Development of the Web based software solution for Cadre Management of CSSS and CSCS- submission of data - reg.


No.25/1/2013 CS.II(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi — 110 003
Dated,9th May 2013.


Subject:- Development of the Web based software solution for Cadre Management of CSSS and CSCS- submission of data - reg.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even No. dated 14.1.2013 followed by reminders dated 12.3.2013 and 2.4.2013 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the progress of the submission of data from the Cadre Units has not been encouraging so far.

   2. While some cadre units have furnished the information in part, there are cadre units viz. Ministry of Human Resource Development, Social Justice and Empowerment, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Telecom who are yet to respond. It may be emphasized in this regard that the development of the web based software has been taken up by this department in a time-bound manner. The progress of the work is being constantly monitored. It is, therefore, required that cadre units take up this activity also on priority basis.

   3. With a view to review the pace of submission of data and difficulties being faced by the cadre units, if any, a meeting is to be taken by Ms. Vandana Sharma, Director(CS.II) on 15.5.2013 at 11.00 AM. The meeting will be held in the official chamber of Director (CS.II) i.e. Room No. 348, 3rd floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi.

   4. The meeting will be held in phases. Deputy Secretaries/Under Secretaries of the cadre units as mentioned in Annexure to this OM are requested to attend the said meeting on appointed day and time.

(Kameshwar Mishra)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Click here to See the ANNEXURE

Defects in Dwelling Units Constructed by CGEWHO.

   Certain allottees of the scheme have made allegations regarding dwelling units constructed by Central Government Employees Welfare Housing Organization (CGEWHO) inter-alia regarding poor quality, incompetency, mismanagement, misappropriation of funds and delay in completing the project. This was stated by Shri Ajay Maken, Union Minister of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation (HUPA), in the Lok Sabha , in a written reply to a question by Shri N.S.V Chitthan, Shri Sanjay Bhoi & Shri A. Ganeshamurthi.

   The Minister further stated that Government had issued directions to CGEWHO to get a third party post construction quality audit done. Accordingly CGEWHO had engaged Housing & Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) for post construction quality audit.

   The report submitted by HUDCO points out some non-rectifiable defects as well as some rectifiable defects in construction. Based on this report, CGEWHO has been asked to take measures to rectify the rectifiable defects and make financial recovery from the contractor for non-rectifiable defectsin terms of the agreement.

   The Minister further stated that the matter is being further investigated and anybody found guilty will not be spared, the Minister added.


Recognized National Sports Federation for the game of Hockey - clarification regarding.

RBE No. 43/2013


No. 2013/E(Spoxts)/4(1)/1/Policy Clarifications

New Delhi, 1st May 2013

The General Managers (P),
All Zonal Railways including
CLW, DLW, ICF, RCF, RWF, Metro Rafiway/Kolkata,
The CAO(R), DMW/Patiala,
The DG, RDSO/Lucknow.

Sub: - Recognized National Sports Federation for the game of Hockey – clarification regarding.

   Ref. :- Railway Board’s policy letter No. 2010/E(Sports)/4/(1)/1(Policy) dated 31.12.2010 (RBE No.189B/2010) and clarifications/corrigendum issued thereto.

   The issue, of recognized National Sports Federation for the game of Hockey has been considered in this office in consultation with the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.

   2. In this connection it is stated that the International Federation of Hockey recognizes Hockey India as the National Body of India to field its team in the international events and Hon’ble Supreme Court, vide its interim orders, have also ordered that Hockey India will field the men’s and women’s Hockey teams in future games and Hockey India is required to hold the National Championships in various categories for this purpose. Government is also providing the requisite support to this federation. It is accordingly decided that till further orders, Hockey India may be treated as the recognized National Sports Federation for the game of Hockey for the purposes of recruitment, incentive, out-of-turn promotions and all other establishment matters of Hockey players and also for the purpose of participation in domestic Hockey tournaments.

   Zonal Railways/Production Units may accordingly take necessary action at their end to decide the aforesaid matters of sportspersons, relzted to the game of Hockey.

Dy. Director, Estt. (Sports)

Source: AIRF

Enhancement in the rate of Risk Allowance in respect of eligible unskilled staff on the railways in accordance with DOP&T's guidelines.


