Showing posts with label Min.of Railways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Min.of Railways. Show all posts

Allotment of improved Pay Scale to Railway Accounts Staff w.e.f 1/1/1996 on actual basis.


No PC-V/2003/CC/25/SR
New Delhi, dated 19/03/2014.

The General Secretary
3, Chelmsford Road.
New Delhi-110065

Sub:- Allotment of improved Pay Scale to Railway Accounts Staff w.e.f 1/1/1996 on actual basis.

The undersigned is directed to refer to NFIR’s letters No. NFIR/VI/CPC/Main/10/Pt IX dt 28.02.13, NFIR/VI/CPC/Main/10/Pt IX dt 9.5.13, NFIR/VI//CPC/Main/10/Pt.9 dt 13.8.13 and NFIR/VI/CPC/Main Pt.9 dt 5.11.13 on the above subject and to state that in context of another case involving identical issue the matter was under consideration in consultation with Central Agency Section/Department of Law and Justice, and based on opinion of Ld. Additional Solicitor General of India an SI.P has been filed in that matter before the Hon’ble Supreme Court. The said SLP is pending before Hon’ble Supreme Court. As such the matter at present is sub-judice.

Yours faithfully
For Secretary/Railway Board

Source: NFIR

Recovery of excess amount paid to pre-1996 retirees.


No. F(E)III/2009/PN1/8 pt.
 New Delhi, dated 28-02-2014.

The General Secretary,
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi -110055.

Dear Sir,
Sub: Recovery of excess amount paid to pre-1996 retirees.

I am directed to refer to your letter No.AIRF/44(29) ated 03.02.2014 on the above subject. 

2. In this regard it is slated that clarificatory instructions dated 02.02.2010 & 18.03.2010 were issued to all the Zonal Railways for correction of the error committed by some of the Zonal Railways while revising pension/family pension of such of the pre-1996 retirees of the 4th CPC scale of pay of Rs.1400-2300 w.e.f. 01.01.1996/01.01.2006. The Zonal Railways were advised that the corresponding scale in 5th CPC and Pay Band and Grade Pay in 6th CPC to the 4th CPC scale of pay of Rs.1400-2300 is Rs. 4500-7000 and PB-1+ GP 2800 respectively.

3. When the corrective action was taken by Zonal Railways, some of the pensioners approached different CAT benches praying for restoration of their incorrect pension/family pension and for stoppage of recovery. In almost all the cases, the Hon’ble CAT has upheld the action of the Zonal Railways for correct revision of pension/family pension. On recovery aspect, in few cases, CATs have observed that since there was no misrepresentation on the part of the railway servants, no recovery be made.

4. In three of such cases, the Railway has filed writ petition against the order of the CAT challenging the stoppage of recovery ordered by CATs, which are still pending before High Courts. As such, any decision in regard to recovery or otherwise can only be taken after the judgment in The said cases are pronounced.

Yours faithfully,
for Secretary/Railway Board


Cadre restructuring of Group “C” staff



NEW DELHI Dated 31.01.2014

The chief commercial Manager,
All Zonel Railway.

Sub: Cadre restructuring of Group “C” staff

Ref: RallwayBoard’s letter No PC-III/2O123/CRC/4.dt 08.10.2013

ECRCs, Commercial Clerks, Commercial Inspectors and Ticket Checking Staff are essentially revenue earning staff. A reduction of strength in these four categories would result in closure of counters or leaving coaches unmanned, thereby leading to leakage of revenue. It is also be on demonstrated on certain Divisions that deployment of additional Booking clerks and opening of additional Booking Windows bave resulted in increase of revenue.

It is, therefore, desired that there should be no surrender of posts of these categories of staff (that is Ticket Checking Staff, Booking/Reservation Clerks/Supervisors) in connection with the proposed cadre restructuring.

