Showing posts with label DOPT Circular 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DOPT Circular 2012. Show all posts

Continuation of ad-hoc appointment in the grade of Assistant of CSS - regarding.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi — 110 003.
Dated, the 21st December, 2012


Subject:- Continuation of ad-hoc appointment in the grade of Assistant of CSS - regarding.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 02.07.2012 on the subject mentioned above, vide which Cadre Units were permitted to continue ad-hoc appointments in the grade of Assistant upto 31.12.2012.

Reservation for Persons with Disabilities — reg.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

North Block, New Delhi
dated 14th  December, 2012


Subject : Reservation for Persons with Disabilities — reg.

   This Department had issued instructions vide O.M. No.36035/3/2004- Estt.(Res.) dated 29.12.2005 regarding reservation for Persons with Disabilities, which are in line with the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (PwD Act, 1995).

   2. It has been brought to the notice of this Department that the Ministries/Departments are not complying with the instructions of this Department regarding reservation to Persons with Disabilities in posts/services under the Central Government, particularly instructions related to carry forward of the unfilled reserved vacancies, interchange among the three categories of disability and lapsing of unfilled reserved vacancies.

   3. This Department had also issued instructions vide O.M. dated 26th  April, 2006 and 15th  January, 2010 requesting Ministries/Departments to prepare reservation roster registers starting from the year 1996. As per the instructions if some or all the vacancies so earmarked has not been filled by reservation and were filled by able bodied persons either for the reason that points of reservation had not been earmarked properly at the appropriate time or persons with disabilities did not become available, such unutilized reservation might be treated as having been
carried forward.

   4. Ministries/Departments may ensure that reservation to Persons with Disabilities provided as per extant instructions so as to minimize possibility of creation of backlog reserved vacancies. It is also advised that concerted efforts should be made to clear the backlog through regular recruitments without waiting for Special Recruitment Drives.

   5.  All Ministries/Departments etc. are requested to scrupulously implement the instructions.

(Sharad Kumar Srivastava)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India


Promotion of LDC as UDC of Central Secretariat Clerical Service (CSCS) on ad-hoc basis- Continuance of Ad-hoc appointments regarding.

No. 3/2/2010-CS-II
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
New Delhi dated 19th December 2012.

Office Memorandum

Subject: Promotion of LDC as UDC of Central Secretariat Clerical Service (CSCS) on ad-hoc basis- Continuance of Ad-hoc appointments regarding.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 28th June, 2012 whereby cadre units were permitted to continue the ad-hoc appointments in the UD Grade of CSCS up to 31.12.2012 and to say that the continuation of the ad-hoc appointments in the U.D grade made by the cadre units has been reviewed in this Department. Since availability of regular UDCs through normal modes of recruitment prescribed under the CSCS Rules may take some more time, it has been decided that the period of ad-hoc appointment of those UDCs who already have been working as UDC on ad-hoc basis in the UD Grade of CSCS may be extended up to 30th June, 2013 or till regular UDCs become available, whichever is earlier.

Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group ‘C’ Staff, 2013 (Grade Pay of Rs.1800) Regulations, 2010 -regarding.

Most Immediate

No. 13/7/2011-CS.II (B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110 003
Dated : the 12th December, 2012.


Subject: Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group ‘C’ Staff, 2013 (Grade Pay of Rs.1800) Regulations, 2010 -regarding.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to Staff Selection’s letter No. 10/4/2012-P&P-II dated 06.12.2012 on the subject mentioned above and to request that the vacancy position for Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group ‘C’ Staff, 2013 (Grade Pay of Rs.1800) may be calculated as per the provisions of CSCS Rules, 1962, as amended on 08.11.2010. The total number of vacancies falling under DR Quota that are to be abolished in terms of instructions contained in this Department’s O.M. No. 9/2/2003-CS-II dated 20.04.2005 may also be shown against relevant column in the proforma for the sake of filling up of the vacancies against reserved slots.

