Cadre restructuring of Group “C” staff



NEW DELHI Dated 31.01.2014

The chief commercial Manager,
All Zonel Railway.

Sub: Cadre restructuring of Group “C” staff

Ref: RallwayBoard’s letter No PC-III/2O123/CRC/4.dt 08.10.2013

ECRCs, Commercial Clerks, Commercial Inspectors and Ticket Checking Staff are essentially revenue earning staff. A reduction of strength in these four categories would result in closure of counters or leaving coaches unmanned, thereby leading to leakage of revenue. It is also be on demonstrated on certain Divisions that deployment of additional Booking clerks and opening of additional Booking Windows bave resulted in increase of revenue.

It is, therefore, desired that there should be no surrender of posts of these categories of staff (that is Ticket Checking Staff, Booking/Reservation Clerks/Supervisors) in connection with the proposed cadre restructuring.

(A.Madhukumar Reddy)
Excutive Director Passenger Marketing
Railway Board

Source: NFIR

Conditions for re-excercise of option

1.  It has been clarified by MoD that the provisions laid down in Minisrty of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure OM No. 10/02/2011-E.III/A dated 19/03/2012 are applicable for all Armed Forces Personnel whose date of increment in the pre-revised scale was between February 2006 and June 2006 irrespective of whether they had exercised option earlier, Such personnel are entitled to exercise fresh option or re-exercise option for pay fixation in 6th CPC pay structure either with effect from 01/01/2006 or any other subsequent date. The following conditions shall be effecting the revision:-

a. The date of increment in the pre-revised scale was between Feb 2006 to June 2006.

b. The revised option/fresh option should have been submitted before 31/07/2013.

Units may forward the options submitted by officers before 31/07/2013, whose date of increment in the pre-revised scale falls between Feb 2006 to June 2006, to PCDA(O) for carrying out the pay revision”.

2. The effective dates for exercising option under various circumstances are as under:

i. For revision of pay on promotion prior to Jan 06-31st Dec 2005.

ii. For switching over to revised pay structure as per Sixth Pay Commission orders, for officers whose date of increment in pre-revised scale falling between Feb 06 to June 2006-31st July 2013.

iii. For switching over to revised pay structure as per Sixth Pay Commission Orders, for officers other than (II) above-30/6/2011.


Grant of full sets of Post Retirement Complimentary Passes (PRCP) after 20 years of railway service.

R.B.E.No- 24/2014

E(W)2013/P5 5-1/7

Dated-12, 03.2014

The General Manager,
All Indian Railway&
Production Units.

Sub:- Grant of full sets of Post Retirement Complimentary Passes (PRCP) after 20 years of railway service.

Instructions were issued vide Board’s letter of even dated 16.12.2013, discontinuing weightage of 5 years in qualifying service for PRCP on voluntary retirement and also granting full si of PRCP after 20 years railway service. These instructions were effective from date of issue i.e. j6.12.2013.

On receipt of various references/representations regarding date of implementation of the said instruction, the issue has been further examined and Board have now decided that the instructions dated 16.12.2013 be made applicable with effect from 01.01.2006.

In all other respects, the extant provisions of the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (revised edition-1993) shall continue to apply.

This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.

(Debasis Mazumdar)
Director Estt.(Welfare)
Railway Board


Renewal of CGHS plastic cards in Delhi NCR – regarding.

S 11011/11/2014-CGHS (P)
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi
Dated: the 12th March, 2014


Sub: Renewal of CGHS plastic cards in Delhi NCR – regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s O.M No. S 11011/1/2014- CGHS (P) dated 10.02.2014 vide which fresh instructions were issued supplementing the existing guidelines on the issue of CGHS Plastic cards . In this regard attention is also drawn to this Ministry’s O.M. No. Misc. 6024/2007/CGHS (HQ)/ CGHS(P) dated 27.12.2010 in respect of pensioner CGHS beneficiaries vide which it was clarified that :-

“The Plastic Cards (which are identity cards), would hereinafter be issued with validity till the pensioner beneficiary is entitled for CGHS benefits. In respect of pensioner CGHS beneficiaries, who have paid CGHS contribution for ‘Rest of Life’ CGHS facilities, the Plastic Cards would, hereinafter, be issued for ‘Rest of Life’.

The plastic cards already issued with a printed validity of five years to pensioner beneficiaries, who had paid CGHS contributions for ‘Rest of Life’ CGHS facilities, would be taken as valid for use for ‘Rest of Life’. However, such CGHS pensioner beneficiaries have the option to obtain new plastic cards after five years, if they choose to do so.”

2. Accordingly, the CGHS pensioner beneficiaries have the option to apply for new CGHS plastic card which are now being issued with validity for ‘whole life’ printed on the plastic card itself. However, the serving employees are issued CGHS plastic cards with validity of five years and they are due for renewal every five years on expiry of validity period indicated on their CGHS plastic card. Fresh cards are being issued in place of old cards on regular basis. Since the applications are being received for renewal of old cards in a very large number, it has created bottleneck and it is taking some time to issue fresh cards.

3. In light of the above, with a view to avoid inconvenience to the CGHS beneficiaries and to facilitate them in availing CGHS services, it has been decided to allow them to access CGHS facilities with the old cards for a further period of six months from the date of expiry of CGHS cards as indicated on their CGHS Plastic cards. However, they have to apply for renewal of CGHS plastic card in the prescribed Form as provided in this Ministry’s OM dated 10.02.2014 as referred to above.

4. In this connection, it is clarified that the beneficiaries who have already submitted applications for renewal of CGHS cards on expiry of their validity period and have so far not received fresh CGHS cards, they will not be denied CGHS facilities, provided the beneficiary is entitled to CGHS benefits as per CGHS guidelines.

5. A CGHS beneficiary is required to apply for new CGHS plastic cards three months in advance or within six months of expiry of validity of the plastic cards and it is recommended to keep a copy of the same as a proof of submission of application for renewal of card which can be produced on demand before the CGHS authorities, if required, for availing the CGHS benefits on the basis of old card.

6. CGHS Wellness Centres will provide the medical facilities to CGHS beneficiaries on the basis of old CGHS plastic card upto a maximum period of six months from the date of validity as indicated on the CGHS plastic card after due verification of the entitlement and validity of CGHS card as per CGHS data base.

7. The CGHS empanelled private hospitals / diagnostic centres are requested to provide the medical facilities on the basis of old card upto a maximum period of six months from the date of validity as indicated on the CGHS plastic card, subject to the condition that the CGHS beneficiary has submitted the application for renewal of CGHS plastic card, complete in all respect, to the CGHS card issuing authority.

8. This OM shall come into effect from the date of issue and will remain in force for one year or till further order, whichever is earlier.

[V. P. Singh]
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
