Twelve lakh Central Government Employees will be on 48 hr. Strike on 12th and 13th Feb. 2014 -Press Statement Issued by Confedration


CHQ: 1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building
New Delhi - 110001
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Dated: 15th January, 2014.


Twelve lakh Central Government Employees will be on 48 hr. Strike on 12th and 13th Feb. 2014 demanding settlement of 15 point Charter of Demands, the major issues being immediate wage revision and repealing the new contributory Pension Scheme by reintroducing the Statutory Defined Benefit Pension Scheme which was in vogue for more than a century.

The Government in September 2013 announced the setting up of VII-Central Pay Commission to effect Wage Revision from 1.01.2016. The employees have made it clear that prospective date of effect is not acceptable to them and the VII-CPC recommendations must of effective from 01.01.2014. The Government is yet to take a decision on the Terms of Reference of the VII-CPC viz, the merger of Dearness Allowance, composition of the VII-CPC with a labour representative, Interim Relief, the need to bring the Gramin Dak Sevalcs of Postal Department within the ambit of the CPC.etc.

The employees are agitated over the introduction of the New Pension Scheme, passing the PFRDA Bill in the last session of the Parliament, the denial to guarantee minimum pension and the provision of the new enactment to cover even the existing employees in the new contributory pension Scheme. The employees covered under the new pension scheme are apprehensive of having no pension at the end of their service career of 35 years for the return on their contributions is presently linked to the market.

The Confederation of the Central Government Employees and Workers in their National Executive Meeting held at New Delhi on 10th January, 2014 expressed their total dissatisfaction over the closure of JCM, the negotiating machinery and the consequent non-settlement of any of their demands in the last nine years. The introduction of contract labour system in carrying Governmental functions, the indiscriminate outsourcing, closure of many institutions, the total ban on creation of posts and recruitment have made regular employment inCentral Services impossible. The Confederation has therefore, decided to organise the two day strike on 12th and 13th February, 2014. The resolution adopted at the meeting of the National Executive (copy of which is enclosed), explains in detail the major issues.

M. Krishnan
 Secretary General


Recruitment of staff in Pay Band-l of Rs. 5200-20200 (Grade Pay: Rs. l800) on Indian Railways - Mode of dispatch of call letters to applicants regarding.


RBE No. 06/2014

No.E (NG)-II/2008/RR-1/33.

 New Delhi, dated: 10/01/2014

The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units

Sub: Recruitment of staff in Pay Band-l of Rs. 5200-20200 (Grade Pay: Rs. l800) on Indian Railways - Mode of dispatch of call letters to applicants regarding.

In partial modification to instructions contained in Board's letter of even number dated 29/5/2013 (RBE No. 53/2013) and 19/8/2013 (RBE No. 85/2013), it is directed that henceforth, call letter be issued to successful candidates in written examination for appearing in PET (Physical Efficiency Test), three weeks prior to date of commencement of PET under "Business Post" instead of earlier instructions of one months prior to date of conduct of examination.

2. It is also directed that no replacement panels are to be given against non-joining of selected candidates, as recruitment in Pay Band-1 (Grade Pay: Rs.1800) is now done annually in terms of instructions contained in Board's letter No. E(NG)II/2007/RR-1/58 dated 08/12/2011.

Please acknowledge receipt.
(Hindi version will follow)

(Harsha Dass)
Director Estt.(N)-II
Railway Board.

Source: AIRF

Suitability for the post of Asstt. Loco Pilot under LARSGESS for the year 2011/2012 & 2013 (Jan-June).

Northern Railway
HQ Office
Baroda House,
New Delhi.

No. 220-E/262/LARSGEsSS/Pt.l/Rectt./2011
 Dated 09.01.2014.

Divisional Railway Managers,
Northern Railway,

Sub: Suitability for the post of Asstt. Loco Pilot under LARSGESS for the year 2011/2012 & 2013 (Jan-June).

The written examination of the eligible wards of Loco Pilots for the second chance for the post of Asstt. Loco Pilots under LARSGESS for the year 2011/2012 & 2013 (Jan-June) is scheduled to be held on 09.02.2014 (Sunday) at 10.00 hours in Baroda House, New Delhi. The candidates who failed in the previous exam are eligible to appear in the above exam.

Instruction to the candidates for attempting the question paper will be sent along with the call letter.

(Bijender Kumar) 
For General Manager (P).

Source: AIRF