(A.Madhukumar Reddy)
Excutive Director Passenger Marketing
Railway Board

Source: NFIR

Grant of full sets of Post Retirement Complimentary Passes (PRCP) after 20 years of railway service.

R.B.E.No- 24/2014

E(W)2013/P5 5-1/7

Dated-12, 03.2014

The General Manager,
All Indian Railway&
Production Units.

Sub:- Grant of full sets of Post Retirement Complimentary Passes (PRCP) after 20 years of railway service.

Instructions were issued vide Board’s letter of even dated 16.12.2013, discontinuing weightage of 5 years in qualifying service for PRCP on voluntary retirement and also granting full si of PRCP after 20 years railway service. These instructions were effective from date of issue i.e. j6.12.2013.

On receipt of various references/representations regarding date of implementation of the said instruction, the issue has been further examined and Board have now decided that the instructions dated 16.12.2013 be made applicable with effect from 01.01.2006.

In all other respects, the extant provisions of the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (revised edition-1993) shall continue to apply.

This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.

(Debasis Mazumdar)
Director Estt.(Welfare)
Railway Board


Upgraded Group ‘D’ posts in scale Rs 3050-4590 in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds-reg.

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to:
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)

No. I/8/CRC/09/Vol .9 
Dated: 03/03/2014

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub; Upgraded Group ‘D’ posts in scale Rs 3050-4590 in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds-reg.

Ref: (i) NFIR’s letter No. 118/CRC/09/Vol. 9 dated 21/11/2013.
(ii) Railway Board’s letter No. PC-III/2004/DC-JCMJ/11 dated 17/02/2014.

With reference to Railway Board’s reply vide letter dated 17/02/2014 NFIR once again desires to convey facts of the case as below for review:-

(i) Vide para (i) of the Board’s letter, it has been stated that the Railway Board vide its letter dated 28/09/1998, had specifically mentioned that there will be no consequent increase in the number of posts in the grades higher than Rs 3050-4590. NFIR is aware of this ‘rider” imposed by the Railway Board in the year 1998. However, on nine Zonal Railways, these posts were taken as part of cadre strength and granted cadre restructuring w.e.f. 1/11/2003 in diesel/electric Loco/EMU Sheds. Thus it become fate-accompli

(ii) When the Railway Board issued instructions to withdraw the benefit, Federations strongly had protested against such step, consequently the Zonal Railways have not reviewed wherever already implemented to avoid staff agitation.

(iii) Consequent to the implementation of 6th CPC pay structure (Grade Pay & Pay Band) w.e.f. 01/01/2006 the minimum educational qualification for entry into GP Rs 1800/- has been revised as matriculation or above. Whereas in the year 1998, the entry qualification in Diesel/Elec. Loco. EMU Sheds was reduced to 8th standard for Group D’ while placing 50% posts in pay scale Rs 3050-4590 to be filled by those staff who possessed Metric/Act Apprenticeship/ITI. From these facts, it could be seen that entry qualification for Group ‘D’ posts prior to September 1998 in Diesel/Electric Loco, EMU Sheds was Metric/ITI/Act Apprenticeship. Having allowed cadre restructuring from 01/11/2003 duly taking upgraded Helper posts into consideration and having granted benefit of restructuring/promotion with effect from November, 2003, it would be improper to quote Board’s letter dated 28/09/1998 for denying benefit. Railway Board instead sticking to illogical stand should realistically analyse the issue for rendering justice to the technical staff working in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds. It may be noted that these staff belong to sensitive categories.

(iv) Incidentally, NFIR desires to point out that while in all Technical Departments, promotion quota for Technician Grade III has been 50%, surprisingly in of Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds. the promotion quota was only 20% thus career growth of Helpers was blocked since the past over 15 years.

(v) If the Railway Board is not satisfied with the valid points mentioned above, a meeting with the MM & ML may be arranged at the earliest. It may also be noted that there is atmosphere of agitation among staff of Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds against Board’s restructuring orders dated 08/10/2013, as on many zones, the staff may not get promotion benefit. NFIR is keen to avoid agitation and dislocation and equally expects the Railway Board to respond for resolving the issue.

