Panel of Private Registered Medical Practitioner for appointment as Authorized Medical Attendant.

F.11086/012011/KVS (HQ).(Admn.III/l08

Date: 27.05.2013


   Approval of the Additional Commissioner (Administration), KVS (HQ), New Delhi is herby accorded for appointment of the Authorized Medical Attendants (as per list attached bearing Sl.No. 01-51) in terms of CS (MA) Rules 1944 for providing medical treatment to the employees of KVS(HQ), Regional Office, Delhi and the Kendriya Vidyalayas under the said Regional Office and members of their families residing in a radius of 16 Km for the year 2013-14 (w.e.f. 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014).

   The appointment of the aforesaid doctors as AMA has been made on the basis of Panel (List) of Doctors circulated vide O.M CGEWCC/2013-14 AMA dated 01.04.2013 issued by the Secretary CGEWCC, subject to the terms & condition mentioned therein.

   Before taking treatment the employees should submit option for maximum two AMAs to the Drawing & Disbursing Officer (DDO) concerned in terms of G.I.M.H & F.P. O.M No. S.14025/113/79-MS, dated the 28th May, 1982 and C & A.G, Cir No. (MA) Rules, 1944.

   The aforementioned appointment of the Doctors is subject to the following conditions.

   i) That he/she will charge consultation and injection fee at the rates prescribed under the Central Services (Medical Attendance), Rules. 1944.

   ii) That he/she will be required to follow strictly the rules under the said Rules and orders issued from time to time there under.

   iii) That his /her appointment could be terminated even before the expiry of his/her term without assigning any reasons or giving any notice.

(Rajender Kumar Sharma)
Assistant Commissioner (Admn.)


Cancellation of allotment of general pool residential accommodation to Kendria Bhandar and intiation of eviction proceedings

Most Immediate

No. 12035/2/94-Pol. II(Pt.)
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates

Nirman Bhavan,
New Delhi — 110 108.

Dated the 27th May, 2013.


Sub: Cancellation of allotment of general pool residential accommodation (GPRA) in possession of Kendriya Bhandar and initiation of eviction proceedings — regarding.

   In continuation of this Directorate O.M. of even number dated 10.11.2005 (copy enclosed), the undersigned is directed to say that the matter has been reviewed in this Directorate and it has been decided with the approval of the competent authority to cancel the allotment of general pool residential accommodation (GPRA) in possession of Kendriya Bhandar in Delhi and to initiate eviction proceedings with immediate effect.

   2. All Allotment Sections of this Directorate are, therefore, requested to take immediate necessary action accordingly.

Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)


Important Notice from KVS(HQ) for KV Employees.

18,Institutional Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi-110016


Dated: 15.05.2013


   It is hereby ordered that if a KVS employee wants to visit KVS(HQ), New Delhi in connection with transfer or any other service matters, he/she should have the permission of his/her controlling authority i.e. Dy. Commissioner, KVS, RO/Director ZIET/Principal, KV concerned alongwith his/her ID proof.

   It has been noted recently that many KVS employees are bringing external influences for furtherance of their service matters especially transfers to their choice stations. All KVS employees are hereby advised to resist from bringing any external influence for furtherance of their service matters, as it constitutes violation of Conduct Rules. Erring officials will be dealt with sternly in future under relevant service rules.

   The requests received from the employee concerned for transfer/modification/cancellation of transfer etc. or any other service matters will only be considered. Any request received from his/her family members or near relations/others will not be entertained/responded.

   This issues with the approval of the competent authority KVS.

