. AB-14017/48/2010-Estt (RR) dated 31.12.2010 (Para 3.10.1 & 3.10.2).

25. What are the methods of recruitments?
   Ans. The different methods of recruitment are:
(a) Promotion
(b) Direct Recruitment
(c) Deputation
(d) Absorption
(e) Re-employment
(f) Short-term contract

26. How is the method of recruitment or percentage of vacancies to be filled by various methods of recruitment decided?
   Ans. The percentage of vacancies to be filled by each method that may be prescribed for a particular post or Service depend on a judicious blending of several considerations, e.g.,
   (i) the nature of duties, qualifications and experience required:
   (ii) the availability of suitable personnel possessing, the reequisite qualifications and experience within a cadre.
   (iii) The need for ensuring that suitable incentives exist for the maintenance of an adequate standard of efficiency in the cadre;
   (iv) Consideration of the question whether, having regard to the role to be performed by a specified cadre or Service, it is necessary to provide for direct intake of officers at an appropriate level with a view to injecting fresh knowledge and experience that may not be normally available in a  particular Service or Department etc.
   (v) The proper mix of the six methods of recruitment i.e. (a) promotion (b) direct recruitment (c) deputation (d) absorption (e) re-employment (f) short-term contract (mentioned at (a) to (f) above).

27. What is promotion?
   Ans. Promotion is method of recruitment from feeder grade post(s) to higher post in the hierarchy as per the provisions of the Recruitment Rules. If promotion is kept as a method of recruitment, it is also necessary to lay down the number of years of qualifying service before the persons in the field become eligible for promotion. Only regular, and not ad hoc, period of service is taken into account for purposes of computing this service.

28. What is Direct Recruitment?
   Ans. Direct recruitment is the recruitment which is open to all candidates, eligible as per the provisions regarding age, educational qualification/ experience etc. as prescribed in Recruitment Rules.

29. What is Deputation?
   Ans. Deputation is a method of recruitment where officers of Central Government Departments or State/ UT Governments from outside are appointed to post(s) in Central Government for a limited period, by the end of which they will have to return to their parent cadres. In case of isolated post, it is desirable to keep the method of recruitment of deputation/ short term contract as otherwise the incumbents of such posts, if directly recruited, will not have any avenue of  promotion/ career progression.

30. What is short term contract?
   Ans. Short term contract is also a form of deputation where officers from non- Government bodies e.g. universities, research institutions, public sector undertakings for teaching, research, scientific and technical post(s) can some to Central Government posts.

31. Whether absorption and Deputation are synonymous? What is absorption?
   Ans. Absorption and deputation are not synonymous. There is a substantial difference between absorption and deputation. Under the provision absorption, the officer, who initially comes on deputation, may be permanently absorbed in  the post/ grade if recruitment rules prescribe for absorption as mode of  recruitment. Such absorption can be effected only in the case of officers who are on deputation from the Central / State Government.

32. What is composite method of recruitment?
   Ans. In cases where the field of promotion or feeder grade consists of only one post, the method of recruitment by "deputation (including short-term contract) /  promotion" is prescribed so that the eligible departmental officer is considered  along with outsiders. If the departmental candidate is selected for appointment to the post; it is to be treated as having been filled by promotion; otherwise, the post is to be filled by deputation / short-term contract for the prescribed period of deputation / short-term contract at the end of which the departmental officer will  again be afforded an opportunity to be considered for appointment to the post.
33. How is field of deputation decided?
   Ans. The field for "deputation/ short-term contract/ absorption should, as far as possible, consist of officers holding analogous posts on regular basis but may be widened to include officers working in the next lower grade also with the qualifying service on regular basis normally prescribed for promotion.

34. How is the period of qualifying service for promotion decided?
   Ans. The qualifying service for promotion from one grade to another is necessary so that there is no premature promotion or undue jump in pay and also  to ensure that the officer has sufficient opportunity to demonstrate his  competence/potential for holding the higher post. The period of qualifying service varies from post to post depending upon the scale of pay and the  experience, required for manning the higher post. Broadly, the following qualifying service to be followed is prescribed in this Department OM No. AB-  14017/48/2010-Estt (RR) dated 31.12.2010 (para 3.12.2).

