Advance increments granted to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m. regarding.

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)

S. No. PC-VI/314            
No. PC-VI/2010/1/7/5/2

RBE No.14/2013
New Delhi, dated . 19.02.2013

The GMs/CAOs(R),
All Indian Railways & Production Units
(As per mailing list)

Sub: Advance increments granted to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m. regarding.

   In accordance with the provisions contained in this Ministry’s letter No.PC-IV/2010/increment/1 dated 19.08.2010 on the subject cited above, the Advance Increments granted to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m. are treated as pay for all purposes.

   2. Consequent upon implementation of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 the concept of Pay Band and Grade Pay has been introduced. Since, there are no fixed rates of increments now, the manner in which advance increment(s) are to be computed has been examined afresh keeping in view the clarification given by DOP&T. Further, after issue of clarifications vide Board's letter of even number dated 11.04.2011, this Ministry has received references from some Railways/Production Unit seeking clarifications regarding grant of advance increments. Accordingly, it has been decided that the grant of advance increments to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying the speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m. after 01 .01.2006 may be regulated as under:-

   a) In terms of the instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter No.PC-IV/2010/increment/1 dated 19.08.2010, the advance increments granted to Stenographers of Subordinate office on qualifying Speed Test in Shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m. in terms of Board’s letter No.PC-III/74/INC/3 dated 07.11.1975 are to be treated as pay for all purposes and the past cases are also to be regulated accordingly. These advance increments were therefore to be taken into account for fixation in the Revised Pay for those officials who were in receipt of such increments in the pre-revised pay. In such cases, the advance increments will no longer continue as a separate element.

   b) In respect of persons who become eligible for grant of advance increments consequent upon implementation of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, the advance increment may be calculated by granting increment @ 3% of the Basic Pay on the date of passing of the test. Two advance increments may be calculated by granting two increments @ 3% of the Basic Pay on the date of passing the test. The amount of this increment may be treated as a separate element in addition to the Basic Pay (Pay in the Pay Band + Grade Pay), till such advance increments are taken into account as per (C) of this letter.

   c) Once the advance increments are taken into account for the purpose of pay fixation on promotion or being placed in a higher scale on grant of ACP/MACP or fixation of pay due to revision of pay scale etc., the advance increments will no longer be continued as a separate element as it will be merged with the basic pay.

   3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

Director, Pay Commission-II
Railway Board.


Procedure for selection for promotion from GP Rs.1800 to GP Rs.1900 against departmental promotion quota.


RB/Estt. No.13/2013


New Delhi, dated 19.02.2013

The General Managers (P)
All Zonal Railways and
Production Units.
(As per standard list).

Sub:- Procedure for selection for promotion from GP Rs.1800 to GP Rs.1900 against departmental promotion quota.

   In terms of the extant provisions as contained in para 189 of Indian Railway Establishment Manual (IREM), Vol.I, (Revised Edition-1989), First Re-Print-2009, 33-1/3% quota of posts in the lowest grade of Commercial Clerks,Ticket Collectors, Trains Clerks, Office Clerks and other categories of Clerks like Store Clerks etc. are to be earmarked for promotion of Railway servants in the categories carrying Grade Pay of Rs.1800, for whom no regular avenue of promotion exists the Group ‘C categories being suitably linked with specified categories in Grade Pay of Rs.1800 on the basis of broad affinity of work.

   2. It has been noticed that a few Railways are adopting different eligibility criteria and are allowing Trackmen to appear in the selection being conducted against 33-1/3% departmental promotion quota which is not consistent with the extant policy as Trackman/Gateman/Trolleyman have separate avenue channel of promotion as per para 181 of IREM ibid. The issue reached upto Central Vigilance Commission(CVC) who, in turn has desired that guidelines may be issued to all Zonal Railways regarding uniform interpretation of Para 181 to 189 of IREM and related instructions thereon.

