AIRF References: Payment of difference in TA to the employees due to implementation of MACP Scheme.

All India Railwaymen's Federation
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi-110055.


                 Dated: January 28, 2013

The Secretary(E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Payment of difference in TA to the employees due to implementation of MACP Scheme.

   Consequent upon implementation of the orders, modifying ACP Scheme as MACP Scheme on the basis of recommendations of VI CPC, many employees were granted financial upgradation under MACP Scheme w.e.f  01.09.2008. T.A. amount was claimed by the employees as per their old grade pay prior to their financial upgradation, and they are due for the arrears of TA with retrospective effect due to implementation of MACP orders.

   The matter was taken up by our affiliate, S.C. Railway Mazdoor Union, with South Central Railway Administration, requesting payment of supplementary claims relating to difference of TA on enhanced pay of the employees who have been granted benefit of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme with retrospective effect.

   It is unfortunate, that the above request of our affiliate was not considered favourably by the Railway Administration, saying that the payment of different of TA consequent upon financial upgradation with retrospective effect is not in consonance with Board’s instructions/codal provisions.

   There is a provision exists in the Note under para 1602(2) of the IREC, that, in the case of late authorization/ drawl of increments with retrospective effect, other than those where increments were withheld or where increments take an officer above the stage of efficiency bar, there is no objection to supplementary claims relating to Travelling Allowance, if any, being admitted, on the basis of enhanced pay, including increments.

   In this connection, photocopy of letter No.P(R) 75/VII dated 25.01.2012 of the CPO/SCR is enclosed herewith.

   In view of the above, the Board are requested to issue necessary orders to South Central Railway Administration for the payment of arrears of TA to the employees who were granted financial upgradation under MACP Scheme w.e.f. 01.09.2008.

Yours faithfully,

[Shiva Gopal Mishra]
General secretary.


Requests for cadre clearance — procedure to be adopted reg.

No. 2/1/2013/CS-I (P)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training

2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi. Dated the 17th January 2013.

Subject: Requests for cadre clearance — procedure to be adopted reg.

   As Ministries/ Departments are aware, CS.I Division, DoPT is the cadre controlling authority for CSS Officers. This Division grants cadre clearance to CSS officers of US and above level for applying to deputation posts, foreign training and private foreign visits. This Department is also the competent authority to accept requests for voluntary retirement and resignation of US and above level officers.

   2. This Department has devised formats for seeking cadre clearance and approvals for voluntary retirement/resignation. It has been observed that many times the requests for cadre clearance/ approvals are received without furnishing information in the prescribed format. On several occasions it has been noticed that requests are not sent in original and only fax/photocopies are received. Further, Administrative Vigilance Division (AVD), DoPT is the Disciplinary Authority for US and above level officers of CSS. In view of this, vigilance clearance from AVD is necessary before considering requests of officers for cadre clearance for various purposes.

   3. Hence forth, while seeking cadre clearance from CS.I Division in respect of US and above level officers of CSS, the following should be adhered to scrupulously:

   (i) Requisite information complete in all respects should be furnished in the prescribed format — the formats are available on the website of this Department at—> DoPT—> Central Secretariat —>CSS —> Forms;

   (ii) Copy of the vacancy circular/ advertisement/ training circular should be forwarded;

   (iii) Prior to forwarding request for cadre clearance, approval for voluntary retirement / resignation to this Division, the Ministry/ Department concerned should first obtain vigilance clearance from AVD.I Division of DoPT and a copy of the vigilance clearance should be enclosed with the request.

   (iv) If the organization in Which deputation is applied for is a Central Autonomous Organisation it should be clearly indicated whether the post applied for is exempted from the rule of immediate absorption in terms of D/o. P & PWs O.M No.4/78/2006-P&PW(D) dated 31.10.2007;

   (v) It should also be ensured that the officer concerned fulfills the eligibility conditions for the post applied for on deputation and completed the requisite cooling off period on reversion from earlier deputation;

   (vi) In case of voluntary retirement/ resignation, approval of Secretary of the Department should be obtained and a copy of the note sheet containing the approval should be enclosed with the request for seeking approval.

   2. CS.I Division will consider only such requests which are complete in all respects for grant of cadre clearance.

[Utkaarsh R Tiwaari]


Check list for sending proposals to DOPT for framing/amendment of Recruitment Rules.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Room No.215-A/II, North Block, New Delhi

Dated the 28th  January, 2013


Subject:-  Check list for sending proposals to DOPT for framing/amendment of Recruitment Rules.

   The undersigned is directed to state that instructions on framing / amendment of Recruitment Rules prescribe that the proposal for framing/ amendment Recruitment Rules for Groups 'A' & 'B' posts /services as approved by the Administrative Ministries/ Departments should be referred to this Department in certain format (viz Annexure I to III) and accompanied with other documents/ information, for consideration of this Department.

   It has been noticed that the proposals sent by the Ministry / Department are not complete in all respects and this Department has to return the proposal seeking further information/documents/clarification for considering the  proposal. Further, this Department has taken a decision that proposals for framing/amendment/revision of RRs shall now be processed on-line only and after freezing the proposal by this Department, the physical file will be accepted for concurrence.

   2.  In order to facilitate easy and early concurrence on proposal for framing/ amendment of Recruitment Rules, a check list to be used while sending such proposals to this Department is enclosed. It is requested that all proposals for framing/ amendment Recruitment Rules, being sent to this Department on file, must invariably accompany this Checklist duly filled in.

   3.  Hindi Version will follow.

(Mukta Goel)
Director (Estt-I)
