Part II O.O.No. 732                                                      

Dated 13.02.2013


    In the implementation of financial up gradation under the MACP Scheme as introduced by the Govt. of India vide DOPT OM No 35034/3/2008 Estt (d) dated 19.05.2009 and further clarification received from HQrs Office New Delhi under their No AN/XI/11051/MACP/2009/Vol-I dated 22.07.2009, AN/XI/11051?MACP/2009/Vol-II dated 17.11.2009 and No. AN/XI/12240/MACP/2012/Vol-I dated 24.05.2012, individuals as per Annexure-A to this Part-II O.O. have been granted financial up gradation in the next higher grade pay as per details mentioned against their names.

    The attention of the individuals may be drawn to the clarification at Sl No 7 of Annexure-I to DOPT No 35034/3/2008 Estt (D) 19.05.2009 regarding exercising of option by the individual for fixation of pay for financial up gradation. The option may be exercised within a month.

    The financial up gradation so granted is merely placing the individuals in the next higher grade pay in the hierarchy of the recommended revised pay bands and grade pay as given in Section 1, Part-A of the first schedule of the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2008.

    No stepping of pay in the pay band or grade pay would be admissible with regard to junior getting more pay than the senior on account of pay fixation under MACP Scheme.

Authority:- Office Note No AN/IB/1378/MACPS dated 11.02.2013



Revival of ‘Continuous Empanelment Scheme’ for private hospitals and diagnostic centres under CGHS.

No: S. 11011/23/2009-CGHS D.II/ Hospital Cell (Part IX)
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare

Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi 110 108 dated the 14th February 2013.


Subject: Revival of ‘Continuous Empanelment Scheme’ for private hospitals and diagnostic centres under CGHS

   With a view to ensuring comprehensive health care to CGHS beneficiaries, CGHS has been, apart from the Government Hospitals, empanelling private hospitals and diagnostic centres by floating tenders periodically. The latest tender process in this context commenced in the second half of 2009. Even the already empanelled hospitals (including dental clinics and eye centres) / diagnostic centres under CGHS were required to submit the bids under this tender process. Through this process, package rates for different treatment procedures and investigations were notified in 2010. As a part of this process, certain hospitals and diagnostic centres which accepted these rates and also signed MOAs with CGHS were notified in CGHS covered cities. Subsequently, with a view to empanel more hospitals and diagnostic centers , continuous empanelment scheme was initiated in December 2010 and was in operation till July 2011 in some cities & till 26th December 2011 in some other cities.

   2. However, it has been noticed that the number of hospitals and diagnostic centres notified as empanelled under CGHS is not adequate to provide a satisfactory level of healthcare to CGHS beneficiaries in all areas of CGHS covered cities.

Default ASP and Annuity Scheme for subscribers exiting from NPS and Seeking withdrawal of Accumulated Pension Wealth.

Pension Fund Regulatory and
      Development Authority


                                 14th February 2013

All POP’s/Aggregators/CRA/ dealing offices of Central & State Governments,

Subject: Default ASP and Annuity Scheme for subscribers exiting  from NPS and Seeking withdrawal of Accumulated Pension Wealth

   PFRDA has empanelled seven Annuity Service Providers (ASP’s) for providing annuity services to NPS subscribers. As per current National Pension System (NPS) exit norms,the subscriber is mandatorily required to select one of the empanelled ASP’s along with an Annuity scheme from those offered by the chosen ASP at the time of exiting from NPS and seeking withdrawal of accumulated pension wealth (for reasons other than death of the subscriber).

   Based on the feedback received from stakeholders seeking provision of a default option to be exercised by the subscriber at the time of selection of the ASP and choosing of an annuity scheme, PFRDA has examined the matter and decided to assist the subscriber by providing a default option.

     After examining the various options provided by the different ASPs, it has been decided to provide for a default ASP and annuity scheme as below:

   1. Default Annuity Service Provider – Life Insurance Corporation of India

   2. Default Annuity Scheme - Annuity for life with a provision of 100% of the annuity payable to spouse during his/her life on death of annuitant’ and Under this option, payment of monthly annuity would cease once the annuitant and the spouse die or after death of the annuitant if the spouse pre-deceases the annuitant, without any return of purchase price.  

   3. However, where the corpus is not adequate to buy the default annuity variant and from  the  default ASP, the subscriber has to compulsorily choose an ASP who offers an annuity at the available corpus in the account of the subscriber.

   Also, it may be noted that this default option is being purely provided in the subscribers’ interest and to avoid any delay in claim processing and is not with a view to endorse/promote any particular ASP or annuity variant being offered by the ASP. 

   The default ASP and the default annuity scheme as above would be applicable for all variants of NPS i.e. Government Sector, Swavalamban and those accounts under NPSlite platform not able to meet the compulsory contribution under Swavalamban scheme, Corporate and All Citizen model.

   This is for the information of all concerned.   The circular has also been placed on PFRDA website at and CRA website at

Yours Faithfully,

  Venkateswarlu Peri
General Manager
