Allotment of General Pool Residential Accommodation to the employees of State/Union Territories Governments posted in Delhi.

Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates

Nirman Bhavan,
New Delhi - 110 108.

Dated the 23rd May, 2013.


Sub: Allotment of General Pool Residential Accommodation to the employees of State/Union Territories Governments posted in Delhi.

   The allotments of residential accommodation to the employees of State/Union Territories Governments working in Delhi are governed as per guidelines issued vide O.M.No. 12016/2/80.Pol.II(Pt.III) dated 19.9.1997 and letters of even number dated 24.9.2004 and dated 3.8.2009.

   2. The matter has been re-examined. In order to streamline the earlier instructions and in supersession of the OM and letters as referred above, it has now been decided to make allotments to the employees of State and Union Territories Governments posted in Delhi on the following basis:

   1. The State/Union Territories Government employees will be allotted accommodation only by Directorate of Estates, on the recommendation of the concerned Resident Commissioner against the prescribed quota. The State/Union Territories Governments will not make any allotment on their own.

   2. On recommendation of the Resident Commissioner concerned, a maximum of four higher types of residential accommodations shall be allotted to the employees of State Government and a maximum of two higher type of residential accommodation shall be allotted to the employees of Union Territories on payment of normal licence fee, fixed by the Central Government from time to time. However, more than two lower type residential accommodations may be allotted to the employees of State Government and more than one residential accommodation may be allotted to the employees of Union Territories subject to the recommendation of the Resident Commissioner concerned within the overall ceiling of six units of residential accommodation for State Governments and three units of residential accommodation to Union Territories.

   3. Residential accommodation to the employees of State and Union Territories Governments shall be allotted on first floor in central area or on any floor in non-central area.

   4. Higher Type of accommodation shall be permitted on subsequent enhancement of pay of the officer but limiting allotment upto Type 6A (C-II] category.

   5. Higher types of accommodation shall be from Type-IV(Special) onwards. Type-IV and below types of accommodation shall henceforth be counted as lower types.

   6. Allottees will also be eligible for one change in respect of the type of residence allotted to them. An allottee who intends to avail change of residence, will make an application in the prescribed form which shall be included in the change waiting list.

   7. The accommodation allotted to the employees of State/Union Territories Governments will not be earmarked for them. The officials are required to vacate and hand-over the possession to the concerned CPWD Enquiry Office. The new incumbent will have to seek fresh allotment from the Directorate of Estates on the recommendation of the Resident Commissioner concerned.

   8. The number of units allotted to the quota of a State/UT Government shall be restricted to six and three respectively at any given time. New incumbent will be allotted a quarter on the recommendation of the concerned Resident Commissioner only if quota is available.

   9. The Directorate of Estates shall be responsible for cancellation, eviction of the unauthorised occupants on receipt of information from the concerned Resident Commissioner.

   10. The new incumbent in the post of Resident Commissioner shall be allotted Govt. accommodation of appropriate type for a period of one year on transfer of Head of Organisation of the office of Resident Commissioner, irrespective of the number of units allotted to the concerned State Governments. Meanwhile,the out going Resident Commissioner can retain the accommodation in his occupation, if necessary, for the period admissible as per normal rules, and will vacate the residence thereafter.

   11. The allotments to the officers of State/Union Territories Governments will continue to be made in the next below accommodation to their entitlement with reference to their basic pay as on the crucial date in the relevant allotment year.

   12. The accommodation under occupation in excess of prescribed quota for the concerned State/Union Territories Governments will revert back to the General Pool, as and when vacated.

   13. New incumbents will be allotted accommodation on physical vacation of an accommodation by the outgoing incumbents on slot becoming available under the prescribed quota as per the recommendations of the Resident Commissioner concerned.

   14. All the State/UT Governments will designate an officer as head of the organisation and their recommendations in this regard will be final.

   15. Officers holding additional/dual charge of a post under the State/UT Governments in Delhi will also be eligible for allotment/retention of General Pool residential accommodation. Such allotment/retention will be against the prescribed quota. No accommodation in excess of the quota will be allotted/allowed to be retained under any circumstances.

   16. The permission for retention of the General Pool accommodation on medical/educational grounds to a State/UT Government employee in case of transfer/retirement upto a maximum period prescribed for Central Govt.employees will be given only on the recommendation of the concerned Resident Commissioner of State/UT and the unit will be counted towards the quota of State/UT till its vacation by the outgoing employee or eviction by the Directorate of Estates.

   3. These instructions do not apply to the officers/employees of the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi.

   4. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

Deputy Director of Estates


Regarding re-employment of government officials/officers after Superannuation.

Most Important

No. 5/1/2012-1B&C

The Principal Secretary to Government Haryana,
Finance Department.

1. All the Heads of Departments.
2. Registrar, Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh.
3. Divisional Commissioners, Ambala, Rohtak, Gurgaon and Hisar.
4. All the Deputy Commissioners in Haryana State.

Dated, Chandigarh the 29th May, 2013.

Subject:- Regarding re-employment of government officials/officers after Superannuation.

   I am directed to invite your attention towards Finance Department letter of even number dated 4th July, 2012 on the subject noted above wherein it was requested that henceforth, no ex-cadre/additional posts would be created for re-employment of officials/officers after their superannuation and such posts would be treated within the sanctioned posts of their cadre. Further it was also decided that re-employment of officials after their superannuation Should not be allowed as a matter of routine and it should be allowed in very exceptional circumstances.

   2. It has come to the notice of Finance Department that the cases of re-employment of several retired officers/officials are being sent frequently to Finance Department for creating ex-cadre posts which are contrary to the instructions issued vide letter no referred to above. The Finance Department intends to further elaborate these instructions as under:-

   “Finance Department observes that several retired people are being re-employed. The Finance Department has two options-(i) that a new post is created for the person to be re-employed or (ii) an existing post vacated by the retired person (to be re-employed) is utilized for the re-employed person. Finance Department has opted for the second option since re-employment in every case would otherwise imply creation of additional post causing unnecessary burden on the exchequer. In any case, if the work in that department/ place was discharged by ‘X’ number of employees earlier, it would be inappropriate to have ‘X+l’ persons to do the same work without any justification. This would also ensure that the pressure of serving employees will deter the re-employment of all and sundry. The government has expressedly banned the creation of new posts considering the strain on the resources and the continuing revenue deficit.”

   3. It is again re-iterated that the above said policy instructions and earlier issued by letter no. referred to above be complied with meticulously and cases of re-employment of officers/officials after their superannuation should be sent to Finance Department in very exceptional circumstances.

   4. These instructions may please be brought to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance.

Yours faithfully,

Joint Secretary Finance (Budget)
for Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana,
Finance Department.


Employment News Weekly Updates: Job Highlights (01st JUNE 2013 - 07th JUNE 2013).

Job Highlights  (01 June- 07 June 2013)

   1. Coal India Limited requires 317 Medical Executives. Last Date : 01.07.2013

   2. 5104 ASC Battalion requires 24 Driver and Cleaner Last Date : 31 days after publication

   3. Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi requires 36 Assistant Registrar, Section Officer and Junior Assistant etc. Last Date : 07.06.2013

   4. Security Printing Press Saifabad,  Hyderabad requires 142 Supervisor, Office Assistant/Secretarial Assistant, Hindi Typist and Tradesmen. Last Date : 20.06.2013

   5. Department of Telecommunication, Meerut invites applications for various posts. Last Date 30.06.2013

Source:employment news