Federation therefore requests to review the matter without delay.

Yours faithfully,

General Secretary


Anomalies in the Pay Scale of Pharmacists.

AIRE/101 (27)
The Secretary (Estt.)
Railway Board,
Rail Bhvan
New Delhi.

Sub: Anomalies in the Pay Scale of Pharmacists.

Ref: Railway Board’s L.NO. PC-VI/2013/RU/AIRF/22 dt.19/9/2013.

In reference to above, the pay structure, and promotion aspects of Pharmacists have a reasonable anomaly whih is required to be given a serious thought on the issue in its entirety keeping in view the requisite qualification for entry in the service & various other factors as enumerated below:

1. Pharmacists have all along enjoyed higher pay scales as compared to Dental Hygienists. Prior to Gazette Notification of 20th August, 2008, their qualifications were also lower. The pay scales of dental hygienists suddenly got upgraded from Rs. 4000-6000 to Rs. 5000-8000 in November, 2005 vide order NO.A-28011/1/99-ED dt.11/17-11-2005. At that point of time their Qualification for entry was Matric + 2 years certificate course. This qualification is much lower as compared to the qualification prescribed for the entry grade of Pharmacists, which are as under:-

i. 10 ÷ 2 (Science)

ii. Two years Diploma in pharmacy with 3 months practical training of 500 hours. (Approved by All India Council of Technical

iii. Registration with any of the State Pharmacy Council of India.

The above comparison clearly indicates that the gross injustice has been done by the Govt. of India to this category prior to November, 2005.

2.. From the report of 6th CPC, Para 3.6.23 it was seen that the Commission had erroneously observed that the qualifications for Dental Hygienists and pharmacists are identical; actually, it is not so. Qualifications for Pharmacists are 10+2 followed by 2 years’ diploma. Diploma in Pharmacy which is recognized by AICTE. As compared to this, qualification for dental hygienists hitherto were below the level of Pharmacists and it was only in the year 2009 that their qualifications was slightly improved to make it 10+2 followed by diploma of two years. Moreover, their diploma is not recognized by AICTE. Ironically, 6th Pay Commission made totally unjustified discrimination while proposing pay scales for pharmacists and dental hygienists. While Dental hygienists were placed in pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800 plus GP of Rs. 4200, pharmacists were given entry grade of Rs.5200-20200 with GP of Rs. 2800/- only. Aggrieved with this, pharmacists have been struggling since then to get fair treatment from the Central Government. Ultimately, the Fast Track Committee constituted on the issue has appreciated the short-coming and have categorically, recommended that minimum educational qualification and experience prescribed for Direct Recruitment as pharmacists can not be ignored and accordingly they suggested that a time bound up-gradation of Pharmacists recruited in grade pay of Rs. 2800/- may be placed in the higher grade in PB II with GP Rs.4200/- on completion of two years service. This placement of Pharmacists in PB II with grade pay Rs. 4200/-, is totally delinked from vacancies is non-functional one. In this regard, we are of the view that the justice has not been imparted to the category by not granting parity with Dental Hygienists.

3. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, vide their OM NO. A-28011/01/2008-PMS dt. 11/13 June, 2008, forwarded a representation received from various associations agitating grievances of the Pharmacists for consideration of the Committee of Secretaries, It was brought out in great details that duties performed by pharmacists were more onerous in nature and they observed to be placed in higher pay scales at the entry grade level itself.