Early Closure of Offices in connection with Republic Day Parade and Beating Retreat Ceremony during 2013.

No.16/13/2012-JCA 2
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 11 th  December, 2012


Sub: Early Closure of Offices in connection with Republic Day Parade and Beating Retreat Ceremony during 2013.

   In connection with arrangements for the Republic Day Parade and Beating Retreat Ceremony, 2013, it has been decided that the Government offices located in the buildings indicated in  Annexure-I would be closed early at  13:00 hrs. on 25th January, 2013 (Friday)  and buildings indicated in Annexure-II  would be closed early at  12:00 Noon on 29th January, 2013 (Tuesday).

Advance Increments granted to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m. regarding.

Department of Personnel & Training
Estt (Pay I ) Section

New Delhi, the 6th  December, 2012.


Subject: Advance Increments granted to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m. regarding.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's OM No.18/44/88-Pay-I datel 07.12.2009 on the above subject which provides that the Advance Increments granted to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m. are treated as pay for all purposes.

   2.  Consequent upon implementation of CCS (RP) Rules 2008, the concept of Pay Bane& Grade Pay has been introduced. Since there are no fixed rates of increments now, the manier in which advance increment(s) are to be computed has been considered in consultation with the Department of Expenditure. The grant of advance increments to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying the speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m. after 1.1.2006 may be regulated as under:-

Provisions relating to proforma promotion.

No. 6/5/2012-Estt (Pay-II)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

North Block,
30th  November 2012


Subject: Provisions relating to proforma promotion

   Undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's OM No. 6/8/2009-Estt (Pay-II) dated the 17th  June, 2010 regarding consolidated instructions on deputations. References are being received from Ministries/Departments seeking clarifications/relaxations in respect of provisions which pertain to proforma promotion in these orders or otherwise. The issues have been considered in consultation with the Department of Expenditure, and it has been decided to provide as under:

Circular for Central Staffing Scheme 2013.


D.O. No. 33/2013-E0(MM.II)  Dated: 19th  November, 2012

Dear Sir,
   I am writing to invite nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to posts under the Central Staffing Scheme for the year 2013.  The detailed guidelines for nominating suitable officers are given in Appendix. I would request that the guidelines are strictly  adhered to, while drawing up the offer list.

   2. While forwarding names of officers, you may also like to take note of the fact that about 30% of the posts under the Central Staffing Scheme are of the rank of Joint Secretary and above, and the remaining 70% of the posts are at the level of Director/Deputy Secretary i.e. the Middle Management level. The list that you forward, to this Office, should comprise the names of officers at different levels, so that it caters to the requirement of personnel at varying levels under the Government of India.

Urgently fill the various posts, on deputation basis/re-employment basis.




  Dated the 9th  November, 2012


   Rajya Sabha Secretariat proposes to urgently fill the various posts, listed in the Annexure-I of the Office Memorandum, on deputation basis/re-employment basis from persons, who are working or have retired from the Government/Public Sector Organisations/Autonomous Bodies. The number of posts and conditions of eligibility of various posts are as given against each post in the  Annexure-I of this Office Memorandum.

Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government Civilian Employees — Clarification regarding.

Latest MACP Orders

No. 35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) (Vol.II)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Establishment (D)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 4th October, 2012.


Subject: Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government Civilian Employees — Clarification regarding.

   Reference is invited to the Department of Personnel & Training OM No. 35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated 19.05.2009 with regard to Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS). Pursuant to the discussions in the meeting of National Advisory Committee held on 17.7.2012 and subsequent meeting on 27.07.2012 held with the Staff Side and in continuation to clarifications issued vide this Departments OM. No. 35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) (Vol.II) dated 01.11.2010, it is further clarified as under:

Assured Career Progression Scheme (ACPS) for the Central Government Civilian Employees — regarding.


No. 35034/1/97-Estt.(D)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

North Block, New Delhi-110001
Dated: 4th October, 2012.


