Issue of uniform and other accessories to Trackmen, Keymen, Mates, Patrolmen, Gatemen and Trollymen- Supply of Luminescent vests (Safety Jacket)- specification regarding.

RBE No. 123/2012


No. E(W)2006/UN-1/1

New Delhi, dated 01-11-2012.

The General Managers
All Zonal Railways
& Production Units etc.

(Uniform Circular No. 08 of 2012)

Sub:- Issue of uniform and other accessories to Trackmen, Keymen, Mates, Patrolmen, Gatemen and Trollymen- Supply of Luminescent vests (safety Jacket)- specification regarding.

Ref:- (i) E(W)95/UN-1/19 dated 28-08-2003.
         (ii) E(W)95/UN-1/19 dated 27-12-2005.

   Further to Board’s Order of even no, dated 16-02-2009, this is to inform that Safety Jackets should be procured as per BIS specification i.e. IS-15809:2008 which is the Indian Standard on High Visibility Warning Clothes.

Award of cash incentive to the Government employees who have rendered 25 years of unblemished service - Orders Issued.


Award of cash incentive to the Government employees who have rendered 25 years of unblemished service - Orders Issued.



Iypasi, 22. 
Thiruvalluvar Aandu, 2043.

1.  G.O.Ms.No.13, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 04-01-1996.
2.  SB Order No.22 / 2011, letter No.113-01 / 2011-SB dated: 24-11-2011,  the Department of Posts, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Government of India.


    In the Government Order read above, orders have been issued to the effect that the Government employees who have completed 25 years of unblemished service under the State Government shall be awarded with an Indira Vikas Patra in the denomination of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees one thousand only) with an initial value of Rs.500/-(Rupees five hundred only).  Subsequently, Kisan Vikas Patra was issued in lieu of Indira Vikas Patra.

Festival Advance - Enhancement of advance - orders issued - Extended to State Public Sector Undertakings / Statutory Boards - Regarding.

Finance (BPE) Department,
Chennai — 600 009

Letter No. 61925/Fin(BPE)/2012 dated 7.11.2012

Thiru. S.Krishnan, I.A.S.,
Secretary to Government (Expenditure)

The Chief Executive Officers of all
State Public Sector Undertakings / Statutory Boards.

Sin Madam,

Sub: Festival Advance - Enhancement of advance - orders issued - Extended to State Public Sector Undertakings / Statutory Boards - Regarding.

Ref: G.O.Ms.No. 388 Finance (Salaries) Dept. dt. 6.11.2012

ADVANCE – Festival Advance to Tamil Nadu Government Employees – Enhanced - Orders - Issued.

Government of Tamil Nadu


G.O.No.388, Dated 6th November 2012.
(Iypasi-21, Thiruvalluvar Aandu-2043)

ADVANCE – Festival Advance to Government Employees  – Enhanced - Orders - Issued.

G.O.Ms.No.116, Finance (Salaries) Department, dated 03-04-2007.


   In the Government Order read above, Government have ordered for enhancement of Festival Advance to Government employees from Rs.1,000/- to Rs.2,000/- with effect from 03-04-2007 payable on the occasion of festival once in a year.  Various associations of employees  have requested the Government for enhancement of the Festival Advance.

Revision of PPOs in respect of pre-2006 pensioners-meeting notice reg.

No. 1/20/2011-P&PW (E) (vol.III)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated: 2nd November, 2012.


Sub:- Revision of PPOs in respect of pre-2006 pensioners-meeting notice reg.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to the minutes of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) meeting held on 27.09.2012 and meetings of HODs of Ministries/Departments under the CPAO network, who have largest pendency of unrevised PPOs of pre-2006 pensioners and family pensioners held on 28.8.2012 and 24.9.2012 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Pension, AR&PG). This Department’s O.M. of even number, dated 17.8.2012 and 30.8.2012 and O.M. No.42/45/2012- P&PW(G), dated 10.10.2012 refer.

   2. It may be recalled that in the meeting of 28.8.12, Ministry of Home Affairs agreed to reduce the pendency to less than 5000 by the end of December, 2012. Ministry of Urban Development agreed to reduce the number to 1000 by this period. Ministry of Information & Broadcasting agreed to bring down the pendency to 50%. Other Ministries agreed that pendency figures will be reduced to less than 500 by the end of December, 2012.

Nomination of Area Welfare Officers for the calendar years 2013 and 2014 regarding.


No. 32/1/2012-Welfare
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(Welfare Section)

Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi.
Dated the 15th October, 2012.


Subject:- Nomination of Area Welfare Officers for the calendar years 2013 and 2014 regarding.

   The Department of Personnel & Training nominates Gazetted Officers as Area Welfare Officers (AWOs) for residential colonies to look after the welfare of Central Govt. employees and their families. Area Welfare Officer is only a functional arrangement to provide a link between the Central Government employees residing in various colonies and the concerned civic and other agencies providing service to them. A list of functions of Area Welfare Officer is enclosed. The functions of AWOs are official in nature and are performed by them on honorary and voluntary basis. Only those officers who are willing to function as Area Welfare Officer and can spare time for welfare work will be considered for nomination. The Area Welfare Officers serve as a vital link between the Government and residents in various matters relating to the welfare of Government employees residing in various colonies.