RBE No. 44/2013


New Delhi Dated 02.05.2013

The General Managers
All Indian Railways and PUs.

Sub :- Enhancement in the rate of Risk Allowance in respect of eligible unskilled staff on the railways in accordance with DOP&T's guidelines.

   Ref : Railway Board' letter No.E(P&A)I-84/SP-1/TP-1 dated 21.08.1991.

   It has been decided to enhance the rate of Risk Allowance in respect of eligible unskilled workers on the railways / Production Units as per list attached.

   2. The V CPC had recommended that Risk Allowance should be admissible to only those staff who face continuous risk rather than contingent risk while performing their duties. As such in accordnace with these guidelines, the categories/staff engaged in the jobs as mentioned in the list annexed with this letter were identified as eligible for grant of Risk Allowance. The rate of Risk Allowance in respect of these categories/staff is enhanced from the existing rate of Rs.20/- p.m. to Rs.40/- p. m. w.e.f. 01.09.2008 to 31.12.2010.

   3. The rate of the Risk Allowance would increase by 25% every time the Dearness Allowance payable on revised pay scales goes up by 50%.

   4. Subsequent to enhancement in the rate of Dearness Allowance to 51%, the rate of Risk Allowance would be Rs.50/- p.m. from 01.01.2011 onwards.

   5. The categories who are in receipt of HPCA/PCA are not eligible for grant of Risk Allowance.

   6. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

   7. Please acknowledge receipt.

Director Estt. (P&A)
Railway Board


List of categories/Staff engaged in the following jobs are eligible for Grant of Risk Allowance.

   1. Those directly engaged in spray painting.

   2. Those directly engaged in galvanising tanks, effluent treatment plant, manufacturing of insulation components involving hazardous chemicals etc.

   3. Those directly engaged in use of electrolytes.

   4. Those directly exposed to metallic dust, fumes generated from resin bakers, smoke from the furnance, carbon burst shops.

   5. Those directly working in Melting Shop in all foundaries where scrap is used.

   6. Moulding shop in Rail Wheel Factory / Bangalore.

   7. Those directly engaged in chrome plating.

   8. Safaiwalas directly working in underground drains/sewer pipes, cleaing of manholes.

   9. Safaivalas directly working in sewerage treatment plant in workshops.

   10. Malaria Khalasis directly engaged in spraying pesticides, handling acids, anti-larval drugs, etc.

   11. Chest Clinic Staff.

   12. X Ray Attendants.

Source: AIRF

Status of Implementation of One Rank One Pension.

   Government has always been sensitive to the demand for One Rank One Pension. Keeping in view the spirit of the demand, several Commissions/Committees have gone into the matter. Their recommendations have resulted in improving the pension of past pensioners.

   The 5th Central Pay Commission did not recommend grant of 'One Rank, One Pension' by stating that every Pay Commission gives certain benefits in pay which are over and above the impact of inflation. The additional benefit is given either due to upgradation of recruitment qualifications or change in job contents.

   The benefits accorded on this account need not necessarily be passed on to the pensioners. It, however, recommended partial parity. Similarly the 6th Central Pay Commission recommended modified parity and not full parity in the matter of revision of pension of the past retirees. Further a Committee was set up under the Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary in June, 2009.

   The Committee made several recommendations aimed at narrowing the gap between earlier and current pensions. This has benefited about 12 lakh retired Personnel Below Officer Ranks (PBORs)/Officers at an annual cost of Rs.2200 crores approximate. Another Committee headed by Cabinet Secretary was set up in July, 2012 for looking into the pay and pension related issues of relevance to Defence service personnel and ex-servicemen.

   The Committee made recommendations for bridging the gap in pensions of pre and post 2006 Armed Forces pensioners, enhancement of family pensions, dual family pension and continuation of pension to physically/mentally challenged son/daughter of Armed Forces personnel on marriage. All the recommendations of the Committee have been implemented by issue of Government letters on 17.01.2013.

   This information was given by Minister of State for Defence Shri Jitendra Singhin a written reply to Shri NareshGujral in Rajya Sabha.