Combined Section Officers’/Stenographers’ (Gr.’B’/Gr.I) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2009, 2010 and 2011.


No. 6/1/2012-CS-I(S)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, the l4th May, 2013


Subject:- Combined Section Officers’/Stenographers’ (Gr.’B’/Gr.I) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2009, 2010 and 2011.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to UPSC’s letter No. 1/16(4)/2012-E.VI dated 13th May, 2013 (copy enclosed) on the subject mentioned above requesting the concerned departments to furnish the ACRs/APARs for the period from 01.04.2005 to 31.03.2012 on or before 20th May, 2013. This Department vide OM of even number dated 25th February, 2013 and subsequent reminders dated 14th March, 2013, 11th April, 2013 and 30th April, 2013 had requested all the cadre units to keep in readiness the complete ACR/APAR Dossiers of all the candidates, who have appeared for the post of Section Officer of CSS and Private Secretary of CSSS for the Combined Limited Departmental Examination, 2009, 2010 & 2011. It was also requested if there are any ACR/APAR, which are missing or below benchmark, appropriate action, if any, in respect of them may be completed in terms of DOP&T OM No. 21011/1/2010-Estt.(A) dated 13th April, 2010 and other relevant instructions on the subject.

   2. UPSC has now, declared the result of written part of the Examination and has requested for the ACRs/APARs dossiers for the period from 1.4.2005 to 31.3.2012 of successful candidates on or before 20th May, 2013. All the Cadre Units are, therefore, requested to furnish the ACRs/APARs dossiers of all the successful candidates of the written part of LDCE 2009, 2010 & 2011 to UPSC on or before 20th May, 2013.

   3. The cooperation of all the Cadre Units is urgently solicited in completion of this exercise. It may be appreciated that there is a huge shortage of Section Officers across all the cadre units and the only way to substantially meet the shortage is expeditious completion of the process of LDCE. Any delay for any reason shall delay the process of providing required manpower at the level of Section Officers to various Ministries/Departments. All the cadre units are, therefore, again requested to extend their cooperation through an early action in this regard.

   4. This Department may be informed of the action taken in this regard.

[Utkaarsh R. Tiwaary]

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ONE RANK ONE PENSION : FAQ related to One Rank One Pension.

FAQs on Implementation of OROP vide Govt. Order dated 17.01.2013

Q: 1 Are these orders applicable to those pensioners also whose date of commencement of pension is exactly 01.01.2006 ?

   A:    Yes, these orders are applicable to all the pensioners/family pensioners whose date of commencement of pension is on or before 01.01.2006.

Q: 2    The date of commencement of family pension in respect of a family pensioner is 01.04.2006 whose late husband had retired from the service on 31.08.1999. Will the family pension of the family be revised under these orders?

   A:    Yes, the family pension will be revised under these orders because the deceased soldier was a pre-2006 retiree.

Q: 3    It is being contended by some pensioners/their associations that the arrears on account of this revision should be paid w.e.f. 01.01.2006 as the orders are merely an amendment to GOI, MoD letter dated 11.11.2008. Please clarify?

   A:    As the provision of these orders are effective from 24the September 2012. Hence no arrears shall be allowed for the past period.

Q:4    Will the additional pension also be revised accordingly ?

   A:    The improved pension will be the basic pension from 24.09.2012 and hence additional pension payable will also be revised accordingly by the PDA.

Q:5    The basic pension of a pre-2006 pensioner (Rank - Havildar , Group ‘D’) of Army having total qualifying service of 15 years is slated to be increased from 3500/- p.m. to 5301/- P.M. Is such a high increase in Basic Pension is in order?

   A: The increase in BP from 3500/- to 5301/- P.M for the pensioner with particulars as mentioned above is in order. It is evident from the existing basic pension of 3500/-PM and the particulars given above that the PDA has not revised pension of the individual correctly w.e.f. 01.07.2009. The correct entitlement of the individual is as under:

Basic Pension w.e.f. :


Amount (Rs.)PM Circular  No.

Q:6    In most of the cases neither the pensioner has applied to the PDA for revision of their pension nor any Corr PPO or instructions have been received by the PDA from the PSA. Please supply the proforma of application in this regard?

   A:    It has been clearly mentioned in the orders that the revision of pension by PDAs has to be made with reference to Pension Tables annexed to the orders. No further authorization from the PSA or any application from the affected pensioner is required to carry out the revision.

Q:7    The tables annexed to circular No 501 & Circular No. 502 start from QS of 15 years onwards. How to revise the pension of a pensioner having less than 15 years if qualifying years?

   A:    Following elements of pension / type of pension are to be revised by PSA.

Special Pension
Invalid pension
Service element of disability pension in respect of PBOR discharged with less than 15 years qualifying service
Service pension of TA personnel irrespective of their QS service and
Service element of War Injury Pension and Liberalized Disability Pension

Q:8    Mr. ‘X’ who is a Hony Nb Sub, Gp ‘D’ pensioner having total QS of 24 years is already drawing a basic pension of 7750/- PM. However as per table – 4 (Army) annexued to Cir No 501, his basic pension w.e.f. 24.9.12 should be 7601/- PM. Please advise how to regulate such cases.

   A:    The existing pension of the pensioner in such cases might have been revised by PCDA (P) by issuing Corr PPO (s) based on some courts orders etc. No action by PDA is required in such cases.

Q:9    Mr ‘X’ is a DSC pensioner in receipt of two pensions, one for regular Army service, and another for DSC service. Are both these pensions to be revised by PDAs?

   A:    The pension for regular Army service will only be revised under these orders by the PDA. A reference for revision of pension for DSC service will be sent to PCDA (P).

Q:10    The tables annexed to Circular No 501, in respect of DSC pensioner seem to be incomplete e.g. the table in respect of Sep of DSC are only up to QS of 23 years. How to revise pension of a sep of DSC who has total QS of 24 years or above?

   A:    Sepoy in DSC have maximum engagement period up to 20 years only with the exception that the maximum term of engagement can be up to 23 years in case of pensioner retired on or 30.5.98. Hence QS in such type of cases may be restricted to the maximum permissible and pension revised accordingly. Period-wise complete list of maximum terms of engagement for JCOs/ORs is enclosed in Appendix-X to Cir No 501.

Q:11    There is no table annexed to Cir No 502 to revise Ordinary Family Pension for NOKs of DSC Personnel. Please advise how to revise such cases ?

   A:    The family pension in respect of DSC personnel who are in receipt of family pension for only DSC service are to be revised at the same rates as given for family pensioners of Regular Army. DSC personnel on “clerical duty” and “other duty” are entitled for family pension of regular Army personnel of group “Y” and “Z” respectively.

Q:12    What are the basic fields/data required to revise pension under these order?

   A:    The basic fields/data required to revise pension under these orders are as follows:

Type of pension viz Retiring pension/service pension/ Ordinary Family Pension/ Special Family Pension/ War Injury Pension/ Dependant Pension
Rank of the pensioner
Group of the pensioner (only for JCOs / PBORs)
Qualifying service (without weightage)
Record Office
Date of commencement
Date of Retirement

Q :13    How to look for the above information in the PPO or related record ?

   A:    In case of Post -86 retires all the information is generally available in the original PPO of the Pensioner. In cases where the required information is not available in the PPO or other record of the PDA, the missing information may be called for from the PSA concerned.

Q:14    In case of Pre-86 retires Qualifying service is generally not available in the PPO of the pensioner. Pl. advise the way out to regulate such cases.

   A:    The qualifying service in such type of cases can be looked for in the original Descriptive Roll of the pensioner or in the Corrigendum PPO(s). Original discharge book/certificate issued to the pensioner by the Record office is also an authentic source of such information.

Q:15    Is capturing of information about Record office financially importance or can be done away with?

   A: Following are the 4 major categories of JCOs/PBORs based on Record office.

Naval Record Office
Air Force Record Office
DSC Cannanore Record Office
All other Record offices except those mentioned above.

Different tables are available to cater to these categories and hence the importance of information about Record Office can’t be done away with.



Two days strike Impact-Next meeting with Trade Unions is scheduled on 22nd May, 2013.



ANSWERED ON 07.05.2013


   6472 .    Shri BHARTRUHARI MAHTAB


Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:-

   (a)    Whether the trade unions have organized two days strike/bandh on 20 and 21 February, 2013 in the country;

   (b)    If so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

   (c)    Whether the Government has constituted a Committee to examine the reasons behind the protests and violence and if so, the details thereof; and

   (d)    The details of the main recommendations of the Committee along with the outcome thereof and the follow-up action taken by the Government thereon?



   (a) & (d): Yes Madam. Trade unions have organized two days strike/bandh on 20 and 21 February, 2013 in the country. The agitation is to press for their 10-point charter of demands including check on price rise, strict enforcement of labour laws, concrete measures for employment generation, universal social security cover for workers and creation of a National Social Security Fund, stoppage of contractorisation of work of permanent/perennial nature and payment of wages and other benefits to contract workers at par with regular workers, amendment to Minimum Wages Act for fixation of statutory minimum wages @ Rs. 10,000 per month and stoppage of disinvestment in PSUs.

   (c) & (d): Hon’ble Minister for Labour & Employement had held a meeting on 13.02.2013 with the representatives of All the Major Central Trade Unions and requested them not to resort to strike on 20th & 21st February, 2013. Subsequently, GOM consisting of Senior Cabinet Ministers held round of discussion on 18.02.2013 and conveyed the serious intent of the Government to resolve various issues raised in their charter of demands. Inspite of the meeting, the Major Central Trade Unions have resorted to strike on 20th & 21st February, 2013. The discussions by the GOM with the representatives of the Major Central Trade Unions is a continuous process and is scheduled next on 22.05.2013 to resolve the demands.

   No Madam, No committee has been constituted by the Government to examine the reasons behind the protests and violence. However, Hon’ble Minister of Labour & Employment has held a meeting on 13.02.2013 with the representatives of Major Central Trade Union and requested them not to resort to strike on 20th & 21st February, 2013. Subsequently, GOM consisting of Senior Cabinet Ministers held a round of discussion on 18.02.2013 and convey the serious intent of the Government to resolve various issues raised in their demand. Inspite of that all the Major Central Trade Unions resorted to strike on 20th & 21st February, 2013 throughout the country.
