Announcement of DA from January 2013: Speculation of reasons for delay.

   After implementation of recommendations of Sixth Pay Commission the Govt. has accepted the calculation of standard formula for calculation of future DA and in para 4.1.19 Sixth Pay commission has recommended that DA may continue to be sanctioned twice a year as on 1st January and 1st July payable with the salary of March and September.  After 6th CPC implementation order of DA from January of respective years was issued/declared as follows:-

15/3/2007- 6% – Thursday
07/3/2008 -6% – Monday
26/2/2009- 6% – Thursday
19/3/2010 –8% – Friday
22/3/2011- 6% – Tuesday
23/3/2012 -7% – Friday

   DA from January, 2013 is yet to be announced.  No any reason for delay is stated from any reliable sources and no exact reason can be constitute for it.  Now everyone to speculate the reason for delay in announcement.  The following main facts are presented to inspect the reasons:

1. Merger of DA with Basic Pay:  This is the first reason is everyone’s mind.

   Positive points are for this reason:-
   (a).  Unexpected delay in announcement -  Traditionally DA for January should be announced in the Month of March.  There is no complicated formula for calculation of expected DA.  Only formal announcement was to made by Govt.
   (b).  2014 General Election – Next General Election is in near future.  All are expecting that Govt. may consider about merger of DA in view of the inflation and vote bank.

   (c).  Union Minister Ajay Maken’s letter to PM about inflation -  This letter showing that some part of Govt. is also in favour of enhancement of pay and allowances of Central Government Employees.

   (d).  Employee Unions are pressing hard for merger of DA.

   (e).  In press clip for expectation of announcement of DA on 2th April mostly news article added that confederation has demanded the merger of DA and in practice govt. merged the DA when it reach 50% cap.

   Negative points of this reason:-

   (a) 6th CPC has not recommended for merger of DA.  In Para 4.1.18 of recommendation of 6th CPC :

   4.1.18 ……This conversion, however, is not necessary in the revised structure being recommended where increments are payable as a percentage of the pay in the pay band and grade pay thereon and provision has been made for all allowances/benefits to be revised periodically linked to the increase in the price index. The Commission is, therefore, not recommending merger of dearness allowance with basic pay at any stage.

   (b)  Recently Govt. already denied any possibility of merger of DA.

2.  Delay in announcement due to administrative reasons:-

  Finance Minister, who is the main authority to approve the DA was on tour in past.  In practice decision of approval of enhancement in DA can be taken in Cabinet Meeting [meeting of Economic Affairs].  On the constitution of meeting of economic affairs on 2nd affairs the media had expected on 1st April that enhancement in DA will be approved by Govt.  But in absence of Finance Minister the meeting which was chaired by PM deferred the hike in DA including other major decision related to Finance Ministry.

   The next meeting of Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs was also placed on 4th April but there was no any indication about approval of DA, however govt.  decontrolled the lavy on sugar.

   The decision on hike in DA by CCEA is based on some calculation about impact of enhancement of DA in govt. budget.  The administrative reason for delay may be insufficient calculation or any mis-calculation of impact of enhancement of DA.

   In the conclusion even after the seventh day of the month of April, the enhancement in DA from January, 2013 is yet to be declared by the Government.  On Tuesday or Thursday [traditionally the meeting day of cabinet] decision may be taken by Govt.  This time if formal announcement not made by Govt. and any written approval was got by authority to hike in DA, we expect the direct formal order from Department of Expenditure.  All knows the announcement of DA hike can be delayed but not denied.


Grant of Assured Career Progression.


No. F.14(88)FD (Rules)/08

Jaipur, dated: 6.04.2013


Subject:- Grant of Assured Career Progression.

   Under rule 19 and 20 of the Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 for which detailed guidelines for grant of ACP has been issued vide FD Memorandum No. F14(88)FD (Rules)/08-I and F14(88)FD (Rules)/08-11 dated 31.12.2009, the Assured Career Progression shall be in the immediate next higher grade pay in hierarchy of the Running Pay Band and Grade Pay as given in Section “A" of Schedule I of the Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008.

   2. Consequent upon revision of Grade Pay in the Section “A” of Schedule I of Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, the Grade Pays already granted under the Assured Career Progression scheme shall also be revised as under:-

Existing Grade Pay Existing Grade Pay of ACP Revised Grade Pay Revised Grade Pay of ACP
` 3200 ` 3600 ` 3600 ` 4200
` 3600 ` 4200 ` 4200 ` 4600
` 4200 ` 4800 ` 4600 ` 4800

   3. This order shall come into force with effect from 01.07.2013.

By order of the Governor,

(Akhil Arora)
Finance Secretary (Budget)


Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2008.


No. F.14(1)FD(Rules)/2013 -II

Jaipur, dated: 6.04.2013


Subject:- Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2008.

   In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Rajasthan is pleased to make the following rules to amend further the Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2008 namely:-

   1. These rules may be called the Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2013.

   2. They shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 01.01.2006.

   3. In the Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 -

   (A) the existing words and figures "1st day of September, 2006’ wherever occurring in these Rules shall be substituted by the words and figures “1st day of January, 2006”

   (B) the existing words and figures “01.09.2006’ or "1st September, 2006" wherever occurring in these Rules shall be substituted by the figures “01.01.2006”.

   (C) the existing figures “31.08.2006” appearing in Explanation (ii) below sub-rule (1) of Rule 5 shall be substituted by the figures “31.12.2005”.

   (D) the existing “Note” appearing below sub rule (4) of Rule 5 shall be numbered as “Note - 1” and the following new” Note - 2” shall be inserted, namely -

   “In case where a Government Servant opts revised pay scale with effect from 01.01.2006 and whose annual grade increment falls between 2nd January, 2006 to 30th June, 2006 (both days inclusive) shall be granted one increment in the existing Pay Scale on 01.01.2006”.

   (E) after the existing sub rule (5) of Rule 11, the following new sub rule (6) shall be inserted namely -

   “A Government servant who has opted revised pay scale from a specific date as per provisions of Rule 11 of these rules in force prior to issue of this Notification, if not willing to revise the existing option he may continue to retain his existing option”.

   (F) the existing form of option under Rule 10 and 11 of these rules shall be substituted by the “Annexure” appended to this notification.

   (G) the existing sentence second of Rule 14 shall be substituted by the following, namely-

   “The first increment after fixation of pay on 01.01.2006 in the running pay-band will be granted to the employees, who have completed six months on 01 .07.2006”.

   (H) after the existing Rule 26, the following shall be inserted as new Rule 27, namely“

   27. Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, no arrear of pay and allowances thereon, on any account shall accrue to a Government Servant whether existing or appointed between 01.01.2006 to 30.06.2013 (both days inclusive) for the period upto 30.06.2013”.

By order of the Governor,

(Akhil Arora)
Finance Secretary (Budget)
