Data of Members under Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO)

   Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has date of birth details for more than 4 crore members out of a total members of 8.87 crore as on 01.08.2013. Web facility has been provided to the Employers to upload the date of birth details of all employees. Further, Field Offices of EPFO have been directed to ask Employers to upload these details.

   Providing Annual Statement of Accounts (Account Slips) to the members of EPF is already in place. Para 73(1) of the EPF Scheme 1952 lays down that a statement of account in respect of each member through his last employer to be sent after the close of each year.

   Besides, the following facilities have also been provided for the PF members to know their PF balance:

Modified ACP Scheme (MACPS) for Railway employees- clarification – reg.

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to:
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)


                                   Dated: 29.07.2013

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi.

Dear Sir,
            Sub:   Modified ACP Scheme (MACPS) for Railway employees- clarification –  reg.
            Ref:     Railway Board’s letter No. PC-V/2009/ACP/2 dated 31.01.2013.
            NFIR has come across a case wherein the Railway Board has totally changed the clarification issued by the DoP & T detrimental to the interest of Railway employees though the Railway Board Claims to be acting on the advise of the DoP & T,the nodal authority in so far as allowing financial upgradation under MACP Scheme is concerned. To prove its contention, NFIR is furnishing below the details of the case for proper appreciation of the issue: