Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-700 001.

No. 2013-F(P)

Dated : 06-03-2012.


   In Circular No. 283(60)-PS datcd 21.02.2012 of the Home (Political) Department, Government of West Bengal, it was directed that all Stale Government Offices would remain open on 28.2.2012 and all Government employees should report for duly. It as also mentioned therein that no leave would be granted to any Government employee on that date. In spite of the above Circular it has been noticed that some employees did not attend office on that day.

   So, the question of treatment of absence of employees on 28.02.2012 has accordingly been considered by the Government. After careful consideration of the entire matter, the Governor has been pleased to decide as follows:

   Head of offices will issue Show Cause notice to the concerned employee who was absent on 28.02.2012 asking him to explain why action would not be taken against him for such unauthorized absence in violation of Circular No. 283(60)-PS dt. 21.02.2012. After receipt of reply, action may be taken in the following manner:-

1) Leave due and admissible may be granted on production of documentary evidence in the following cases:-

a) Hospitalisation of the employee.

h) Bereavement in the family.

c) Severe illness and absence continuing from before.

d) Employees who had been on leave continuing from before, if such leave was sanctioned prior to issue of the above Circular.

e) Compelling reasons of similar nature, where the employee could not report for duty for circumstances beyond his coutrol.(Specifie reasons with documentary proof will have to be furnished in each Such case.)

   It is mentioned here that dislocation of traffic will not be a reason for granting leave as traffic remained normal on that day.

   2) Where the absence is not covered by any of the abovementioned reasons, the same will be treated as dies non and no salary will be admissible for that day. However, this will not affect past service of the concerned employee.

   3) Those who do no respond to the show-cause notice will be liable for disciplinary action.

   4) All actions in terms of this order should be completed by 31st March, 2012.

Finance Department



Advertisement No. 04/2012
Date: 07.03.2012


4th Floor, EVK Sampath Maaligai, DPI Compound, College Road,
Chennai – 600 006.


   Applications are invited upto 5.30 p.m. on 04.04.2012 for Teacher Eligibility Tests for the year 2012 from the candidates in Tamil Nadu.

   In accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 23 of the RTE Act, the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) had vide Notification dated 23rd August, 2010 laid down the minimum qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher in classes I to VIII. It had been inter alia provided that one of the essential qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher in any of the schools referred to in clause (n) of section 2 of the RTE Act is that he/she should pass the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) which will be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE.

   Teachers Recruitment Board is designated as the Nodal Agency for conducting of Teacher Eligibility Test and recruitment of Teachers as per G.O. (Ms) No. 181, School Education (C2) Department, Dated 15.11.2011.

1. Important Dates:


Date of Notification 07.03.2012  


Commencement of Sale of Application Forms



Last Date for Receipt of Application 0.04.2012 5.30 p.m.


Date of Written Examination-Paper I 03.06.2012 F.N.
  Date of Written Examination-Paper-II 03.06.2012 A.N.

2. Category of Candidates for TET:

The following categories of candidates should write the Teacher Eligibility Test:

The Secondary Grade and Graduate Teachers (BT Assistants) appointed with the prescribed qualifications in Government, Government Aided and Un-aided Schools on or after 23rd August, 2010.

Teachers working in Unaided Institutions without the prescribed qualifications shall acquire such minimum qualifications within a period of 5 years and should pass the TET.

    All Candidates with necessary qualifications and seeking for appointment as Teachers for Classes I to VIII.

3. Eligibility to Write TET:

   Candidates should possess the following prescribed qualifications to write the Teacher Eligibility Test:

    Candidates who have passed Higher Secondary Course (10+2 Pattern) and Diploma in Teacher Education in a Recognized Teacher Training Institute / DIET and seeking an appointment as Teacher for classes I to V (except Visually
Impaired Candidates) can write Paper I.

    Candidates who have passed a Bachelor’s Degree(B.A. /B.Sc. / B.Litt.) with Tamil, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, History and Geography or a Degree with any one of the equivalent subjects from a Recognized University under 10+2+3 Pattern and a Degree in Teacher Education (B.Ed.) from a Recognized University and seeking an appointment as Teacher for classes VI to VIII can write Paper II.

    Candidates appearing for the Final Year Examination of D.T.Ed. / B.Ed. during the current Academic Year are also eligible to appear for the Teacher Eligibility Test.