35. What is the maximum age limit for Deputation?
   Ans. The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation including short term contract) or absorption shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.

36. What is the crucial date for determination of eligibility of absorption/  deputation?
   Ans. The guidelines for crucial date for determination of eligibility for absorption/ deputation are as follows :-
   (i) In the case of a vacancy already existing at the time of issue of the communication inviting nominations, the eligibility may be determined with reference to the last date prescribed for receipt of nominations in the Ministry/ Department/ Organization responsible for making appointment to the post i.e. originating Ministry etc.
   (ii) In the case where a vacancy is anticipated, the crucial date for determining eligibility should be the date on which the vacancy is expected to arise.

37. How is Departmental Committee formed?
   Ans. When promotion is kept as a method of recruitment, the detailed composition of the Departmental Promotion Committee, with minimum 3  officers, may be indicated. In the case of promotion to Group `A’ posts, the  Union Public Service Commission shall also be associated. The total strength of DPC including Chairman need not necessarily be an odd number as the decision is to be taken as a joint one.

38. What are the circumstances in which Union Public Service Commission  is to be consulted for recruitment?
   Ans. UPSC is required to consult in case of recruitment to all Central Civil  Services and Central Civil Posts. Exemption from Consultation with Union  Public Service Commission is governed by the Union Public Service Commission (Exemption from Consultation) Regulations, 1958 as amended  from time to time and the Central Civil Services and Civil Posts (Consultation  with Union Public Commission) Rules, 1999 as amended. Some of the circumstances in which the Union Public Service Commission are to be  consulted in making recruitment to the posts are illustrated below:-
   (i) Direct Recruitment,
   (ii) Re-employment,
   (iii) Absorption,
   (iv) Composite method of recruitment ( i.e. where the departmental candidate is to be considered along with outsiders),
   (v) In case of deputation — (a) if the field for consideration includes State Government Officers or Group ‘A’ & ’13′ officers of the Central Government simultaneously and (b) if the field for consideration consists 
of not only Central/State Government officers but also officers from non- Government institutions
   (vi) Any relaxation or amendment of the provisions of the Recruitment Rules.

39. Whether recruitment to a post can be made in absence of recruitment rules of a post?
   Ans. If there are overriding compulsions for filling any Group or Group B post in the absence of Recruitment Rules, then the Ministries/ Department may make reference to Union Public Service Commission for determination of  method of recruitment as a onetime measure for filling up of a post on regular basis.

40. What are the limits for notification of Recruitment Rules?
   Ans. The Recruitment Rules or amendment(s) thereto as finally approved by the Union Public Service Commission are required to be notified within a period  of 10 weeks from the da of receipt of their advice letter. This time limit should  be strictly adhered to.

41. What needs to be done in case where posts are transferred to some other Ministries/Departments?
   Ans. The Ministry/Departments concerned should mutually agree for transfer of the posts and the same should be concurred by Department of Expenditure. Thereafter, the existing RR needs to be de-notified in consultation of Department  of Personnel & Training, Union Public Service Commission and Ministry of Law. Suitable recruitment rules in the transferred Department may be framed/  amended following due procedure.


Check list for sending proposals to DOPT for framing/amendment of Recruitment Rules.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Room No.215-A/II, North Block, New Delhi

Dated the 28th  January, 2013


Subject:-  Check list for sending proposals to DOPT for framing/amendment of Recruitment Rules.

   The undersigned is directed to state that instructions on framing / amendment of Recruitment Rules prescribe that the proposal for framing/ amendment Recruitment Rules for Groups 'A' & 'B' posts /services as approved by the Administrative Ministries/ Departments should be referred to this Department in certain format (viz Annexure I to III) and accompanied with other documents/ information, for consideration of this Department.

   It has been noticed that the proposals sent by the Ministry / Department are not complete in all respects and this Department has to return the proposal seeking further information/documents/clarification for considering the  proposal. Further, this Department has taken a decision that proposals for framing/amendment/revision of RRs shall now be processed on-line only and after freezing the proposal by this Department, the physical file will be accepted for concurrence.

