Re-Constitution of Departmental Peer Review Committee for considering the cases for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation.

No.26012/5/2014-Estt (A.IV) 
Government of India 
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions 
Department of Personnel and Training 

New Delhi, dated the 5th March, 2014 


Subject : Re-Constitution of Departmental Peer Review Committee for considering the cases for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation. 

The Prime Minister has approved the composition of the Standing Peer Review Committee in respect of Department of Bio-Technology with the following composition for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation under FR 56(d): 

i) Dr.K.VijayRaghavan, Secretary                   Chairman 
Department of Bio-Technology 

ii) Dr S.Ayyappan, Secretary 
Department of Agricultural Research & 
Education & Director General, 
Indian Council of Agricultural Research           Member 

iii) Dr.R.K.Shevgaonkar, 
Director, IIT, New Delhi                                    Member 

iv) Dr.V.M.Katoch, 
Secretary, Department of Health Research, 
Director General, ICMR                                   Member 
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 

v) Secretary, Deptt.of Personnel & Training    Member 

2. The tenure of the Committee will be two years. 

3. The Committee will hold biennial meetings, three to four months in advance to consider the proposals for extension of service coming up in the six months block i.e., April- September and October-March so that the ACC gets sufficient time to consider the 
proposals. The recommendation of the Peer Review Committee for extension of service beyond 60 years and up-to 62 years may be submitted to the EC Division of DOP&T for obtaining approval of the ACC. 

4. The Committee will also consider the cases of extension of service beyond 62 years and up-to 64 years and the recommendation of the Committee may be submitted to the Establishment Division for placing the same for consideration by the Screening Committee headed by the Cabinet Secretary before obtaining the approval of the ACC. 

Under Secretary


30% salary hike through 50% DA Merger - Percentage analysis

Can the govt. servants get 30% Salary hike on account of 50% DA Merger? – An analysis
It is observed that recently Public Medias are interested to publish the news about pay hike of central government employees.
We all know the Federations of Central Government employees have been holding demonstrations and Struggles to invite the attention of govt. to settle their many demands for the past few months. As a result of this Centre has accepted to settle some demands.
One of the main demands laid down before the Central Government by Federations is 50% DA Merger. A Sensational News was spread across the country that a decision on 50% DA merger will be announced in the Cabinet Meeting held last week. But, though there
was no any formal announcement in this regard, the approval of 7th CPC Terms of reference by Government made everyone to think that it will be considered sooner or later.
A Popular English daily published a tabloid news last week, in which The daily claimed that a govt. official informed them ‘the govt. servants will get 30% Pay Hike on account of Merger of 50% dearness Allowance with Basic Pay.’
Is that true? Let us see with an example
For example, let us consider as if a government servant is working in one of the four metropolitan cities and rendered 10 years’ of service.
His Basic Pay is (7600+2400)
Dearness Allowance 100%
HRA 30%
Transport Allowance (1600+1600)
Rs.26,200 is the maximum total emoluments of this particular Basic Pay. This will not be exceeded at any cost but there are some reasons to make these total emoluments to be lesser than this.
The salary with same basic pay after DA merger
In case the central government agrees to merge the 50% DA with basic pay, then that govt. servant can expect a considerable pay hike on account of Merger of 50% DA.
After Merger of 50% DA his Pay will be as fallows
Basic Pay (7600+2400)
Dearness Pay
Dearness Allowance
Total Hike in Pay (29400 – 26200)
% of Hike is
How can one say that he will be getting 30% hike when he is getting only Rs.3200 in addition to his previous salary of Rs.26,200 after 50% DA merger?
Everybody fallowed the particular Daily and started writing that the Government servants will get 30% salary hike after 50% DA is merged with basic Pay. But this example clearly shows that there is no such hike and if the DA is merged with Basic Pay the increase in salary will be only from 8% to 15%
According to their entitlement the percentage of increase will vary, but no one can get 30% pay hike on account of DA merger.

NFIR is dissatisfied with Terms of Reference of the 7th Central Pay Commission

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen

No.IV/NFIR/7th CPC/2013/Pt.I

Dated: 04/03/2014

The Secretary (DoP&T),
Department of Personnel & Training,
North Block,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Terms of Reference of the 7th Central Pay Commission.

On perusal of the notification issued by the Govemment of India through Gazette of India bearing No.1/1/2013-E III (A) dated 28/02/2014, we find that the Terms of Reference notified by the Govemment is at variance in many respects to the Draft Terms of Reference the Staff Side had submitted to the Government on 25.10.2013 as desired during discussions in the meeting chaired by Secretary, DoP&T.

At the conclusion of the meeting held on 24.10.2013, it was agreed that the Government would consider our suggestions in the matter and will convene another meeting with the participation of the Secretary (Expenditure) to iron out the differences, if any and explore the possibilities of an agteement in the matter.