4. Teacher Eligibility Test Papers:

Sl.No. Name of the Test Teachers of Classes
1. Paper I Classes I to V
2. Paper II Classes VI to VIII

Paper I will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for Classes I to V. Number of Questions 150 MCQs and the Duration of the Examination is 1 Hour and 30 Minutes.

Paper II will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for Classes VI to VIII. Number of Questions 150 MCQs and the Duration of the Examination is 1 Hour and 30 Minutes.

 A person who intends to teach both Classes I to V and VI to VIII will have to appear for both Papers I and II.

5. Structure and Content of TET

   All questions will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), each carrying one mark, with four alternatives out of which one answer will be correct. There will be no negative marking.

Paper I

Sl.No. Content (All Compulsory) MCQs Marks

Child Development and Pedagogy(relevant to age group 6–11)

30 30


30 30
iii Language II - English 30 30
iv Mathematics 30 30
v Environmental Studies 30 30
  Total 150 150


a. Test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on Educational Psychology of Teaching and Learning,relevant to the age Group 6–11 years.

b. Test Items for Language I will focus on the proficiencies related to the Medium of Instruction. The Candidate has to choose any one of the languages mentioned in Sl. No. ii above.

c. Test Items for Language II– ENGLISH will focus on the elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities.

d. The test items in Mathematics and Environmental Studies will focus on the concepts, problem solving abilities and pedagogical understanding of these subjects.

e. The questions in the test Paper I will be based on the topics of the prescribed Syllabus of the State for Classes I–V but their difficulty standard as well as linkages will be upto the Secondary Stage.

Paper II

Sl.No. Content MCQs Marks

Child Development and Pedagogy
relevant to the age Group 11–14 Years

30 30

Language I -

30 30
iii Language II - English (Compulsory) 30 30

(a) For Mathematics and Science
: Mathematics and Science
(b) For Social Studies Teacher: Social
(c) or Any Other Teacher [(a) or (b) ]

60 60
  Total 150 150


a. Test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on Educational Psychology of Teaching and Learning, relevant to the age Group 11–14 years.

b. Test Items for Language I will focus on the proficiencies related to the Medium of Instruction. The Candidate has to choose any one of the languages mentioned in Sl. No. ii above.

c. Test Items for Language II – ENGLISH will focus on the elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities.

d. The test items in Mathematics and Science and Social Studies will focus on the concepts, problem solving abilities and pedagogical understanding of these subjects.

e. The questions in the test Paper II will be based on the topics of the prescribed Syllabus of the State for Classes VI–VIII but their difficulty standard as well as linkages will be upto the Senior Secondary (Higher Secondary) Stage.

6. Subjects & Subject Codes:

Sl.No. Paper Subject Code
1. Paper I 12TET 01
2. Paper II 12TET 02

7. General Information:

a. The Teacher Eligibility Test is merely as a pre-requisite eligibility test for those who are seeking appointment as a teacher.

b. For appointment of teachers the Teachers Recruitment Board will follow separate selection procedures.

c. The Teachers Recruitment Board conducts this test as a Nodal Agency for the Government of Tamil Nadu.

d. Candidates securing 60% and above in the tests will be issued a TET Eligibility Certificate mentioning the language opted under Language I, which will be valid for 7 years from the date of issue of the certificate.

e. The TET Certificate will be mandatory for anybody willing to work as a Teacher in the State of Tamil Nadu for Classes I to VIII.

f. Recruitment of Teachers will be conducted separately as and when there is need following the guidelines of the Government of Tamil Nadu and the Communal Roster in vogue.

g. Nobody can claim it as a right to be appointed as a teacher by merely getting a TET Eligibility Certificate.

8. Scheme Of Written Examination :

1. Question Papers will have 150 Multiple Choice Questions in the subjects under the relevant papers as mentioned above. Candidates have to mark the right choice of answers among the four options. Each right answer will be awarded one mark. There will not be any negative marking.

2. The questions for all the subjects (except languages) will be both in Tamil and English.

3. The syllabi for the subjects covered are already published in the Government Gazettes. However they will be issued along with the Application Form and Prospectus.

4. The Syllabi will also be published in the Teachers Recruitment Board’s official web-site http://trb.tn.nic.in

9. Centre For Examination:

   Examination will be held in all the 66 Educational District Headquarters. The Candidates may refer to the Prospectus published in the Teachers Recruitment Board Website or Teachers Recruitment Board’s Notice Board at DPI Compound, Chennai–6 for further details. Candidates should appear for the examination at their own expenses. The board reserves the right to increase the number of examination centres and to re-allot the candidates.

