Indentification of Scientific and Technical posts in terms of DoPT’s O.M. No. 9/2/73-Estt (Res), dated 23.6.1975.

No.36012/35/2013-Estt. (Res.)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, North Block,
Dated the 21st January, 2014


Subject: - Indentification of Scientific and Technical posts in terms of DoPT’s O.M. No. 9/2/73-Estt (Res), dated 23.6.1975.

The undersigned is directed to invite a reference to this Department’s O.M No. 9/2/73-Estt(SCT), dated 23rd June, 1975 wherein it has been stated that scientific and technical posts required for conducting research or for organizing, guiding and directing research which satisfy the conditions laid down therein, can be exempted from the purview of the orders relating to reservations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

2. The Hon’ble Supreme Court in its judgment date 18.7.2013 in Civil Appeal No. 4500/2002[Faculty Association of AIIMS Vs UOI & Ors] impressed upon the Central and State Governments to take appropriate steps in accordance with the views expressed in Indra Sawhney’s case wherein it was observed that there were certain services and posts where either on account of the nature of duties attached to them or the level in the hierarchy at which they stood, mental one counts and in such situations, it cannot be advised to provide for reservation.

3. In this connection, attention is invited to para 2 of this Department’s O.M No. 9/2/73-Estt(SCT), dated 23.6.1975 (copy enclosed) in which Ministries/Departments were asked to review the list of scientific and technical posts under their control which are at present exempt from the purview of the orders relating to reservations for Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes. Keeping in view of the aforesaid judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, it has been decided to identify all such Scientific & Technical posts in each Ministry/Department.

4. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to identify scientific and technical posts under them and intimate this Department about such posts which have been exempted from the purview of reservation. The information may be furnished to this Department by 15th February 2014.

(Sandeep Mukherjee)
Under Secretary to the Government of India


Remittance of NPS funds solely through electronic mode (NEFT/RTGS) from 01st April 2014

Date: 09th January 2014
All Central Government Ministries & State Governments
Dear Sir/Madam,
Remittance of NPS funds solely through electronic mode (NEFT/RTGS) from 01st April 2014
1. The Circulars no. PFRDA/2013/10/CRTB/1 dated 30th April 2013 and PFRDA/2013/12/CRTB/2 dated 31″ May 2013 may be referred.

2. It has been observed that the following problems are presently being faced on account of remittance of NPS contribution funds through physical instruments:
a.) Higher percentage of rejection of contributions/ funds return
b.) Delays due to cheque clearing activity
c.) incidences of cheque rejection due to financial/ technical reasons.

3. All the aforementioned issues affect the timely investments of the subscribers thus adversely impacting their pension corpus accumulation. To obviate the aforesaid concerns, and in compliance of CVC instructions issued vide Office Order No. 20/4/04 File No. 98/ORD/1 dated 06-04-2004 PFRDA has decided to discontinue the remittance of NPS contribution funds through physical instruments and to accept remittance solely through electronic mode from 01st April 2014.
4. Accordingly from 01st April 2014 onwards, all the nodal offices remitting NPS contributions have to mandatorily remit NPS Contributions through electronic mode i.e. NEFT/ RTGS only.

5. The overall procedure for remittance of funds to Axis Bank (Trustee Bank), matching & booking of SubscriberContribution Files (SCFs) and the receipt of funds from it shall remain unchanged.
6. This circular may be sent to all the nodal offices under your jurisdiction for necessary action/ compliance.
7. The contact details of NPS Cell at Axis Bank is as follows:
First Level of Contact:
S No.
Contact Person
Phone No.
Mr Abhishek Gautam
Senior Manager
Mr Dakshesh Barbhaya
Senior Manager
022 24253639
Mr Yash Mayekar
Senior Manager
022 24253628

Second Level of Contact:
S No.
Contact Person
Phone No.
Mr Debraj Saha
Assistant Vice President
011 43506532
Mr Piyush K Singh
Deputy Vice President
022 24253680
The Circular has also been placed on PFRDA website at
Yours faithfully,
(Ashish Kumar)
General Manager

kvs orders 2014-Compensatory Leave to the teaching staff of KVs

18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110 016

F.No. 11029/59/2013-KVS(HQ)/JC(Acad)50-1230

13/15th January, 2014


In reiteration of the Office Order No. 1-3/2002-KVS(Acad) dated 2nd April, 2003, the Compensatory Leave to the teaching staff of the Vidyalayas for attending Vidyalayas on Second Saturday, Sunday & Holidays and during breaks if the period is less than 10 days, may be regulated as follows :

(1) Half day’s compensatory leave may be granted for taking extra classes for a minimum of two and upto four hours in a day.

(ii) Full day’s compensatory leave may be granted for taking extra classes for more than four hours in a day.

(iii) Whenever teachers are required for escort and training duties etc. on second Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays and breaks, normally they are required to stay for a considerable time and as such may be permitted full day’s Compensatory Leave in lieu of attending duties on each day provided they are not paid TA/DA for such duties.

(iv) Normally Compensatory Leave may be granted to the teaching staff within one month of it’s becoming due. However, in exceptional circumstances, where grant of Compensatory leave to all the staff within a month may cause serious dislocation of work, the Compensatory Leave may be permitted to be availed subsequently. Further, there will be no limit upto which the Compensatory Leave may be allowed to be availed of at a time. It may be noted that “No Leave Encashment” is payable for unavailed compensatory leave at the time of superannuation, resignation or death.

Joint commissioner(Acad)
