Launch of RTI web portal for online filing of RTI Application.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 22/04/2013


Subject: Launch of RTI web portal for online filing of RTI application.

   A Web Portal namely RTI Online with un has been launched. This portal, developed by NIC, is a facility for the Indian Citizens to online file RTI applications and first appeals and also to make online payment of RTI fees. The prescribed fees can be paid through Internet banking of State Bank of India and its associate banks as well as by Credit/Debit cards of Visa/Master, through the payment gateway of SBI linked to this site.

   2. At present, this facility is available only for Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT). It is planned to extend this facility to all the Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India within a month. This facility is presently not proposed to be
extended for field offices/attached/subordinate offices.

   3. This system would work as RTI MIS also. The details of RTI applications received through post should also be entered into this system. The system would also provide for online reply of RTI applications, though reply could be sent by regular post also.

   4. It is requested that full co-operation may be extended for the successful implementation/roll out of this facility. First of all, it is necessary that the RTI Nodal Officers, officials of RTI Cell and all the CPlOs/FMs of the Ministries/Departments
are trained to use this facility. Arrangements have been made to provide training to the RTI Nodal Officers, RTI Cell officials and the NIC/IT personnel attached with the Ministries/Departments, by DoPT with the help of NIC, within next 2-3 weeks. The schedule for such training would be intimated to the RTI Nodal Officers directly. It is requested that training for all the CPIOs and FAAs may be organized by the concerned Ministry/Department, through these officers trained by DoPT/NIC.

   5. The screen shot of the home page of the portal, the terms and conditions and copy of the O.M.No.1/1/2013-IR dated 08.04.2013 issued in respect of DoPT are enclosed for information.

   6. The contents of this OM may be brought to the notice of all concerned.

(Sandeep Jain)
Deputy Secretary



FAQs on Implementation of OROP vide Govt. Order dated 17.01.2013

   Q: 1 Are these orders applicable to those pensioners also whose date of commencement of pension is exactly 01.01.2006?

   A: Yes, these orders are applicable to all the pensioners/family pensioners whose date of commencement of pension is on or before 01.01.2006.

   Q: 2 The date of commencement of family pension in respect of a family pensioner is 01.04.2006 whose late husband had retired from the service on 31.08.1999. Will the family pension of the family be revised under these orders?

   A: Yes, the family pension will be revised under these orders because the deceased soldier was a pre-2006 retiree.

   Q: 3 It is being contended by some pensioners/their associations that the arrears on account of this revision should be paid w.e.f. 01.01.2006 as the orders are merely an amendment to GOI, Mob letter dated 11.11.2008. Please clarify.

   A: As the provision of these orders are effective from 24the September 2012. Hence no arrears shall be allowed for the past period.

   Q:4 Will the additional pension also be revised accordingly ?

   A: The improved pension will be the basic pension from 24.09.2012 and hence additional pension payable will also be revised accordingly by the PbA.

   Q:5 The basic pension of a pre-2006 pensioner (Rank – Havildar , Group ‘CI’) of Army having total qualifying service of 15 years is slated to be increased from 3500/- p.m. to 5301/- P.M. Is such a high increase in Basic Pension is in order?

   A: The increase in BP from 3500/- to 5301/- P.M for the pensioner with particulars as mentioned above is in order. It is evident from the existing basic pension of 3500/-PM and the particulars given above that the MIA has not revised pension of the individual correctly w.e.f. 01.07.2009. The correct entitlement of the individual is as under:

Basic Pension w.e.f. :

01.01.2006             3500/- P.M             PCCIA(P) Cir No.             397

01.07.2009            4635/-PM                  ,, ,,                                    430

24.09.2012            5301/- P.M                  ,, ,,                                  501

   Q:6 In most of the cases neither the pensioner has applied to the MIA for revision of their pension nor any Corr PPO or instructions have been received by the MIA from the PSA. Please supply the proforma of application in this regard.

   A: It has been clearly mentioned in the orders that the revision of pension by PCIAs has to be made with reference to Pension Tables annexed to the orders. No further authorization from the PSA or any application from the affected pensioner is required to carry out the revision.

   Q:7 The tables annexed to circular No 501 & Circular No. 502 start from QS of 15 years onwards. How to revise the pension of a pensioner having less than 15 years if qualifying years?

   A: Following elements of pension / type of pension are to be revised by PSA.

· Special Pension

· Invalid pension

· Service element of disability pension in respect of PBOR discharged withless than 15 years qualifying service

· Service pension of TA personnel irrespective of their QS service and

· Service element of War Injury Pension and Liberalized Disability Pension

   Q:8 Mr. ‘X’ who is a Hony Nb Sub, Gp ‘D’ pensioner having total QS of 24 years is already drawing a basic pension of 7750/- PM. However as per table – 4 (Army) annexued to Cir No 501, his basic pension w.e.f. 24.9.12 should be 7601/- PM. Please advise how to regulate such cases.

   A: The existing pension of the pensioner in such cases might have been revised by PCDA (P) by issuing Corr PPO (s) based on some courts orders etc. No action by PDA is required in such cases.

   Q:9 Mr ‘X’ is a DSC pensioner in receipt of two pensions, one for regular Army service, and another for DSC service. Are both these pensions to be revised by PDAs?

   A: The pension for regular Army service will only be revised under these orders by the PDA. A reference for revision of pension for DSC service will be sent to PCDA (P).

   Q:10 The tables annexed to Circular No 501, in respect of DSC pensioner seem to be incomplete e.g. the table in respect of Sep of DSC are only up to QS of 23 years. How to revise pension of a sep of DSC who has total QS of 24 years or above?

   A: Sepoy in DSC have maximum engagement period up to 20 years only with the exception that the maximum term of engagement can be up to 23 years in case of pensioner retired on or 30.5.98. Hence QS in such type of cases may be restricted to the maximum permissible and pension revised accordingly. Period-wise complete list of maximum terms of engagement for JC0s/ORs is enclosed in Appendix-X to Cir No 501.

   Q:11 There is no table annexed to Cir No 502 to revise Ordinary Family Pension for NOKs of DSC Personnel. Please advise how to revise such cases ?

   A: The family pension in respect of DSC personnel who are in receipt of family pension for only DSC service are to be revised at the same rates as given for family pensioners of Regular Army. DSC personnel on “clerical duty” and “other duty” are entitled for family pension of regular Army personnel of group “Y” and “Z” respectively.

   Q:12 What are the basic fields/data required to revise pension under these order?

   A: The basic fields/data required to revise pension under these orders are as follows:

1. Type of pension viz Retiring pension/service pension/ Ordinary Family Pension/ Special Family Pension/ War Injury Pension/ Dependant Pension

2. Rank of the pensioner

3. Group of the pensioner (only for JCOs / PBORs)

4. Qualifying service (without weightage)

5. Record Office

6. Date of commencement

7. Date of Retirement

   Q :13 How to look for the above information in the PPO or related record ?

   A: In case of Post -86 retires all the information is generally available in the original PPO of the Pensioner. In cases where the required information is not available in the PPO or other record of the PDA, the missing information may be called for from the PSA concerned.

   Q:14 In case of Pre-86 retires Qualifying service is generally not available in the PPO of the pensioner. Pl. advise the way out to regulate such cases.

   A: The qualifying service in such type of cases can be looked for in the original Descriptive Roll of the pensioner or in the Corrigendum PPO(s). Original discharge book/certificate issued to the pensioner by the Record office is also an authentic source of such information.

   A: Following are the 4 major categories of JC0s/PBORs based on Record office.

   1. Naval Record Office

   2. Air Force Record Office

   3. DSC Cannanore Record Office

   4. All other Record offices except those mentioned above.

   Different tables are available to cater to these categories and hence the importance of information about Record Office can’t be done away with.

