Engagement of two Consultants under the Plan Scheme 'Pensioners Portal.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
New Delhi, the 27th June, 2012


Subject :- Engagement of two Consultants under the Plan Scheme 'Pensioners Portal.

   This Department has been implementing a Plan Scheme namely 'Pensioners Portal - a Mission Mode Project under NeGP, Government of India

   It is proposed to encage two Consultants (one at the level of retired Under Secretary and one at the level of retired Section Officer) during the current Financial Year to assist the Pensioners Grievances Cell in implementation of the Scheme. The Consultants so selected will be paid lumpsum monthly remueration to be fixed in consultation with IFD and will normally be based on last pay minus pension + prevalent rate of DA. Officers having worked in Pension Rules and grievance redressal etc., would be desirable.

   DOP&T is, therefore, requested to please put the above requirement regarding engagement of above two Consultants on their website for inviting application from suitable retired Under Secretaries and Section Officers in the enclosed proforma.

   The applications received for the above posts may please be sent to this Department latest by 15th July, 2012.

(Tripti P.Ghosh)
