Grant of advance for professional courses of children of Govt. employees-inclusion of some courses for the purpose.

File No. Fin(C)C(ll)1/20l2
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Finance(Regulations) Department

Dated Shimla-171002, the 23rd August, 2013


Subject:- Grant of advance for professional courses of children of Govt. employees-inclusion of some courses for the purpose.

   In continuation of this department O.M. of even number dated l8th April, 20l2 and dated 28th August,20l2 on the subject cited above, the undersigned is directed to say that the Education Advance/Loan @ Rs.75,000/- for one child (son or daughter) to the govt. servants shall also be granted for the following courses:-

Service Provided by CGHS.

This Ministry has been receiving complaints/grievances in respect of the following major aspects.
   1.Administrative:- Misbehavior by medical and paramedical staff, Shortage of staff,  Punctuality etc.
   2. Technical:- Delay in settlement of medical reimbursement claims (MRCs),  Supply of substitute medicines instead of the prescribed by the Govt. specialists, Delay in supply of indented medicines, etc.
   3. Related to empanelled hospitals:
Denial of credit facility, Misbehavior of hospital doctors/staff, overcharging, etc.
   4. Related to Internet accessibility
Disruption in services due to breakdown in internet connectivity,  etc.
To redress the grievances/complaints, the following steps have been taken:

Treatment from CGHS Empanelled Hospitals.

   As per the existing guidelines, a CGHS beneficiary is required to obtain permission from his administrative Department / Office or CMO in charge (in case of pensioner beneficiary) to avail medical treatment in a CGHS empanelled private hospital. However, in case of emergency he can go to any hospital whether empanelled or not, to avail medical treatment. This provision is necessary to ensure proper medical treatment of a CGHS beneficiary in consultation with the Government specialists. This is also a measure of ‘checks and balances’ to ensure financial propriety and optimum utilization of public money.

   This Ministry has been receiving representations from the individuals; Pensioners Associations etc. to allow the CGHS beneficiaries to take treatment from the CGHS empanelled private hospitals without obtaining the requisite permission. However, their requests have not been acceded to as the present referral system is considered necessary in the interest of the beneficiaries and it is also necessary as a check and balance measure to ensure financial propriety.