   Q:16 Please provide some model calculations to further increase the understanding?


   A: Some model calculations are done here:

Name of Pensioner                    J.S. Bala

Name of Bank                            SBI Chandigarh

Existing Pension                        26050/- ( Cir No. 397 )

Rank Colonel

Qualifying Service                    26 Years 05 Months

Date of Commencement             07/06/1990

   Being a commissioned officer of Regular Army, the revision is to be done as per Annexure -A (table No 1) annexed to PCDA (P) Circular No 500. Look in relevant column for the rank and relevant row for qualifying service. The revised pension w.e.f. 24.9.2012 comes out to 27795/- P.M.


Name of the pensioner                   Smt Amarjit Kaur

Name of Bank                                SBI Moholi

Existing pension                            8679/- ( Cir No. 397 )

Rank                                               Major

Date of Commencement               19/07/1990

   Being the family of a commissioned officer of Army, the revision is to be done as per annexure -A (table No -2) annexed to PCCIA (P) Circular No 500. The revised pension w.e.f. 24.9.2012 comes out to 10923/- p.m.

Case III:

 Name of Pensioner                           : Sukhvinder Singh

Name of Bank                                   : SBI Ropar

Existing Pension                               : 13500/- ( Cir No. 397)

Rank                                                  : MWO-Hony.Flying Officer

Qualifying Service                           : 34 Years

bate of Commencement                  : 01/01/1985

bate of Birth                                     : 08/12/1929

   The existing pension of the pensioner is not in order. Firstly, it needs to be raised to 13590/- from 13500/- P.M. wef 01/07/2009 as per PCCIA (P) Circular No 482 dt 19/04/02012. Then look for revised pension for the Rank and QS in Table -20 (Air Force) annexed to Circular NO 501. The revised pension should be 15465/- wef 24/09/12.

   Moreover, as the pensioner is more than 80 years old, he is also entitled to additional pension corresponding to revised pension.

   Nodel Officer for Queries Complaints related CSC 2012

   Shri. S. K. Mahajan, (SAO) Complaint Cell, PCCIA(P) braupadi Ghat

   Allahabad – 211 014

   Contact No. 053-2421877, 2421879 Ext : 307, 327

   Email Address :


Early Decision – No need to pay Arrears on DA and 7th CPC.

   Decision in the right time –will avoid more funds to allocate as arrears!

   At last, the most eagerly awaited announcement of additional dearness allowance has been declared by the cabinet, due from January 2013 to Central Government employees and Pensioners.

   In general the announcement of dearness allowance has been made in the month of March every year. But this year this has been declared in the month of April. Though it was announced after some delay, there is no any loss, as the dearness allowance hike has to be paid with effect from 01-01-2013.

   Before this announcement, there was a rumor that 50% dearness allowance will be merged with basic pay or otherwise dearness allowance will not be hiked, but the cabinet committee decision cleared these doubts.

   Employees and Pensioners will get one more month arrear from January to April. Government has to allocate more funds as arrear due to delay.

   If the decisions concluded in the right time, there will be no chance to allocate more fund for the payment of arrears and also prevent practical problems to accounting staff.

   Even the National anomaly committee, after six years it was formed, has not solved all the problems raised due to the implementation of 6 CPC.

   After the implementation of 6CPC in 2008 with effect from 01.01.2006 , arrears had to be paid to Central Government servants. To avoid the additional financial burden, the Central Government decided to pay the arrears’ in two installments in 2008 and 2009. For this, government had to allocate more fund from budget. It can be avoided by early constitution of 7th pay commission.

   So, to find the solution to all including disbursing authorities, setting up of 7th Central Pay Commission at early stage to implement in the right time, the same is demanding by the central trade unions and associations.

   Every decision in the right time –will avoid more funds to allocate as arrears!