It is pertinent to mention that Dental hygienists all along were in lower pay scales as compared to Pharmacists. In terms of Gazette notification NO. 28 dt. 14th July, 1990, dental hygienists were in pay scales of Rs.1200-2040 at a time when pharmacists were in pay scales of Rs.1350-2200. At that time, the required qualifications for dental hygienists was matriculation or equivalent and were required to be registered as dental hygienists. Consequent to implementation of 5th CPC scales, dental hygienists were given pay scale of Rs.4000-6000 whereas pharmacists were placed in pay scale of Rs. 4500-7000. For reasons difficult to comprehend, the pay scales of dental hygienists were revised upwards from Rs.4000-6000 to Rs.5000-8000 w.e.f. 4/10/2005, by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare vide order NO. A-28011/l/99-DE dated : 11/17th November, 2005. It is significant to point out that even at that stage, qualification of dental hygienists were lower than those of pharmacists.

Mot unfortunately, despite repeated representations , the pharmacists did not get a fair deal and their higher qualifications as compared to dental hygienists were ignored. Under these circumstances and on representation from JCM, a fast Track Committee was constituted to go into the grievance of pharmacists. The fast track committee gave its report on 6th November, 2009. This committee also did not provide much relief to the pharmacists on the specious plea that they did not want to disturb the relativities , not only among medical categories , but also between para medical categories and other categories like ASMs, Goods Guards, etc.

We are of the opinion that comparison/relativity of the Pharmacists is in fact, required to be examined with in the Medical Department only i.e. Dental Hygienists. The fast track committee also took into account that 6th CPC had not agreed to Pharmacist’s demand of pay scales at par with Dental Hygienists. Apparentiy, the fast track committee failed to appropriate that this was the very ground on which the pharmacists had based their grievance that they were better qualified than the dental hygienists, and that their duties were more onerous and they deserved to be placed at least the same entry grade as that of dental hygienists, if not higher , but the 6th CPC totally ignored their claim. The fast track committee only gave a token relief in as much as they only suggested that after completion of two years in pay scale of Rs. 5200-20200 plus GP of Rs.2800/-, the pharmacists would be placed in the next higher grade of Rs.9300-34800 with GP of Rs.4200 and not par with Dental Hygienists This has created a serious anomaly in as much as the injustice meted out to the pharmacists in placing them in scales lower than dental hygienists, ( who are lesser qualified ), has perpetuated their agony and secondly placement from Gr. Rs. 5200-20200 with GP of Rs. 2800/- to the grade of Rs. 9300-34800 with GP of Rs. 4200/- has been considered as one benefit under ACP. ACP II benefit is given after another 10 years by giving grade pay of Rs. 4600/-. After that, there is full stop and there is no further promotion or financial upgradation. The Government of India has completely omitted to notice that they have created a situation that pharmacists, after completing 12 years of service would stagnate for the next 30 years, thereby defeating the very purpose of Assured Career Progression. The qualification of dental hygienists has been raised to the level of those of pharmacists only w.e.f. 20th August, 2009.

The anomaly , as has been brought out above, can be rectified if the Pharmacists are assigned entry pay scale of Rs.9300-34800 with GP of Rs. 4200/- & further promotions/ ACP benefits may be extended accordingly.

Hence in view of the above, facts and circumstances of the case, we, therefore, request to take up the matter at appropriate level so that the gross injustice as existing is resolved once for all to meet of end of justice.

Yours sincerely

(S.G. Mishra)
General Secretary

Source: AIRF

Determination of date of increment after expiry of duration or penalties of withholding of increments/reduction to lower stage imposed for less than a year regarding.

RBE No. 09/2014

No. E(D&A) 2008 RG6-36
New Delhi, 15-01-2014

The General Manager(P)
All Indian Railways and
Production Units etc.
(As per standard list).

Sub: Determination of date of increment after expiry of duration or penalties of withholding of increments/reduction to lower stage imposed for less than a year regarding.

Ministry of Railways have received a few references regarding certain penalties of rule 6 of Railway Servants (Discipline And Appeal) Rules, 1968 which are having pay element imposed for less than a year. In one case, the penalty of withholding of increments was imposed on 24.3.2008 for a period of six months with cumuiative effect and in the other case the penalty of reduction to lower stage was imposed on 9.2.2009 for a period of six months with non-cumulative effect.

