Separate Reservation Counters for Women and Physically Challenged.

   Separate reservation counters are earmarked for ladies, senior citizens, former Members of Parliament, Members of Legislative Assembly, physically handicapped, accredited journalists, freedom fighters, if the ticket demand per shift is not less than 120 tickets. In case, there is no justification for earmarking of exclusive counter for any of these categories of persons including ladies/physically challenged persons, one or two counters depending upon total demands are earmarked for dealing with the reservation requests of all these categories of persons.

    Instructions are also there that at those reservation offices which have not been computerized and where separate counters are not in existence for ladies, female passengers should not be compelled to join the general queues and be attended to separately at the same counter as for general passengers.

   This information was given by the Minister of State for Railways Shri Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury in written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.


Section Officers’/Stenographers’ (Grade’b’/Grade’i’) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2009, 2010 & 2011.

            The UPSC has announced the results of the written part of the SOs’/Stenographers’ (Gr.’B’/Gr.’I’) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2009, 2010 & 2011 held by the Union Public Service Commission in December, 2012 for addition to the Select Lists for the Section Officer’s and the Stenographer’s Grade’B’/Grade’I’ of the services, the candidates with the under mentioned Roll Numbers have qualified in the written part/shorthand test for evaluation of service records.

2.         The candidature of all these candidates is purely “PROVISIONAL” subject to review at the stage of evaluation of service records. If at any stage of the examination process a candidate is found to be not eligible for any of the year of examination i.e. 2009, 2010 & 2011 his/her candidature for any particular year/years is liable to be cancelled.

3.         The result of the following candidate is withheld.

            Roll No.006448

4.         The marks sheets of candidates, who have not qualified, will be put on the Commission’s website within 15 days from the date of publication of the final result and will remain available on the website for a period of 60 days.

5.         The result will also be available on the U.P.S.C.’s Website

6.         Union  Public  Service  Commission  have a Facilitation Counter at its campus. Candidate may obtain any information/clarification regarding their examination/ result on working days between 10.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. in person or over Telephone Nos.(011)-23385271/23381125/23098543 from this counter.

Click here for the full list

Children Education Allowance — Clarification.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, 23rd April, 2013


Subject:- Children Education Allowance — Clarification
   The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Personnel & Training's O.M. No.12011/03/2008-Estt.(Allowance) dated 2nd September, 2008, and subsequent clarifications issued from time to time on the subject and to state that various Ministries/Departments have been seeking clarifications on various aspects of the Children Education Allowance. The doubts raised are clarified as under:-

(i) Whether reimbursement of balance amount of fee paid during 1st and 2nd quarter could be paid in 3rd/4th quarter without the fee receipt for the 3rd/4th quarter?

No. As it is reimbursement for the whole year, original receipts for the fee paid for the 3rd/4th quarter has to be submitted to ensure that the child has not dropped out of the school in the mid-session.
(ii) Whether a Government servant is that required to give a certificate that the spouse, if earning, has not claimed CEA? Yes. The claimant Government servant is required to furnish an undertaking that reimbursement of CEA has not been claimed in respect of the child by any person other than the claimant.

(Vibha G. Mishra)