We regret to inform you that no such meeting was convened and no attempt was made by the Official Side to work for an agreed Terms of Reference. We find that the Govemment has rejected our suggestions for either taking decision in the matter of Interim Relief Merger of D.A., representation of labour representative in the Commission itself, bringing in parity with the past and present pensioners, covering the employees appointed on or after 01.01.2004 within the ambit of the Defined Benefitted Pension Scheme, date of effect, settlement of the pending items in the National Anomaly Committee etc., or referring those issues to the Commission itself for an Interim Report.

In the meeting held on 24th October, 2013 the Staff Side also pointed out that proposals of various ministries seeking clearance of Finance Ministry for rectification of 6th CPC anomalies are still pending with Ministry of Finance and requested that the said proposals may be cleared before constituting the 7th Central Pay Commission. However, the proposals are yet to be cleared by the Ministry of Finance.

Besides, we are to state that the existing Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) Scheme being a bilateral agreement, cannot be subjected to scrutiny and examination by the 7th CPC.

We, therefore, request you to kindly convene a meeting of the Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) to discuss the issue, so as to make amendments to the Terms of Reference.

Yours faithfully,

General Secretary

Source: NFIR

Improving further the General ACP pay structure of Haryana Government employees.

(To be substituted bearing with same No. & date)

No. 1/83/2008-1PR (FD)
Dated, Chandigarh the 4th March, 2014


(made under rule 26 and rule 28 of the Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression) Rules, 2008)

Subject: Improving further the General ACP pay structure of Haryana Government employees.

Whereas the State Government notified Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression) Rules, 2008 vide notification No. G.S.R.-45/Const./Art. 309/08, dated 30th December, 2008 for providing financial upgradation to its employees in the absence of opportunity of functional promotion.

2. The objective of these rules was to provide two kinds of Assured Career Progression Schemes namely:-

1) Cadre Specific Assured Career Progression Scheme for certain categories of employees/ cadres.

ii) General Assured Career Progression Scheme for all other group A, B, C and D employees of Haryana Government who are not covered under scheme (i).

3. The General Assured Career Progression Scheme provides opportunities of financial upgradatlon to the employees on completion of 10, 20 and 30 years of services, if they have not got promotion during previous 10 years of service.

4. On the persistent demand of Haryana Government employees, the matter has been further considered by the Government at length and after careful consideration, the Government has decided to modify the general ACP scheme as under:-

i) The term of 10, 20 and 30 years of service for grant of 1st, 2nd and 3rd ACP respectively has been changed to 8, 16 and 24 years. Accordingly, Rule 7 and all other relevant provisions of these rules will be deemed to have been modified to this extent.

ii). ACP grade pay indicated in Column No. 4, 5 and , against the pre-revised & revised functional pay scale indicated in Column No. 2 & 3 of Sr. No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 of Schedule I, Part-II of these rules have been modified as under:-

The Central Civil Services (Leave) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2013.

[To be published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-II, Section 3, Sub.section (i)]



New Delhi, the 18 February, 2014       

G.S.R. 96(e)In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 read with clause (5) of article 148 of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in relation to persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972, namely;-

1 (1) These rules may be called the Central Civil Services (Leave) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2013.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. In the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972, in rule 53, in sub-rule (4), -

(a) in Forms 7 and 8, after pars 4, the following para shall respectively, b inserted, namely:-

“NOW FURTHER THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE WRITTEN OBLIGATION IS THAT the period of my bond mandating putting in service for the period as specified above, after expiry of the study leave availed by me, shall be extended by a comparable period, equivalent to the aggregate periods of leave of any kind availed by me during the currency of the bond period.”

(b) in Forms 9 and 10, after pars 5, the following para shall respectively. be inserted, namely:-

“NOW FURTHER THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE WRITTEN OBLIGATION IS THAT the period of bond, mandating putting in service by the Obligor for the period as specified above, after expiry of the study leave availed by him or her, shall be extended by a comparable period, equivalent to the aggregate periods of leave of any kind availed by him or her during the currency of the bond period.”

[F. N . 13026/4/2012-Estt-(L)]

Joint Secretary to the Government of India


Private hospitals to stop CGHS cashless scheme from March 7

In a blow to government employees, including those who have retired, the Central Government Health Service has announced withdrawal of cashless medical service in private hospitals empanelled with the CGHS scheme from March 7. Patients will henceforth have to cough up hospital charges and later claim the amount from the government, according to the new rule.

The move will affect 50 lakh serving employees and over 30 lakh pensioners, as well as their family members. At a conservative estimate, the total number of persons affected could well be over two crore.