   2.  In order to facilitate easy and early concurrence on proposal for framing/ amendment of Recruitment Rules, a check list to be used while sending such proposals to this Department is enclosed. It is requested that all proposals for framing/ amendment Recruitment Rules, being sent to this Department on file, must invariably accompany this Checklist duly filled in.

   3.  Hindi Version will follow.

(Mukta Goel)
Director (Estt-I)


Extension of the revised orders on encashment of Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave to industrial employees.

No. 12012/3/2009-Estt.(L)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi. the 28th December, 2012.


Subject:- Extension of the revised orders on encashment of Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave to industrial employees.

   The undersigned is directed to state that the matter regarding extension of revised orders on encashment of Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave to industrial employees at par with the non industrial Central Government employees covered by the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 has been under consideration of this Department. It has been decided in consultation with the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) to extend the provision of this Department’s OM No. 14028/3/2008-Estt.(L) dated 25th September 2008, mutatis mutandis to industrial employees of Ministries/Department other than Railways. Accordingly, industrial employees shall be entitled to encash both Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave, subject to overall limit of 300. Cash equivalent payable for Earned Leave shall continue unchanged.

Special concessions/facilities to Central Government Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Government-Clarification.

Click here to See the Previous Order

No. 18016/4/2012-Estt.(L)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, the l4th December, 2012.


Subject:- Special concessions/facilities to Central Government Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Government-Clarification.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to DOPT OM No.18016/3/2011-Estt.(L) dated 27.6.2012 extending the Special concession/facilities to Central Government Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/ subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control or Central Government for the period with effect from 1.1.2012 to 31.12.2012 and to say that this Department has been receiving references seeking clarifications. The doubts raised are
clarified as under:-

Guidelines for monitoring and expeditious disposal of the disciplinary proceeding cases — reg.

No. 425/04/2012-AVD-IV(A)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi
29th November, 2012


Subject:-  Guidelines for monitoring and expeditious disposal of the disciplinary proceeding cases — reg.

   Instructions have been issued in the past for expeditious disposal of disciplinary proceedings against delinquent government servants. However, it has been observed that disciplinary proceedings are generally taking a long time which defeats the very purpose of initiating the said proceedings. Therefore, it has been considered necessary to issue the following guidelines for monitoring and expeditious disposal of disciplinary proceedings:-

   I. There are a number of instances where the Courts have set aside the order of penalty due to inordinate delay in initiating action. Therefore, it has to be ensured that disciplinary proceedings are initiated without undue delay.

   II. The Administrative Department/Competent Authority should study the allegations more carefully and resort to minor penalty proceedings instead of initiating major penalty proceedings, where the circumstances involve minor infringements or cases of procedural irregularities. It has to be kept in mind that a minor penalty swiftly but judiciously imposed by a Disciplinary Authority is much more effective than a major penalty imposed after years spent on a protracted enquiry.

Flexible Complementing Scheme for Scientists in Scientific and Technological Departments - date of effect of promotions.

No. AB-14017/36/2011-Estt(RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, the 21st September, 2012.


Subject: Flexible Complementing Scheme for Scientists in Scientific and Technological Departments - date of effect of promotions.

   The Flexible Complementing Scheme (FCS) for scientists is in position in some of the scientific Ministries/Departments of the Government of India with the issue of guidelines issued by this Department under O.M. No.2/41/97-PlC dated the 9th November, 1998. The same is presently governed by the Modified FCS guidelines issued by this Department after 6th CPC under O.M. No. AB 14017/37/2008- Estt.(RR) dated the 10th September, 2010.

   2. On the issue of date of effect of promotions under FCS, this Department’s instructions issued in OM dated 17th July, 2002 lay down that as promotions are made effective from a prospective date after the competent authority has approved the same, the same principle shall be applicable in the case of in situ promotions under FCS as well. The OM makes it very clear that the Assessment Boards have to be constituted well in advance keeping in view the fact that 1st January and 1st July of each year are crucial dates to effect promotions. The competent authority shall ensure that no promotion is granted with retrospective effect.