Irregularities in Medical Treatment

Press Information Bureau
Government of India

Irregularities in Medical Treatment

   In a special audit drive undertaken by all the Principal Controllers of Defence Accounts (PCsDA) to examine the bill processing procedures of Ex-servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS), PCDA, Western Command had raised observations relating to excess payment to ECHS empanelled hospitals amounting to Rs.15 crores. All the observations raised by the PCDA, Western Command were thoroughly analysed by Regional Centre, Chandigarh and it was noticed that most of the observations raised were due to incorrect interpretation of the policies. Wherever observations of the Controller of Defence Accounts were conceded to, the overpayments have been duly deducted from the concerned hospitals and suitable warnings issued to them.

Concessions To Airlines in North East Region

Press Information Bureau
Government of India

Concessions To Airlines in North East Region

   The Minister of State for Civil Aviation, Shri K.C. Venugopal informed the Rajya Sabha today that Airports Authority of India (AAI) is already providing 25% concession in landing (excluding civil enclaves) and parking charges to the airlines operating in North Eastern Region. Further, AAI is also providing 50% concession for night parking of aircraft between 2200 hrs and 0600 hrs at AAI managed airports other than Chennai and Kolkata Airports.

Suspension of empanelment of ‘Saket City Hospital, New Delhi’ from the list of Hospitals/Centres empanelled under CGHS - reg.

Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
CGHS Division

No. S 11030/4/2013-CGHS (P)

Dated the 13th September, 2013


Sub: Suspension of empanelment of ‘Saket City Hospital, New Delhi’ from the list of Hospitals/Centres empanelled under CGHS - reg.

   The undersigned is directed to state that CGHS has empanelled private hospitals in various CGHS covered cities to provide inpatient healthcare facilities to its beneficiaries. Empanelment of the private hospitals is done under a contractual agreement between the Government of India and the private hospital on mutually agreed terms and conditions.