Highlights of Employment and Unemployment situation in Cities and Towns in India (NSS 66th Round, July 2009- June 2010)

   These highlights are based on the eighth quinquennial survey on employment and unemployment conducted in the 66th round of NSS during July 2009 to June 2010. The survey was spread over 7,402 villages and 5,252 urban blocks covering 1, 00,957 households (59,129 in rural areas and 41,828 in urban areas) and enumerating 4, 59,784 persons (2, 81,327 in rural areas and 1, 78,457 in urban areas). Employment and unemployment were measured with three different approaches, viz. usual status with a reference period of one year, current weekly status with one week reference period and current daily status based on the daily activity pursued during each day of the reference week. Unless otherwise stated, usual status workers will mean all workers taking into consideration the usual principal and subsidiary status together. In this report, estimates of the employment and unemployment indicators are presented for each of the class 1 cities in India. The corresponding estimates are also presented for each State/UT for three size classes of towns, as per Population Census 2001, viz. class 1 cities (with population one million and above), class 2 towns (with population 50,000 to one million) and class 3 towns (with population less than 50,000).

   Some of the key findings of the 66th round of NSS survey on employment and unemployment conducted during July 2009 to June 2010 are stated below:


   With Diwali round the corner, Punjab Government on Friday gifted bonanza for its employees announcing the much-awaited eight per cent hike in Dearness Allowance (DA) payable to State Government employees and pensioners which was due from January 2013.

   The increased DA would be affected from July 1, 2013, which would further enhance the DA to 80% from present 72% of the basic pay, said an official spokesman. State Government employees have been pressing the Government for disbursing DA. Spokesman said that the enhanced DA would be paid along with the pay from Oct month and the remaining enhanced DA from July 2013 to September 2013 would be paid in cash to employees and pensioners. The spokesman clarified that the decision about the pending payment of enhanced DA from January to June 2013 would be taken later.

UTTARAKHAND Govt. Announces 10% DA Hike for State Government Employees.

   Following the demand of State Government employees, the State Government has given 10 per cent increment in dearness allowance for State employees. Besides this, an ad hoc bonus for 30 days has been approved for State workers and casual/daily wage workers of aided educational and technical institutions. Besides it, chief minister has announced Rs1,000 bonus to the Aaganwari and Asha workers on Thursday.

    Workers of regional corporations, aided educational and technical institutions and urban corporations whose remuneration have been revised/unrevised since 1.1.2006, will be eligible for the increase in dearness allowance, to be calculated from July 01. Uttarakhand Finance Department’s Government Order No. 557/xxvii(7)02/2013 dated 24 October, 2013 increases the dearness allowance of state employees working on revised remuneration, including workers of regional corporations, aided educational and technical institutions and urban corporations, effective from 01 July, 2013  from 80 per cent to 90 per cent. The same order also increases the dearness allowance of state employees working on unrevised remuneration by 17 per cent, from 166 per cent of the basic salary to 183 per cent of the basic salary.

Granting of 4600 to MCM, 30 Days EL, Ex-Gratia to Family Members and Appointment of 7th CPC - INDWF Published the decisions were taken by MoD.


Minutes of Meeting with Secretary DOP&T held on 24.10.2013 at New Delhi


Date: 25.10.2013

All Affiliated Unions of INDWF

   Indian National Defence Workers Federation continuously representing in various forums and also raised before Hon’ble Defence Minister on the pending issues of Defence Civilian employees.  Now on the following issues, decisions were taken by Ministry of Defence which are as follows.

Feedback of the meeting held today with Secretary, DoP&T on Terms of Reference of VII CPC.

All India Railwaymen’s Federation


Dated: October 24, 2013

The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,

Dear Comrades,

Sub: Feedback of the meeting held today with Secretary, DoP&T on Terms of Reference of VII CPC

   On the invitation of Secretary, DoP&T, today we met him at North Block, being led by Com. Umraomal Purohit, Secretary(Staff Side), National Council(JCM), where Jt. Secretary(Estt.), Ms Mamta Kundra was present along with the Director(JCA), Shri Ashok Kumar.

DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE 7th CPC: Finalized by the Staff Side at the meeting of 25.10.2013.

Finalized by the Staff Side at the meeting of 25.10.2013.

   A. To examine the existing structure of pay, allowances and other benefits/facilities, retirement benefits like Pension, Gratuity, other terminal benefits etc. to the following categories of employees.

   1 Central Government employees — industrial and non industrial.

   2 Personnel belonging to All India services;

   3 Personnel belonging to the Defence Forces.;

   4 Personnel called as Grameen Dak Sewaks belonging to the Postal Department.

   5 Personnel of Union Territories