The move was necessary, said the Association of Healthcare Providers India (or AHPI, the nodal body of private empanelled hospitals) for a number of reasons, the main ones being CGHS owes these hospitals around Rs 200 crore in unpaid services as well as “unreasonably low” CGHS tariffs that haven’t been revised for the last four years. A doctor’s consultation fee, for example, remains Rs 58.

Also, AHPI says CGHS makes “illegal” deductions of 10% on all payments leading to losses for member hospitals. AHPI claims the amount runs up to Rs 180 crore.

In Karnataka, 20 hospitals, all in Bangalore, are empanelled with AHPI. HCG, Apollo hospitals, MS Ramaiah Memorial Hospital and Bangalore Baptist Hospital, among others, will not provide the cashless health scheme from March 7.

“When we were empanelled with the government, it was agreed upon that we will get 10% rebate on treatment charges if the government pays within seven days. But now, this deduction has been made applicable even when the amount is unpaid for years. That’s illegal. This has led to huge losses for member hospitals amounting to over Rs 180 crore over the past three years,” says Dr Alexander Thomas, CEO, Bangalore Baptist hospital, who represents AHPI in Bangalore.

Some hospitals have put up a public notice to this effect, reading, “CGHS tariffs are unreasonably low and not been revised for the last four years, threatening the very existence of the medical service providers.”

Dr Naresh Shetty of AHPI said, “The empanelled hospitals have been providing services under most difficult circumstances. They had to deal with steep hikes in electricity and water tariff, consumables, wages, taxes. We’ve been requesting a revision since June 2013 but there’s been no response.”

Official speak

The dues are just one issue. The bigger issue is that a doctor’s consultation charge of Rs 58 is appalling. The fees for several procedures are abysmally low. We don’t want to let down our beneficiaries but we have no choice. We ask the CGHS to consider the rates of the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers. We’ve suggested that if at all CGHS were to take tender route, let CGHS decide the rates based on lowest bid received from NABH – accredited hospitals. Adopting rates like this would be logical and rational. Treating a patient can’t be made similar to selling onions and potatoes.


Procedure for payment and reimbursement of medical expenses under ECHS


Government of India
Ministry of Defence
(Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare)

New Delhi, the 14th February 2014

Managing Director
Central Organisation,
ECHS New Delhi-10

Subject: Procedure for payment and reimbursement of medial expenses under ECHS: Processing of bills by Bill Processing Agency (BPA)

1. Further to Gol letter No. 24(8)/03/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 19 Dec
2003 and 22A(10)/10/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 23 Feb 2012 and 05 Nov 2012.

2. I am directed to convey the sanction of the Government to extend the On-Line bill processing by the Bill Processing Agency (BPA) to under mentioned Regional Centres w.e.f. 1st April 2014.

(a) Bangalore.
(b) Chennai.
(c) Coimbatore.
(d) Dehradun.
(e) Jabalpur.
(f) Jammu.
(g) Mumbai.
(h) Nagpur.
(i) Patna.
(j) Allahabad.
(k) Ahmedabad.
(I) Ambala.
(n) Delhi(II).
(o) Guwahati.
(p) Hisar.
(q) Ranchi.
(r) Visakhapatanam.

3. One dedicated broadband Internet circuit {2Mbps(1:1)} and one standard 2Mbps broadband connection for each of the Regional Centres processing bills on line is sanctioned.

4. Procedure for Bill payment as authorised vide Govt letter 22A(10)110/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 23 Feb 2012 and 05 Nov 2012 will be followed by all Regional Centres and Polyclinic. All other contents of Govt letter mentioned in this para remain unchanged.

5. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance) vide their U.O. No.33(07)/2011-FP dated 02-12-2013.

Yours faithfully,

(H.K. Mallick )
Under Secretary to the Govt of India



Appx A
(Ref to Para 3(a) of C&L Sec SN No
13/49717-C/AG/ECHS dt 21 Feb 14)


1. Though pre 1996 retirees were exempted from making contribution for becoming members of ECHS vide Hon’ble Supreme Court Order on Writ Petition (Civil) No 210 of 1999 dt 22 Aug 2006, however there are no instrs from the Govt regarding refund of ECHS contribution in r/o pre Jan 1996 retirees who had already made the contribution prior to the Judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court. Contempt petition in this regards filed by Reid Defence Officers Association vide (C) No 16 of 2007 in WP (C) No 210/1999 was dismissed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court on 03 Nov 2008.

2. However, the case for refund of ECHS contribution for pre 1996 retirees who became ECHS member by paying ECHS contribution has been taken up with MoD since 20 May 2010 by Central Org ECHS. MoD had intimated that it has been decided to examine the case after Cabinet decision on the recovery of excess amount of NPA granted to retired Armed Forces doctors is available. Since the NPA issue has now been settled, Do ESW has again been requested for issuing favourable instructions.
