Central Government Employees Retirement Age, Cabinet decision to increase retirement age deferred.

   The government may make the anouncement in the Prime Minister's 15 August address

   A proposal to increase the retirement age of government employees from 60 to 62 years came to the Cabinet on Thursday but a decision was deferred. The government might make the announcement in the Prime Minister’s Independence Day address, his last before general elections in 2014. The ministry of personnel, public grievances and pensions has proposed an increase in retirement age of government employees from 60 to 62 years, top sources confirmed.

   There are around five million central government employees in India. The previous occassion the government raised the retirement age of central government employees was in 1998, from 58 to 60 years. The move is meant to ease the financial burden on the government in terms of its pension liabilities, sources said.

Delhi Latest CGHS Hospitals: Empanelment of private hospitals (including dental clinics and eye centres) and diagnostic centres under CGHS DELHI & NCR

No: S.11045/23/2013-CGHS D.II/HEC
Government of India
Directorate General of Central Government Health Scheme
Department of Health & Family Welfare

Bikaner House Hutments Shahjahan Road
New Delhi 110 108 dated the 1st Aug, 2013


Subject: Empanelment of private hospitals (including dental clinics and eye centres) and diagnostic centres under CGHS DELHI & NCR

   The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the empanelment of hospitals under CGHS vide Ministry of Health and Family Welfare's Office Memorandum No: S.11011/23/2009-CGHS D.II/Hospital Cell (Part IX) dated 14.02.2013, vide which 'Continuous Empanelment Scheme' for private hospitals (including dental clinics and eye centres), diagnostic laboratories and Imaging Centres under CGHS was revived with a view to empanel more health care institutions for CGHS beneficiaries. Accordingly, after following due process, a list of following hospitals (including dental clinics and eye centres), diagnostic centres and Imaging centres has been finalized as per terms and conditions laid down in the O.M. referred to above as well as signing of MOA and execution of performance Bank Guarantee by them signifying acceptance of terms and conditions of empanelment and rates notified by CGHS in 2010 & in OM No. Misc.1002/2006/CGHS(R&H)/ CGHS (P) dated 7/2/2013.

Period of retention of General Pool accommodation on retirement of allottees–Regarding.

Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
(Policy-II Section)

Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi – 110 108.
31st July 2013.


Subject: Period of retention of General Pool accommodation on retirement of allottees - Regarding

   Consequent upon amendments in Supplementary Rules 317-B-11 and 317-B-22 of Allotment of Government Residences (General Pool in Delhi) Rules, 1963 vide Notification of even number dated 19.6.2013, the permissible period of retention of General Pool accommodation to the allottees who retire on or after 23.4.2013, is as under:-

   (a) In cases of accommodation allotted prior to 01.07.2013: 2 months on normal licence fee, another 2 months on double of the normal licence fee, further 2 months on four times of the normal licence fee and subsequent 2 months on six times of the normal licence fee.