Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008.



No. F.14(48)FD(Rules)/2008                                                                                 Jaipur, dated : 10 JULY 2012.

Subject :- Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008.

   In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Rajasthan is pleased to make the following rules to amend further the Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, namely :-

Introduction of Child Care Leave (CCL) for Women Government Employees in Haryana.

No 11/102/2009-3FR


Principal Secretary to Government
Haryana, Finance Department.


1. All the Heads of Department,
2. Commissioner, Ambala, Hisar, Rohtak and Gurgaon Divisions,
3. All Deputy Commissioners and,
4. Sub Divisional Officers (Civil) in Haryana,
5. The Registrar, Punjab and Haryana High Court, Chandigarh.

Dated, Chandigarh the 5th July, 2012.

Subject:- Introduction of Child Care Leave (CCL) for Women Government Employees.


   I am directed to invite your attention to Haryana Government, Finance Department's instructions of even number dated 5th February, 2010. 1st October, 2010 and 3rd June, 2011 on the subject noted above. It has also come to notice that the instructions of Child Care Leave are being mis-interpreted, further cases for clarifications on certain were being received in large scale and the request to grant CCL to women Government employees working on adhoc basis/work charged was also under consideration. Keeping in view all above, it has been decided to issue revised consolidated instructions of Child Care Leave for women Government employees.

Priority allotment to the personal staff attached with Union Ministers and other dignitaries - List of central areas and non- central areas.

Government of India
M/o Urban Development& Poverty alleviation
Directorate of Estates

New Delhi, Nirman Bhavan,
                                                                                                                                    dated the 9th July, 2012.

Office Memorandum

Subject:- Priority allotment to the personal staff attached with Union Ministers and other dignitaries - List of central areas and non- central areas.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to this office O.M. of even number dated 2.4.2004 on the subject noted above and to say that the instructions contained in para-3 of the aforesaid O.M. regarding ban on out of turn allotment in Lodhi Colony in respect of Type-II, III & IV accommodation has been reviewed and it has been decided to delete the same. Lodhi Colony will be central area for the purpose of discretionary Out of turn allotment. The rest of the instructions contained in the aforesaid O.M. dated 2.4.2004 will remain unchanged.