Allotment of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) and General Pool Office Accommodation to Kendirya Bhandar

No. 12035/2/94-Pol.II(Vol.IV)
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
Policy-II Section

Nirman Bhavan,
New Delhi — 110 108.

Dated the 15th January, 2014


Sub: Allotment of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) and General Pool Office Accommodation to Kendirya Bhandar [Central Government Employees Consumer Cooperative Society Limited].

In continuation of this Directorate O.M.No. 12035/2/94-Pol.II dated 10.11.2005, O.M.No.12035/2/94-Pol.II(Pt.) dated 27.5.2013 and O.M. of even number dated 11.10.2013, the undersigned is directed to say that the subject matter has been reviewed by the competent authority and it has now been decided to allow the Kendirya Bhandar [Central Government Employees Consumer Cooperative Society Limited] retention of the General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) and General Pool Office Accommodation (GPOA) occupied by it for a further period of six months from 20.12.2013 on existing terms and conditions. In the interregnum, the Department of Personnel and Training may, after consultation with all Ministries/Departments concerned, bring an alternate proposal for consideration of the Cabinet Committee on Accommodation for providing accommodation/built-up space for office and retail stores to Kendriya Bhandar.

2. All concerned are, therefore, requested to take further necessary action in the matter accordingly.

(J.P. Rath)
Deputy Director of Estates


Determination of date of increment after expiry of duration or penalties of withholding of increments/reduction to lower stage imposed for less than a year regarding.

RBE No. 09/2014

No. E(D&A) 2008 RG6-36
New Delhi, 15-01-2014

The General Manager(P)
All Indian Railways and
Production Units etc.
(As per standard list).

Sub: Determination of date of increment after expiry of duration or penalties of withholding of increments/reduction to lower stage imposed for less than a year regarding.

Ministry of Railways have received a few references regarding certain penalties of rule 6 of Railway Servants (Discipline And Appeal) Rules, 1968 which are having pay element imposed for less than a year. In one case, the penalty of withholding of increments was imposed on 24.3.2008 for a period of six months with cumuiative effect and in the other case the penalty of reduction to lower stage was imposed on 9.2.2009 for a period of six months with non-cumulative effect.

2. The question of date of release of increment in the above cases on expiry of the penalty, in the context of fixing of 1st July as the date of increment uniformally for all Government servants following VIth CPC, has been examined in consultation with the Department of Personnel & Training. It is advised that fixing of 1st July as the date of increment for all Government servants under the Revised Pay Rules following the acceptance of the recommendation of the VIth CPC, is relevant only in respect of Annual increment. This provision is not applicable where the increment is withheld as a measure of penalty. In cases where the increment is withheld as a penalty for a specified period restoration of the withheld increment would be at the end of the currency of the penalty and not postponed to the next 1st July. The person concerned may even be entitled to the next increment on the 1st July following the expiry of the currency of the penalty, (notwithstanding the fact that the penalty imposed on him was having postponing effect on his future increments), if he has net qualifying service of six months prior to the relevant 1st July.

3. Likewise, where tne penalty of reduction to lower stage was imposed, the pay will be restored immediately on expiry of the currency of the penalty. In so far as release of next increment is concerned, the same may also be allowed immediately on restoration if the person concerned has rendered net qualifying service of six months on the 1st July preceding the date of the expiry of the currency of the penalty.

4. Please acknowledge receipt.

(Harish Chander)
Dy. Director Estt. (D&A)
Railway Board

Source: NFIR

Comprehensive review of instructions pertaining to vigilance clearance for promotion - clarifications - regarding

No.22034/4/2012-Estt (D-II) 
Government of India 
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions 
(Department of Personnel and Training) 

North Block, New Delhi 
Dated the 23rd January, 2014 


Subject : Comprehensive review of instructions pertaining to vigilance clearance for promotion - clarifications - regarding 

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Department of Personnel & Training O.M. of even number dated 2.11.2012 on 'Comprehensive review of instructions pertaining to vigilance clearance for promotion', wherein, inter alia, it has been laid down in Para 9, as under: 

 "For the purpose of vigilance clearance for Review DPC, instructions exist in O.M. No.22011/2/99-Estt(A) dated 21.11.2002 that review DPC will take into consideration the circumstances obtaining at the time of original DPC and any subsequent situation arising thereafter will not stand in the way of vigilance clearance for review DPC. However, before the officer is actually promoted it needs to be ensured that he/she is clear from vigilance angle and the provision of para 7 of O.M. No.22011/4/91- Estt.(A) dated 14.09.1992 are not attracted". 

2. This Department has been receiving references seeking clarification on grant of promotion in case of review DPC with regard to the official who is clear from vigilance angle on the date of promotion of the junior in the original DPC but subsequently attracts the provisions contained in para 2 of DoPT OM dated 14.09.92. 

3. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Department of Legal Affairs and it is further clarified that, in the case of a review DPC, where a junior has been promoted on the recommendations of the original DPC, the official would be considered for promotion if he/she is clear from vigilance angle on the date of promotion of the junior, even if the provisions of para 2 of DoPT OM dated 14.9.92 get attracted on the date the actual promotion is considered, as provided in DoPT O.M. No.22011/2/99-Estt (A) dated 21.11.2002. 

4. In cases, where the junior is not promoted, it is to be ensured that the provisions of para 7 of OM dated 14.9.1992 are not attracted on the date the official is being actually promoted. 

(Arunoday Goswami) 
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India 