2. The question of date of release of increment in the above cases on expiry of the penalty, in the context of fixing of 1st July as the date of increment uniformally for all Government servants following VIth CPC, has been examined in consultation with the Department of Personnel & Training. It is advised that fixing of 1st July as the date of increment for all Government servants under the Revised Pay Rules following the acceptance of the recommendation of the VIth CPC, is relevant only in respect of Annual increment. This provision is not applicable where the increment is withheld as a measure of penalty. In cases where the increment is withheld as a penalty for a specified period restoration of the withheld increment would be at the end of the currency of the penalty and not postponed to the next 1st July. The person concerned may even be entitled to the next increment on the 1st July following the expiry of the currency of the penalty, (notwithstanding the fact that the penalty imposed on him was having postponing effect on his future increments), if he has net qualifying service of six months prior to the relevant 1st July.

3. Likewise, where tne penalty of reduction to lower stage was imposed, the pay will be restored immediately on expiry of the currency of the penalty. In so far as release of next increment is concerned, the same may also be allowed immediately on restoration if the person concerned has rendered net qualifying service of six months on the 1st July preceding the date of the expiry of the currency of the penalty.

4. Please acknowledge receipt.

(Harish Chander)
Dy. Director Estt. (D&A)
Railway Board

Source: NFIR

Strike Ballot on pending demands-17th and 18th January, 2014.

National Federation of Indian Raliwaymen
Affiliated to:
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)

No. II/95/Pt.V

Dated: 23/12/2013

The General Secretaries
of affiliated Unions of NFIR


Sub: Strike Ballot on pending demands-17th and 18th January, 2014.

While enclosing copies resolutions passed in the 27th National Convention of NFIR, held at Visakhapatnam from December 10th to 12th, 2013, the affiliates are advised that as per resolution, strike ballot should be organised on 17th & 18th January 2014 on pending demands, for eliciting the opinion of Railway Employees.

Grant of full sets of Post Retirement Complimentary Passes (PRCP) after 20 years of railway service.


RBE No.132/2013



Sub: Grant of full sets of Post Retirement Complimentary Passes (PRCP) after 20 years of railway service.

A clarification was sought by one of the railway/unit as to whether weightage of 5 years in qualifying service in PRCP on voluntary retirement is to be continued or not.

Restructuring of certain Group 'C' cadres.

RBE No.133/2013
New Delhi, dated 19.12.2013
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways/Production Units, RDSO etc. &
Director General, Central Training Institutes.

Sub: Restructuring of certain Group 'C' cadres.
Reference item 2 ( Applicability to various cadres) of Board's letter No. PC.III/2013/CRC/4 dated 8.10.2013 (RBE No.102/2013).
Both the Federations ( AIRF/NFIR) had advised that Railways are facing difficulty in implementing the instructions contained in item 2 of Board's letter ibid regarding "only those temporary posts which are in operation for atleast three years may also be taken into account for the purpose of applying revised percentage" and requested Board to amend this clause.

Railway Board Order: Amendments in the norms of minimum qualifications for recruitment / promotion of teachers for classes I to VIII in Railway Schools


RBE No. 127/2013


Dated 09.12.2013

The General Manager,
All Indian Railways,
Including C.L.W., D.L.W., I.C.F. and
Director General / R.D.S.O.

Sub: Amendments in the norms of minimum qualifications for recruitment / promotion of teachers for classes I to VIII in Railway Schools (Primary and Trained Graduate Teachers).

Ref: Para No.178 of IREM, Vol-l (Revised Edition 1989)

The minimum qualifications for recruitment / promotion of Primary School Teachers,Trained Graduate Teachers and Post Graduate Teachers working in Railway Schools have been laid down in Boards letter No. E(P&A)I-87/PS-5/PE-9 dated 04.10.1989, which are in line with those laid down by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan and Delhi Administration for these categories of teachers.

