Showing posts with label Ex-Gratia Lump Sum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ex-Gratia Lump Sum. Show all posts

Enhancement of amount of Ex-gratia payable to Reservists and families of Reservists - reg.

No. 1(06)/2010-D(Pen / Policy)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi dated 22 November, 2013.
The Chief of the Army Staff,
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff
Subject : Enhancement of amount of Ex-gratia payable to Reservists and families of Reservists - reg.
   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry's letter No. 13/39042/AG/PS-4(a&c)/1331/C/ D(Pension/Services) dated 29.122000 sanctioning monthly payment of an amount of Rs. 600/- per month as ex-gratia to the Reservists who were discharged prior to 1.4.1968 and who having rendered minimum qualifying service required for grant of pension, had opted / accepted for lump sum amount of gratuity at the time of release from service and have not availed benefits of rehabilitation assistance granted by the Government and were not in receipt of any other pension. This amount was payable with effect from 1.11.1997. Similarly, the monthly payment of ex-gratia sanctioned to the widows and dependent children of the deceased Reservists, who had opted to receive one time lump sum gratuity in lieu of pension, in terms of this Ministry's letter No. 10 (7.)./-92./D (Pension/Services) dated. 30.3.1992, was also revised/consolidated from 1.11.1997 to Rs. 605/- per month in terms of this Ministry letter No. 13/40029/AGIPS-4(d)/1/B/13 (Pension/Services) dated 7.1.1999.

Granting of 4600 to MCM, 30 Days EL, Ex-Gratia to Family Members and Appointment of 7th CPC - INDWF Published the decisions were taken by MoD.


Minutes of Meeting with Secretary DOP&T held on 24.10.2013 at New Delhi


Date: 25.10.2013

All Affiliated Unions of INDWF

   Indian National Defence Workers Federation continuously representing in various forums and also raised before Hon’ble Defence Minister on the pending issues of Defence Civilian employees.  Now on the following issues, decisions were taken by Ministry of Defence which are as follows.

Grant of ex-gratia payment to the State Government Pensioners.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Pension Branch
Block-IV, 2nd floor, Writers’ Buildings,
Kolkata-700 001.

Memo. No.380 -F(Pen)

Dated, Kolkata, the 31st, July, 2013


Subject : Grant of ex-gratia payment to the State Government Pensioners.

   The undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that in order to provide some relief to the State Government Pensioners during the ensuing festivals, the Governor has been pleased to decide that all State Government Pensioners including the holders of provisional pension who retired prior to 30.9.2012 and also the pensioners who retired or died after 30.9.2012 but prior to 01.09.2013 and whose basic pension plus relief on pension as on March 31, 2013 did not exceed Rs. 22000/-(Rupees twenty two thousand) only and are not eligible for ad-hoc bonus shall be paid an ex-gratia grant of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One thousand) only in lump per head.

   2. The charge is debitable to the head “2071-Pensions and other retirement Benefits-0l Civil-800-other Expenditure-NP-001-fund required for meeting other expenditure-V-04-Pension / Gratuities” during the current financial year.

PENSIONERS PORTAL ORDER 2013: Grant of Ex-gratia to those pre-1986 Contributory Provident Fund (CPF) employees who retired otherwise than on superannuation after 20 years of service - regarding.

No. 41/26/2010- P&PW(E)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi,
Dated 25th June, 2013

Office Memorandum

Sub: Grant of Ex-gratia to those pre-1986 Contributory Provident Fund (CPF) employees who retired otherwise than on superannuation after 20 years of service - regarding.

   In this Department's OM No.45/52/97-P&PW(E), dated 22.03.2004, it was clarified that the following categories of CPF beneficiaries would not be entitled to grant of ex-gratia payment in terms of OM No.45/52/97-P&PW(E), dated 16.12.1997:-

Gratuity Pay under New Pension System

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Finance


   Gratuity Pay under New Pension System

   Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity is paid to Central Government employees under New  Pension System (NPS) as it is paid under the old pension scheme. The monthly annuity under the New Pension System (NPS) is only a replacement of pension on retirement and family pension of death after retirement.

   The benefits of Death cum Retirement Gratuity (DCRG) and pension/family pension have been provisionally allowed,  vide the Office Memorandum of Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare No. 38/41/06-P & PW(A) dated 5.5.2009 in respect of Central Government servants covered under NPS in cases where a Government Servant is retired on invalidation/disability and in the case of death of a Government servant in service on the same rates as are applicable under the old pension scheme Central Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 1972.

   The retirement gratuity is payable to the retiring Government servant. A minimum of 5 years’ qualifying service and eligibility to receive service gratuity/pension is essential to get this one time lump sum benefit. Retirement gratuity is calculated @ 1/4th of a month’s Basic Pay plus Dearness Allowance drawn before retirement for each completed six monthly period of qualifying service.

   The maximum retirement gratuity payable is 16½ times the Basic Pay, subject to a maximum of Rs. 10 lakh. If the Government Servant dies while in service, the death gratuity shall be paid to his family at rates furnished in the table below:

Sl. No

Length of Qualifying Service

Rate of Death Gratuity


Less than one year

2 times of emoluments


One year or more but less than 5 years

6 times of emoluments


5 years or more but less than 20 years

12 times of emoluments


20 years or more

Half of emoluments for every completed
six monthly period of qualifying service subject to a maximum of 33 times of emoluments.

   Maximum amount of Death Gratuity admissible is Rs, 10 lakh with effect from 1.1.2006.

   This was stated by Minister of State for Finance, Shri Namo Narain Meena, in written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha on 03rd May.