Subject: Assured Career Progression Scheme (ACPS) for the Central Government Civilian Employees — regarding.

   The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the Department of Personnel & Training (DOP&T)’s Office Memorandum of even number dated 09.08.1999 with regard to the Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government Civilian Employees. Para 8 of the Annexure-l attached with the Scheme provided as under:

Meeting with cadre units to discuss various issues related to CSSS/CSCS.

No.25/31/2012-CS-II (A)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

3rd FLoor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, New Delhi-3
Dated the 1st October, 2012.


Subject: Meeting with cadre units to discuss various issues related to CSSS/CSCS.

   The undersigned is directed to say that in order to discuss the various issues related to CSSS/CSCS, Director (CS-II) will take a meeting at 02.30 p.m. on 5th October 2012 (Friday) in the Conference Hall, 2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, New Delhi -11003.

The agenda of the meeting is as under:

Minutes of the meeting of the National Anomaly Committee held on 17th July, 2012.

Highlights of the 5th meeting of the National Anomaly Committee.

   1. The 4th meeting of the National Anomaly Committee (NAC), which was held on 5.1.2012 at 2.3o PM at New Delhi was adjourned. Record Note of  that meeting is at ANNEXURE I. The NAC next met subsequently on 17th  July, 2012 at 3.00 PM in Conference Room No 119, North Block and was  chaired by Shri P K Misra, Secretary DOP&T. A list of members who attended this meeting is at ANNEXURE II.

   2. The Chairman welcomed all members of Official and Staff Side of the National Anomaly Committee. He mentioned that the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission were extensively discussed with the Staff Side representatives and the Government had also made improvements while implementing them. He referred to further discussions on pay related matters in this forum and Government agreement on certain issues raised by the Staff Side besides issuing of clarificatory instructions. Since some of the issues raised by the Staff Side had earlier been discussed with the Staff Side during the implementation of 6th CPC recommendations and were amicably resolved, he suggested that there has to be finality in regard to the pay scales implemented by the Government on the basis of recommendations of the 6th CPC. He stated that settled issues which were resolved in consultation with the Staff Side earlier need not be reopened.

Seniority of officers holding posts/grades in grades merged in pursuance of recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission.

No. 20020/4/2010-Estt. (D)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

North Block,
New Delhi
Dated the 13th September, 2012


Subject : Seniority of officers holding posts/grades in grades merged in pursuance of recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission.

   The undersigned is directed to invite reference to para 2 (i) of this Department’s O.M. No. AB—14017/66/2008-Estt. (RR) dated 9th March, 2009, which provides that where all the posts in one or more pre-revised scales are merged with a higher pre-revised scale and given a common replacement scale/grade pay/pay scale, the suitability of the incumbents need not be assessed for granting them the higher replacement scale/grade pay/pay scale, there is also no need for the incumbents to complete any minimum eligibility service in the earlier scale of pay. There will be no change in the inter seniority of the incumbents in the merged scale which shall be decided based on the general instructions on the subject.

Nomination of Stenographers Grade ‘D’ of CSSS for Stenographers Direct Recruits (Foundation) {8th SDR(F)}/ Induction Training at ISTM w.e.f 01/10/2012 to 09/11/2012- reg.

No. 21/3/2012-CS-II(C)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi,
Date: 12th September, 2012.