   3. In te light of the above, the matter has been considered, Ministry of Railways wish to state that the extant provisions contained in para 181 to 189 of IREM, Vol.I, (Revised Edition -1989), First Re-Print Edition-2009 and subsequent instructions issued thereon may be followed scrupulously and only eligible categories as specified may be allowed to appear in the selections being conducted for promotion from GP Rs. 1800 to GP Rs.1900 against 33-1/3% departmental promotion quota.

   Please acknowledge receipt.

(M. K. Meena)
Deputy Diretor Estt(N)
Railway Board

Source: NFIR

Eligibility of disabled children for family pension after marriage & Eligibility of two family pensions - clarification


RBE No. 12/2013

No. F(E)III/2005/PN1/32

New Delhi, Dated:11.02.2013.

The GMs/FA&CAOs,
All Indian Railways/Production Units.
(As per mailing list)

Subject: (I) Eligibility of disabled children for family pension after marriage and
            (II) Eligibility of two family pensions —Clarification regarding

   A copy of Department of pension and Pensioners’ Welfare(DOP&PW)s O.M. No. 1/33/2012-P&PW(E) dated 16.01.2013 on the above subject is enclosed for information and compliance. These instructions shall apply mutatis mutandis on the Railways also. Sub-rules 6, 13-A and 13-B of Rule 54 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 referred to therein correspond to sub-rules 6, 17 and 18 of Rule 75 of the Railway Services(Pension) Rules, 1993 respectively.

   2. The Explanation 1 & 3 mentioned in DOP&PW’s O.M referred above are contained in the amendment being carried out in the Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993 in consultation with the Ministry of Law & Justice.

   3. Please acknowledge receipt.

Joint Director Finance (Estt.),
Railway Board.

To See the (DOP&PW)s O.M. No. 1/33/2012 Click here

Source: AIRF

Shortage Of Homoeopathic Doctors In CGHS.

  There are 39 posts of Homoeopathic Doctors currently lying vacant in Department of AYUSH including one post of Adviser and its break-up is as under:-

CGHS-                                                                 28
{13 (Delhi/NCR) and 15(Outside Delhi)}
Department of AYUSH-                                               11

            A proposal to fill up 27 posts of Homoeopathic Doctors has been sent to the Union Public Service Commission in August, 2012 under Single Window System.  As the remaining posts are required to be revived as per the extant instruction of the Central Government, the process has been initiated to revive these posts in consultation with the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure).  In respect of Adviser (Homoeopathy), the UPSC held the DPC meeting on 04.10.2012 to fill up the post by promotion which, however, did not materialize due to the retirement of the recommended candidate.

            In order to  fill up the vacant posts of Homeopathic doctors, D/o AYUSH  has initiated the action as indicated above, however, CGHS appoints the retired  Homeopathic Doctors on contract basis  in order to meet the immediate requirement of Doctors for catering the medical needs to the CGHS beneficiaries and  to ensure smooth running of the CGHS dispensaries.  Interviews have already been held on 21st December, 2012 for contractual appointment on short term basis.

            The above information was given by the Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.

Permanent absorption of Central Government employees and employees of the Union Territories in the autonomous bodies of the Union Territories counting of service for pension.

No.28 (22)/84-P&PW
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare

New Delhi, the 4.2.1986


Subject: Permanent absorption of Central Government employees and employees of the Union Territories in the autonomous bodies of the Union Territories counting of service for pension.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to the Department of Personnel & AR's (now Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare) O.M. No, 28/10/84-Pension Unit dated 29.8.84 down the provisions for regulating the cases of the Central Government employees going over to a Central autonomous; body or vice-versa for purpose of counting of past service for pension in the new organization, and to say that certain Union Territory Administrations have sought clarification if the autonomous bodies of the UT’s financed wholly or substantially by the UT Administrations can be treated at par with the autonomous bodies of the Central Government for the purpose of implementing the instructions contain in O.M of 29.8.84 referred to above.  In this context it has also been pointed out by the UT Administrations that there are similarities between the administrations of the UTs and the Central Government extending to the terms and conditions of employment of the staff of the UTs, their scales of pay, then governance by the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 etc. It has, therefore, been urged that the benefit available to the employees of the Central Government when absorbed in autonomous bodies wholly or substantially financed by the Central Government and vice versa for counting of past service for pension, should also be extended to the employee of the UTs when absorbed in the autonomous bodies wholly or substantially financed by the Govts. Of UTs and vice versa.

