Allowances and Special Facilities to Civilian Employees of the Central Government serving in the States of the North Eastern Region - Implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission- reg.

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 2nd April, 2013

Office Memorandum

Subject: Allowances and Special Facilities to Civilian Employees of the Central Government serving in the States of the North Eastern Region (including Sikkim) and in the Union Territories of Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep group of Islands — Extension of the benefits related to Travelling Allowance to Civilian Employees posted in Ladakh region of the State of Jammu & Kashmir- Implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission- reg.

   With a view to attracting and retaining competent officers for service in the North-Eastern Region(NER), Andaman & Nicobar(A&N) Islands and Lakshadweep group of Islands, consolidated orders relating to Allowances and Special facilities to the Civilian Central Government employees posted in those areas were issued vide this Department’s OM No. 11(2)/97-E.II(B) dated 22.07.98 as amended from time to time.

   2. The Sixth Central Pay Commission had inter-alia recommended that all concessions allowed to Government employees in NER be also extended to the Government employees posted in Ladakh. On acceptance of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the President is now pleased to decide that concessions related to Travelling Allowance on First Appointment, Travelling Allowance for Journey on Transfer, Road Mileage for Transportation of Personal Effects on Transfer as per para 2(v) and (vi) of this Department’s OM No. 11(2)197-E.II(B) dated 22.07.98, as amended from time to time, shall extend to the Civilian Central Government employees posted in Ladakh region of the State of Jammu & Kashmir also.

   3. This Order will take effect from September 1, 2008.

   4. In respect of persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department, this Order issue in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

   5. Hindi version will follow.

[Sudha Krishnan]
Joint Secretary to the Government of India


Revision of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension in respect of Government servants who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorption in Central Public Sector Undertakings/Central Autonomous Bodies - stepping up of notional full pension w.e.f. 24.9.2012.

No.4/38/2008-P&PW (D)

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
New Delhi-110 003.
Dated the 3rd April, 2013


Sub:- Revision of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension in respect of Government servants who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorption in Central Public Sector Undertakings/Central Autonomous Bodies - stepping up of notional full pension w.e.f. 24.9.2012.

   Orders for revision of 1/3rd restored pension of absorbees, who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorption, were issued vide this Department O.M. of even number dated 15.9.2008. As per para 2A of the said OM, the full pension of the absorbees was notionally revised w.e.f. 1.1.2006 in accordance with the instructions contained in this Department O.M. No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1.9.2008. The payment of DR and additional pension to old pensioners is regulated on the basis of the notional full pension.

   2. Instructions have been issued vide this Department's OM No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 28.1.2013 for stepping up of the pension of pre-2006 pensioners w.e.f. 24.9.2012. Accordingly, the notional full pension of the absorbee pensioners would also be stepped up w.e.f 24.9.2012 in accordance with the instructions contained in the aforesaid OM dated 28.1.2013. No arrear of DR and additional pension on notional full pension would be payable for the period prior to 24.9.2012.

   3. Instructions have been issued on issuance of revised authority in respect of pre-2006 pensioners vide this Department OM No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 13.2.2013. These instructions will also be applicable for issuance of revised authority in respect of
absorbee pensioners.

   4. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, vide their ID. No 1(5)/E.V/2012 dated 15.03.13 and with concurrence of office of CAG, vide their ID No. 26-Staff Hak(rules)/4-2013 dated 25.03.2013

(Harjit Singh)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India


DOPT ORDER 2013: Upgradation of 1467 posts of UDCs to Assistants’ Grade of CSS.

No.19/1/2012-CS.I (P)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

Dated 3rd April, 2013.


   The Government had set up a Committee on Cadre Restructuring of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) in June, 2008. The Committee submitted its report in November, 2008. The Report of the Committee was considered by the Government and, inter-alia, a following decision was taken, as was conveyed vide this Department’s OM dated 20/7/2010.

   “Upgradation of 1467 posts of UDCs to Assistants’ Grade of CSS”.

   2. These upgraded posts were ordered to be filled up on ad-hoc basis on as is where is basis without any change in the overall strength of Assistants’ and Upper Division Grades vide this Department’s OM dated 5.8.2010 Additional posts to the extent necessary to accommodate adhoc appointees to the Assistants’ Grade were deemed to have been upgraded, temporarily, in each cadre-unit of CSS.

   3. The competent authority’s approval is, now, accorded to allocation of the 1467 posts upgraded to Assistants’ Grade of CSS, amongst 42 cadre-units, as indicated in the column (e) of the Annexure. Accordingly, the revised strength of the Assistants’ Grades in various cadre-units of CSS is as in column (f) of the Annexure.

   4. The sanctioned strength of Upper Division Grade of Central Secretariat Clerical Service (CSCS) cadre of respective Ministries/Departments (cadre-units of CSS) is reduced by the same number as is the allocation of the upgraded posts indicated in column (e) of the annexure. The revised strength of UD Grade of CSCS cadres derived accordingly, shall be notified by CS.II Division of this Department.

(Parminder Singh)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
