No. PC-III/2008/CTC-II/l
New Delhi, dated: 24-02-2012
The General Manager/CAO(R)
All indian Railways &Pus
(As per standing mailing list)
Sub:- Order dated 1-4-2012 of Hon’ble Delhi High Court in C.P. No. 311/2009 arising from W.P. No. 566/2000, All India Shramik and Coach Attendants Association & Ors. Vs. UOI & Ors.
Arising from C.P. No. 311/2009 filed by All India Shramik and Coach Attendants Association and Ors, the Hon’ble Delhi High Court vide their order dated 4-1-2012 have directed inter alia as under:-
In view of the aforesaid discussion, I direct the respondents to ensure complete compliance of the judgement of the Division Bench in W.P.(C) No. 566/2000 dated 07-02-2008 by extending the benefit of the said judgement to all the Coach Attendants who, though were entitled to be classified and designated as Passenger Attendants Grande-I in the pay scale of Rs. 110-180 since 1960 were not so designated and who were continued to be treated as Group D employees in the pay scale of Rs.75-89.”
2. The above directions of the Hon’ble High Court have been considered by the Board and in compliance thereof it has been decided to allow pay scale of Rs.110-180 (AS) to Coach Attendants during the 2nd Pay Commission period instead of pay scale of Rs.75-89 (AS) and the revised pay scales as recommended by successive Pay Commissions during the subsequent period along with all other consequential benefits.
3. Necessary action to implement the above decision may please be taken immediately and compliance reported within two weeks to Board’s office.
4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
Deputy Director, Pay Commission-V
Railway Board