   2. The matter has been examined by this Department in consultation with the Ministry of Finance (Department of Exp.) and the following decisions have been taken:-

   (a) Central Govt. employees moving to autonomous/statutory bodies of the Union Territory will also get the benefit of O.M. dated 29.8.1984.

   (b) Employees of the Union Territory moving to the Central autonomous / statutory bodies or Autonomous / Statutory Bodies of the same Union Territory will also be entitled to the benefit of O.M. dated 29.8.1984.

   3. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department are concerned, these order are issued with the concurrence of the C&AG.

(Hazara Singh)
Dy. Secretary to the Government of India


Revision of Ceiling Rates and guidelines for various Coronary Stents for CGHS/CS(MA) beneficiaries.

F. No. Misc. 1002/2006/CGHS(R&H)/ CGHS(P)
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare

Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi 110 108 dated the 21st February, 2013.


Subject:- Revision of Ceiling Rates and guidelines for various Coronary Stents for CGHS/CS(MA) beneficiaries.

   With reference to the above mentioned subject the undersigned is directed to draw attention to the Office Memorandum of even number dated 31.10.2011 and to state that ceiling rates for all DCGI approved Coronary Stents have been revised in super cession of the Office Memorandum of even No. dated 31.10.2011 of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare as per the ceiling rates mentioned below:-


Type of Coronary Stents

Ceiling Rate



All DCGI and FDA approved Drug Eluting Stents

All DCGI and CE approved Drug Eluting Stents

All DCGI approved Drug Eluting Stents




COBALT STENTS (including
Coated and other Stents)

All DCGI and FDA approved
All DCGI and CE approved
All DCGI approved




Rs.10,000/- the rates were already notified vide OM of even number dated 7th February 2013

   Reimbursement to beneficiaries /empanelled hospitals shall be allowed subject to the ceiling rates or actuals, whichever are lower.

   2. Coronary Stents shall be permitted on the advice of Govt. Specialist, of which not more than two shall be of Drug Eluting Sterits( in any of the coronary stents as per the decision of treating specialist). Permission shall be granted as per the laid down procedure. If more than two drug eluting stents are implanted in an empanelled hospital and no written informed consent was obtained from the beneficiary that he/she would bear the difference in cost between the DES and Bare Metal Stent, and the hospital has charged this amount from the beneficiary, the additional amount shall be paid to the beneficiary and shall be deducted from the pending bills of hospitals.

   3. It is essential for the empanelled hospitals to quote the Batch number when a coronary/vascular stent of any type is implanted in the case of a CGHS/CS (MA) beneficiary and also enclose a copy of the relevant invoices pertaining to the procurement of the stents by the hospitals. In addition to this, the outer pouch of the Stent packet along with the sticker on it on which details of the stent are printed shall also be enclosed with the medical bill for claiming reimbursement from the Govt. In case of treatment from a private non-empanelled hospital, where the treatment was taken in an emergency, it is the responsibility of the beneficiary to obtain the batch number , invoice and outer pouches of the stent(s) before the submission of the medical claim to CGHS/ concerned department, as the case may be.

   4. The empanelled hospital shall submit a self certified undertaking that the hospital has not charged the CGHS / CS (MA) beneficiary more than the rate at which the stent has been procured by the hospital and in case of any detection and establishment that the hospital has overcharged, the hospital shall be removed from the list of hospitals empanelled under CGHS without any further notice.

   5. UTI-ITSL, while processing the hospital bills of coronary / vascular stents shall ensure that the hospitals have enclosed copies of the relevant invoices pertaining to the procurement of the stents by the hospitals and the outer pouch of the Stent packet along with the sticker on it on which details of the stent are printed and that the prescribed rates and the guidelines have been followed, before making provisional payments to the hospitals.

   6. The revised rates and guidelines shall come into force from the date of issue and shall be in force till they are revised.

   7. This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Division vide Note dated 20.12.2012 of AS&FA, Min. of H&FW.

