Travelling Allowances for Medical Treatment.

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare

New Delhi, the 10th May, 2013

The Chief of Army Staff
The Chief of Naval Staff
The Chief of Air Staff

Subject : Travelling Allowances for Medical Treatment.

   With reference to Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence letter No.24(8)/03/US(WE)/D(Res) Dated 19th December, 2003, I am directed to convey the sanction of the President to amend and include following sub-paragraphs 2 under Heading "Travelling Allowance" as under :-


   12. The following procedure will govern the movement of patient to referred clinics :-

   (a) Admissibility

   (i) No Change.

   (ii) No Change

   (iii) Air Travel : Reimbursement for air travel in emergency cases will be considered on merits of individual case by the Ministry in consultation with MoD (Finance) provided the Medical Officer of Polyclinic or the Specialist at Service Hospital certifies in writing that the air travel was absolutely essential and that travel by other means i.e., by rail or road etc., would have definitely endangered the life of the patient or involved the risk of serious aggravation of the condition of the patient.

  (iv) Kidney Donor :  Reimbursement of traveling allowance to the kidney Donor in Connection with the journeys undertaken for donation of kidney is admissible at the following rates:

   (aa) If the donor is a non-ECHS beneficiary :- Will be admissible at the rates applicable to the recipient ECHS beneficiary.

  (ab) If the Donor is another ECHS beneficiary :- Will be admissible at the rate applicable to the donor.

   (b) Ambulance Charges : Ambulance services authorised in Polyclinics/Military hospitals may be utilized for patients when being referred to Service /Empanelled Hospitals in the same city. However, if Ambulance is not provided and Medical Authority (Medical Officer of Polyclinic or the Specialist at Service Hospital) certifies in writing that conveyance of the patient by any other mode would definitely endanger the life of the patient or involve the risk of serious aggravation of his/her condition,  expenditure incurred on engagement of ambulance used to convey the patient will be reimbursed provided that the journey is undertaken within the same city.

   2. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance) vide their U.O.No.1224/13.Fin.. Pen dated 9th May, 2013.

Yours faithfully

(H.K. Mallick)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India


Grant of Third Financial Upgradation under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) to AAOs

Office of the Principal Controller of Accounts (Fys)
10A, Shaheed Khudiram Bose Road, Kolkata-700001



Dt : 26.04.13

All Sectins of M.O. including RTC
The O/C, A.O., OFP, Nalanda, Rajgir - 803116
OFB, Finance Division, Kolkata

Sub:- Grant of Third Financial Upgradation under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) to AAOs

   Please furnish names of Assistant Accounts Officers who have already been granted two regular promotion and will be completing either 10 years of regular service in the grade pay of Rs. 4800 from the date of second promotion or 30 years of regular service from the date of initial appointment between 01.10.13 and 31.03.14 for consideration of third financial upgradation under MACPs.

   2.It is also requested to furnish LEFT OVER cases, if any.

  The names of the eligible individuals may be furnished in the following format :-
   Name, Grade and A/C No.
   Date of Birth
   Date of Appointment with grade
   Date of 1st promotion with grade
   Date of 2nd promotion with grade
   Certificate : Discipline, Vigilance (if any criminal case is pending/inititated the same may also please be informed) Remarks, if any

   3. 15.05.2013. Nil report is also required.


Change of the term “DPC (for confirmation)”-reg.

No. AB.14017/21/2011-Estt. (RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

New Delhi, the 10th May, 2013

Office Memorandum

Subject:- Change of the term “DPC (for confirmation)”-reg.

   Attention is invited to this Department instructions on consolidated guidelines on framing /amendment of RRs vide OM dated 31.12.2010. The guidelines prescribe that when Promotion, Direct Recruitment/re-employment of Armed Forces Personnel are included as a method of recruitment in the RRs for the post, column 12 of the Schedule shall include the DPC for considering Promotion and Confirmation as applicable.

   2. This Department in consultation with UPSC has re-examined the term “Departmental Promotion Committee (for confirmation)” used in column 12 of the Schedule of the RRs. It has been decided that the same shall be substituted with the term “Departmental Confirmation Committee” (for considering confirmation) in cases where the method of recruitment includes direct recruitment/absorption/re-employment of Armed Forces Personnel. However where Promotion is prescribed as a method of recruitment, the composition of Departmental Promotion Committee (for considering Promotion) shall be included in column 12 of the Schedule of the RRs. Ministries/Departments may take necessary action for incorporating the provisions in this regard in the RRs for a post.

   3. Hindi version will follow.

(Mukta Goel)
Director (E-I)
