Grant of Dearness Allowance to the employees of the State Government w.e.f. 01.01.2012.

Fin(C)- B(7)-2/2006
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Finance (Regulations) Department

Dated Shimla-171 002, the 21st August, 2012.


Subject:- Grant of Dearness Allowance to the employees of the State Government w.e.f. 01.01.2012.

   In continuation of this Department’s OM of even number dated the 21st March,2012, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh, is pleased to enhance Dearness Allowance from the existing rate of 58% to 65% with effect from 01.01.2012 in respect of the regular employees of the State Government.

   2. This additional installment of Dearness Allowance of 7% (7 percent) shall be paid in cash with the salary of August, 2012 payable on 1st September,2012 and the arrears accrued from 01.01.2012 to 31.7.2012 shall be credited in the GPF Accounts of the employees with the salary of August, 2012. The interest on this account shall accrue w.e.f. 01.09.2012. In case of Government employees who have retired or who have closed GPF accounts and employees who are governed under Contributory Pension Scheme, the arrears on account of release of additional installment of DA w.e.f .01.01.2012 will be paid in cash.


Latest DoPT ORDER 2012

Q.1  What is the objective behind setting up of Central Administrative Tribunal?
   Ans. To provide in-expensive and speedy relief to Central Government Employees in respect of their grievances related to service matters.

Q.2  What are the jurisdiction of a Central Administrative Tribunal?
   Ans. CAT adjudicates disputes with respect to recruitment and conditions of service of persons appointed to public services and posts in connection with the affairs of the Union or other local authorities with the territory of India or under the control of Government of India and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Q.3  What are the qualifications for appointment as Chairman and other Members of the Tribunal?
   A person shall not be qualified for appointment as the Chairman unless he is, or has been, a Judge of a High Court.

   Provided that a person appointed as Vice-Chairman before the commencement of this Act shall be qualified for appointed as Chairman if such person has held the office of the Vice-Chairman at least for a period of two years.

Steps Taken to Prevent Misuse of Tatkal Tickets.

   With a view to reduce the scope for misuse, Tatkal tickets are issued on production of self attested photocopy of one of the prescribed proof of identity and the same in original is required to be carried during the journey, to verify the bonafide of passengers. However, during peak rush periods when the demand outstrips the availability, some cases of black marketing of reserved tickets by touts come to notice at the time of surprise inspections and preventive checks conducted at reservation offices.

   During the period from April 2012 to June 2012, a large number of checks were conducted during which 930 unauthorized agents/touts were apprehended/prosecuted.

   During the current financial year (upto June 2012), Indian Railways Catering & Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) has permanently deactivated 14 subagents for involvement in irregularities. Moreover, with a view to keep a check on the activities of agents booking Tatkal tickets, following additional steps have been taken: