ID Proofs Compulsory During Train Journey in All Reserved Classes from 1st December 2012.

   With effect from 01.12.2012, one of the passengers booked on a ticket for undertaking journey in any reserved class will have to produce any one of the prescribed proofs of identity failing which all the passengers will be treated as travelling without ticket and charged accordingly.

   This provision shall, however, not affect the existing provision of Tatkal scheme where during the journey, the passenger is required to show the original proof of identity indicated on the ticket.

   The number of prescribed proofs of identity have been increased from nine to ten by adding following identity card to the list of prescribed proofs identity:-

Common Medical Entrance Test.

   The Medical Council of India (MCI) has notified amendment in its regulations to conduct common entrance test viz. National Eligibility and Entrance Test (NEET) for admission to Under Graduate (UG) and Post Graduate (PG) medical courses in the country from 2013-14. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has been identified as the agency for conducting NEET for UG and National Board of Examinations (NBE) for PG medical courses.

Implementation of NPS.

   The New Pension System (NPS) has been implemented for various sectors like Central Government, State Government, Private Sector and NPS-Life.  The status of NPS in these sectors as on 10th November, 2012 is as under:-


No. of Subscribers (Figures in lakhs)

Assets under Management (Rs. In crores)

Central Government  



State Government    



Private Sector  









   The number of subscribers is increasing every year in all the sectors.

Web Based Status Tracking Facility Launched to Check Corruption in Income Tax Refunds.

   Instances of alleged corruption for settlement of refund claims and complaints come to notice from time to time. Whenever any such instance or complaints comes to notice, the same is verified and if it is found to be correct, the concerned officers/officials have to face penal consequences depending on the facts and circumstances of the case.

   The process of issue of refunds has been streamlined in the course of computerization and encouraging e-filing of returns for speedy processing and issue of refunds through refund banker scheme. A web based status tracking facility for refunds has also been launched. The grievance redressal mechanism has been strengthened for ensuring prompt disposal of all such complaints.

House Building Advance Scheme to State Government Employees - Extension of date for encashment - HBA allotments 2012-13 —Instructions issued–req.




Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 20/11/2012

Sub: - House Building Advance Scheme to State Government Employees - Extension of date for encashment - HBA allotments 2012-13 —Instructions issued - req

Ref: - 1) G.O.(P) No.505/2009/Fin. Dated 12.11.2009
         2) Circular No.28/2012/Fin. Dated 30.05.2012
         3) Circular No.50/12/Fin. Dated 06.08.2012

West Bengal Govt. - Appointment of 3000 Group-D post

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-790001.

No. 9243-F(P)

Dated: 14.11-2012


   As a large number of Group ‘D posts have been lying vacant since long resulting in difficulty in running day to day works, filling up of some vacancies in the same category against sanctioned posts on contract basis in different departments was under active consideration of the Government for sometime past.

Anomalies in the MACP Scheme – Stepping up of pay of Sr. Supervisors of Accounts and other departments – Reg.

All India Railwaymen's Federation


                  Dated: November 21, 2012

The Secretary(E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi.

Dear Sir,
Sub: Anomalies in the MACP Scheme – Stepping up of pay of Sr. Supervisors of Accounts and other departments – Reg.

Ref: Railway Board’s I.D. Note No.EC-V/2009/ACP/2/Pt. I dated 13.11.2012 addressed to Director(Estt. I), DoP&T

   It is understood that Railway Board has already made a reference to DoP&T vide I.D. Note number referred to above, based on the agreement arrived in the MACPS Anomalies Committee Meeting held on 27.07.2012 on the issue of stepping up of pay of senior employees/supervisors at par with junior employees/supervised staff who are drawing higher grade pay due to financial upgradation under MACPS.