Special Class Railway Apprentices’ Examination, 2014

Press Information Bureau
Government of India

   The Union Public Service Commission will be conducting the Special Class Railway Apprentices’ Examination, 2014 on  January 12, 2014 at various centres all over India as per notification. E-Admit Cards are available on the Commission’s website  Candidates are advised to download and check their e-admit cards carefully and bring discrepancy, if any, to the notice of the Commission immediately.  Rejection letters citing the ground(s) for rejection have been issued through e-mails and also put on the Union Public Service Commission’s website  In case any difficulty is faced by the candidates in downloading e-admit cards, they may contact the UPSC Facilitation Counter on Telephone Nos. 011-23385271, 011-23381125 and 011-23098543 on any working day between 10.00 AM and 5.00 PM.  The candidates can also send Fax message on Fax No. 011-23387310.  No  Admit Card will be sent by post.

Qualification for recruitment of staff from open market in Pay Band-l (Grade Pay: Rs.1800).


RBE No. 129/2013.

No. E (NG)-II/2009/RR-1/10Pt.

New Delhi, Dated: 09/12/2013

The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
(As per mailing list)

Sub: Qualification for recruitment of staff from open market in Pay Band-l (Grade Pay: `1800).

   Attention is invited to this Ministry's letter of even number dated 09/12/2010 wherein minimum educational qualification for all recruitments against direct recruitment quota through all modes has been prescribed as 10th pass or ITI or equivalent.

   2. The issue whether candidates with 8th pass qualification and in possession of qualification of Course Completed Act Apprenticeship, who are granted National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) can be considered for appointment/engagement to posts in Pay Band-l (Grade Pay: `1800).

   3. The issue has been examined in consultation with Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGET), M/o Labour & Employment, Man Power Planning Directorate & Pay Commission Directorate of this Ministry and it has been decided that para 2 of Board's letter of even number dated 09/12/2010 may be read as under:-

   2. The Ministry of Railways have decided that henceforth minimum educational qualification for recruitment in Pay Band-1 of ` 5200-20200 having Grade Pay of ` 1800/- will be 10th pass or ITI or equivalent or National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) granted by NCVT. These instructions will be applicable for all future recruitment henceforth against direct recruitment quota through a modes.

   4. Cases decided in the past need not be re-opened.

   Please acknowledge receipt.

   (Hindi version will follow).

   {This disposes off Western Railway's letter No. E(R&T) 891/21 (Act.App.)Vol.II dated 02/1/2013, 12/3/2013, 26/4/2013 & 20/7/2013 and Northern Railway's letter No. 844-E/149/Act App/JUDW /Rectt/2012/Loose dated 19/9/2013} .

(Harsha Dass)
Director Estt. (N)-II
Railway Board


Recruitment/engagement of persons in Pay Band -1 (Grade Pay: Rs.1800) - Minimum educational qualification - regarding.


RBE No.128/2013.

No. E (NG)-II/2011/RR-l/11.

New Delhi, Dated: 09/12/2013

The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
(As per mailing list)

Sub: Recruitment/engagement of persons in Pay Band -1 (Grade Pay:`1800) - Minimum educational qualification - regarding.

   References have been received from various railway establishments seeking clarification whether relaxation in prescribed qualification permissible vide Board's letter of even number dated 09/12/2011 (RBE No. 166/2011) is applicable or otherwise to engagement of Substitute Bungalow Peons/Telephone Attendant cum Dak Khalasi (TADK) on the railways.

Hostel facilities for single women Railway employees at all Divisional headquarters.


RBE No.131/2013.

No. E (G) 2013 QR1-09

New Delhi, Dated: 11/12/2013

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways/Production Units,
(As per standard list)

Sub: Hostel facilities for single women Railway employees at all Divisional headquarters.