10. Application & Examination Fee:

   Applications can be received from the District Educational Officers on payment of Rs. 50/- in cash towards the cost of Application Form and Prospectus. The Examination Fee is Rs. 500/- (Rupees 250/- for SC/ST /Differently Abled Candidates only). The fee should be paid by the candidate in any Branch of the State Bank of India only using the Prescribed Challan attached with the Prospectus. Payment of Fees in any other method will not be accepted.

   While making payment of fees through the Challan the candidate should take care to write all the necessary details without fail. The TRB Copy of the Challan Should be sent along with the Application Form without stapling or tying with the Application form.


i.    Applications can be received from 22.03.2012 to 04.04.2012 from the Office of the District Educational Officers, on payment of Rs. 50/- in cash towards the cost of Application Form and Prospectus.

ii. Candidates should use only the OMR Application Form. NO other form of typed or printed or photocopied application forms will be accepted and such applications, if any will be summarily rejected.

iii. Single Application Form is enough for a candidate even if he/she wishes to write a single paper or both Papers I and II simultaneously.

iv. Examination Fee will be Rs. 500/- (or 250/- for SC/ST/Differently Abled) even if the candidate opts for a single paper (Paper I or Paper II) or for both Paper I and Paper II.

v. The filled-in Application Form and the TRB Copy of the Fees Payment Challan must be put inside the envelope provided and submitted in person in the Office where the candidate received the Application Form. The Application and the Challan should NOT be stapled/pasted/tied together. The envelope also need not to be closed or pasted.

vi. Submission of Application Forms online or by post or fax is NOT accepted by the Teachers Recruitment Board.

vii. DON’T send the filled-in Application Form directly to the Teachers Recruitment Board.

viii. Application Forms will not be accepted after 5.30 p.m. on 04.04.2012.



Constitution of Committee for,interview/viva-voce in connection with recruitment to Group ‘C’ posts and posts in Pay Band-I of Rs. 5200-20200 (Grade Pay:Rs. 1800) including screening of Substitutes on Indian Railways.


RBE No. 29/2012

No. E (NG)-II/96/RR-1/40.

New Delhi, dated: 05-03-2012.

The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units, CORE/Allahabad, Metro Raliway/Kolkata;CAO/MTP/Chennai, Mumbai;
CAO (R), DMW/Patiala, COFMOW/New Delhi;
Chairmen/All Railway Recruitment Boards;
Director General, RDSO/Lucknow & RSC/Vadodra
Director, IRISET/Secundrabad, IRICEN/Pune, IRIEEN/Nasik & IRIM&EE/Jamalpur; and, Managing Director/Konkan Railway Corporation Limited.

Sub:- Constitution of Committee for,interview/viva-voce in connection with recruitment to Group ‘C’ posts and posts in Pay Band-I of ` 5200-20200 (Grade Pay: ` 1800) including screening of Substitutes on Indian Railways.

Ref: This office letter No. E(NG)II-83/RR1/7 dated 1.6.1983, E(NG)II-83/RR1/7(I) dated 1.6.1983, E(NG)II/96/RR-l/40 dated 19.6.1997 & 27.4.1998 and 98/E(RRB)/9/3 dated 30.12.2001.

   Attention is invited to letter under reference, para 112 of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-I (Revised Edition-1989) (First Reprint Edition 2009) and item No. VI 2 (v) of Master Circular No. 51 on the subject of “Reservation for Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes in Railway Services”, wherein provisions have inter-alia been made for constitution of interview/viva-voce in connection with recruitment to Group ‘C’ posts and posts in Pay Band-I of ` 5200-20200 (Grade Pay: ` 1800) including screening of Substitutes on Indian Railways.

   2. In addition to above, it has now been decided that the stipulation made vide Department of Personnel & Training OM No. 35021/2/2009-Estt (C) dated 30.06.2009 (copy enclosed) may strictly be adhered to while holding recruitment to Group ‘C’ posts from open market and conduct of screening of Substitutes in Group ‘C’ and Pay Band-1 (Grade Pay; `1800) to ensure adequate representation of women members on various interviews/viva-voce committees.

Please acknowledge receipt.

(Harsha Dass)
Joint Director Estt. (N)-II
Railway Board.