Subject: Nomination of Stenographers Grade ‘D’ of CSSS for Stenographers Direct Recruits (Foundation) {8th SDR(F)}/ Induction Training at ISTM w.e.f 01/10/2012 to 09/11/2012- reg.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M No. 20/28/2010-CS-II(A) dated
20/10/2011 (available on the web-site of the DoP&T) regarding Cadre Training Plan (CPT) for the officers/officials of Central Secretariat Stenographers Service (CSSS) and to say that Stenographers Grade ‘D’ nominated to different Cadre Units on the basis of Stenographers Grade ‘D’ Examination, 2010 & 2011 whose names are given in the Annexure-I(Re-nominated) and Annexure-II (New Joining) are nominated to participate in the Stenographers Direct Recruits (Foundation) course {8th SDR(F)} / Induction Training being conducted by the ISTM from 01/10/2012 to 09/11/2012. The officials who have been re-nominated are being given the last opportunity for the successful completion of the SDR(F) training. It is requested that these officials may please be relieved of their duties with the direction to report to Sh. Praveen Prakash Ambastha, Assistant Director, ISTM, Administrative Block, JNU Campus (old), New Delhi at 9.00 AM on lst October, 2012.

Recruitment of Stenographers Grade ‘D’ in CSSS through Stenographers Grade C’ & ‘D’ Examination, 2011 conducted by Staff Selection Commission (SSC)-nomination of qualified candidates reg.

Latest DOPT ORDER 2012

F. No. 6/2/2011-CS-II(C)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan market, New Delhi-110003
Dale: 4th September, 2012.


Subject: Recruitment of Stenographers Grade ‘D’ in CSSS through Stenographers Grade C’ & ‘D’ Examination, 2011 conducted by Staff Selection Commission (SSC)-nomination of qualified candidates reg.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number dated l5th May, 2012 on the subject noted above vide which the nomination of candidates of Stenographers Grade ‘D’ of CSSS for the Select List year 2011 was issued by this Department. The examination dossiers in respect of 04 more candidates for appointment as Stenographer Grade ‘D’ in CSSS have been received from SSC. Accordingly, they are nominated to the different Cadre Units of CSSS as listed in the Annexure to this Department’s O.M. in the order of their merit for appointment as Stenographer Grade ‘D’ of CSSS.


Latest DoPT ORDER 2012

Q.1  What is the objective behind setting up of Central Administrative Tribunal?
   Ans. To provide in-expensive and speedy relief to Central Government Employees in respect of their grievances related to service matters.

Q.2  What are the jurisdiction of a Central Administrative Tribunal?
   Ans. CAT adjudicates disputes with respect to recruitment and conditions of service of persons appointed to public services and posts in connection with the affairs of the Union or other local authorities with the territory of India or under the control of Government of India and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Q.3  What are the qualifications for appointment as Chairman and other Members of the Tribunal?
   A person shall not be qualified for appointment as the Chairman unless he is, or has been, a Judge of a High Court.

   Provided that a person appointed as Vice-Chairman before the commencement of this Act shall be qualified for appointed as Chairman if such person has held the office of the Vice-Chairman at least for a period of two years.



   In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 and Clause (5) of Article 148 of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor-General in relation to persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules, namely:—

1. Preliminary

   (1) These rules may be called the Central Civil Services (Joining Time) Rules, 1979.

   (2) They shall come into force on the date of issue of this Notification and shall apply to transfers effected on/or after that date.

   (3) These rules shall apply to all Government servants appointed in Civil Services and posts under the Central Government including work-charged staff but shall not apply to -

      (a) Railway employees,

     (b) Armed Forces Personnel and those paid from the Defence Services Estimates,

    (c) Government servants engaged on contract and those who are not in whole-time employment of Government.

Development of a Web Based software solution for Cadre Management of CSS, CSSS and CSCS - appointment of Nodal Officer reg.


No.21/11/2010-CS.I (U)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions,
Department of Personnel & Training

2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated 11th July, 2012.


Subject :- Development of a Web Based software solution for Cadre Management of CSS, CSSS and CSCS - appointment of Nodal Officer reg.

   The undersigned is to refer to this Departments D.O. letter of even number dated 15.06.2012 regarding development of a web based cadre management system for the three Central Secretariat Services viz. Central Secretariat Services (CSS),Central Secretariat Stenographers Service (CSSS) and Central Secretariat Clerical Service (CSCS)