   Following declaration by the then Hon'ble Railway Minister in his Budget speech (2013-14) in regard to provision of hostel facilities for single women Railway employees at all Divisional headquarters, the issue has been considered by the full Board.

Setting Up of Kendriya Vidyalayas in Railways

Press Information Bureau
Government of India

Setting Up of Kendriya Vidyalayas

   The Ministry of Railways have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD), Harnaut (Bihar), Cast Wheel Plant, Bela for setting up 50 new Kendriya Vidyalayas during 11th and 12th Plan periods.

Restructuring of certain Group 'C' cadres.

RBE No.102/2013
No. PC-III/2013/CRC/4
New Delhi, dated 08-10-2013
The General Managers/ Director General,
All Indian Railways/ Production Units,
RDSO etc. Central Training Institutes.

Sub. : Restructuring of certain Group 'C' cadres.

   The Ministry of Railways have had under review Cadres of certain Group 'C' staff in consultation with both the recognized Federations (AIRF/NFIR) with a view to strengthen and rationalize the staffing pattern on Railways. As a result of the review undertaken on the basis of functional, operational and administrative requirements, it has been decide.d with the approval of the President that the Group 'C' categories of staff as indicated in the Annexures 'A' to 'H' this letter should be restructured in accordance with the revised percentages indicated therein. While implementing these orders the following instructions should be carefully and strictly adhered to:

Details of major concessions granted to different categories of persons on Indian Railways

   The detailed rules, procedures, entitlement, purposes, etc for grant of concession are contained under different serial numbers in IRCA Coaching Tariff, Part I (Vol. II) which can be purchased from the General Secretary, I.R.C.A., Chelmsford Road, New Delhi. For any complaints or clarifications, the General Manager or the Chief Commercial Superintendent of the concerned Zonal Railway Administration should be approached. The important general rules for concession, in reference to the above mentioned Tariff, are as under:
   1. (a) All concessional fares shall be calculated on the basis of fares for Mail/Express trains irrespective of the type of train, i.e. Mail or Express or Passenger, by which the passenger travels.
   (b) Concession shall not be granted for any journey the cost of which is borne by the Central or State Government or a local authority or a Statutory body or a Corporation or a Government Undertaking or a University. However, the students participating in the tournaments held or recognized by the schools or universities will be eligible to the concession.

Open market recruitment against Cultural Quota on the railways - Videography of field-trials regarding.


RBE No. 124/2013.

No. E (NG)-II/2013/RR-2/2.

New Delhi, dated: 22/11/2013

The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
(As per standard mailing list)

Sub: Open market recruitment against Cultural Quota on the railways - Videography of field-trials regarding.

Ref: Letters No. E(NG)II/99/RR-2/3 dated 04/5/2000 and E(NG)II/2003/RR-2/4 dated 19/11/2003.

   The issue of introduction of system of videography of assessment of talents in the relevant field on the basis of practical demonstration in open market recruitment against Cultural Quota on the railways on the lines of existing practice in Physical Efficiency Test (PET) of open market recruitment to posts in Pay Band-l having Grade Pay: ` 1800 (erstwhile Group 'D') posts on the railways has been under consideration of this Ministry.


All India Railwaymen's Federation

   The 88th Annual Conference of the All India Railwaymen’s Federation, held at Visakhapatnam on 18-20 December, 2012, decided that, if the following burning grievances of the Railwaymen are not resolved in a time-bound programme, AIRF would be compelled to conduct strike ballot as a first step for a decisive struggle:-
   1. Filling-up all vacant posts.
   2. Sanction additional posts in commensurate with increase in the number of trains and workload.
   3. Stop outsourcing of perennial nature jobs, violating the provision of Contract Labour (Regulation &
Abolition) Act, 1970.
   4. Scrap New Pension Scheme and cover all the staff with pension and family pension scheme as
available to staff appointed prior to 01.01.2004.
   5. Implement recommendations of Cade Restructuring Committee.