Dearness Allowance from January 2013 - 6th CPC Recommendations on merger of 50% Dearness Allowance.

   "No any recommendation in 6th CPC Report on merger of 50% Dearness allowance with basic pay at any stage"...

   Dearness Allowance from January 2013 – 6th CPC Recommendation

   As of now nobody knows the correct reason why the government is delaying the approval of DA hike from January 2013. Actually the delay in announcing the dearness allowance helps the people speculate more about the Governments Plan about whether the 50% DA will be merged or not.

   As per the 6th CPC recommendation accepted by the government, the Dearness Allowance supposed to be enhanced from 1st January of every year has to be paid with salary of month of March. The 6th CPC was very much clear about two things; first one is the formula for calculating the quantum of DA to be paid to central government employees and its frequency. Second one is on Merger of 50% Dearness allowance with Basic pay by converting it as dearness Pay.

   Sixth Pay Commission recommendation on Merger of 50% Dearness Allowance and sanctioning of DA to central government employees.

   It has been clearly told in 6th CPC recommendations under the Heading of Dearness Allowance, Chapter no 4.1…

   4.1.18 ……This conversion, however, is not necessary in the revised structure being recommended where increments are payable as a percentage of the pay in the pay band and grade pay thereon and provision has been made for all allowances/benefits to be revised periodically linked to the increase in the price index. The Commission is, therefore, not recommending merger of dearness allowance with basic pay at any stage.

   4.1.19 No real justification exists for revising DA once in 3 months. Accordingly, DA may continue to be sanctioned twice a year as on 1st January and 1st July payable with the salary of March and September respectively for administrative convenience with inflation neutralization being maintained at 100% at all levels.

   As it was the recommendation of 6th CPC , even after the seventh day of the month of April, the quantum of DA to be increased is yet to be declared by the government is quite new for central government employees. But it is evident that ‘announcement of DA hike can be delayed, but Payment of increased Dearness Allowance cannot be denied’.

Merger of 50% of DA and DR with basic pay’ – Finance Ministry

   ‘Merger of 50% of DA and DR with basic pay’ – Finance Ministry explained as a reply to a unstarred question in the Parliament on 14th December, 2012.

   The below explanation was presented by the Minister of States for Finance Shri.Namo Narain Meena to the questions regarding merger of DA / DR with basic pay of Central Government employees and Pensioners in the Parliament on 14.12.2012…

   Whether various Associations/ Organisations of Central Government employees demanded merger of 50 per cent Dearness Allowance into the basic pay of Central Government employees and pensioners and the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission in this regard and action taken by the Government thereto?

   Yes, A number of representations have been received from Associations/Organizations of Central Government Employees/Pensioners and individuals demanding merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance/ Dearness Relief with basic pay/pension respectively. The demand has been considered by the Government and not agreed to since the 6th Central Pay Commission has not recommended as such.

   The 6th Central Pay Commission did not recommend merger of dearness allowance with Basic Pay at any stage. Government accepted this recommendation vide Government of India Resolution dated 29.08.2008.

   (Note : Merger 50% of Dearness Allowance with basic pay to the employees of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) following 1997 Industrial Dearness Allowance (IDA) pattern of scales of pay with effect from 1.1.2007.)

Govt. employees and the members of their family take treatment from any hospital recognized by the State Government / CGHS / CS (MA) Rules - regarding.

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg,
New Delhi-16.


Dated 03.04.2013

The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices.

Subject : Govt. employees and the members of their family take treatment from any hospital recognized by the State Government / CGHS / CS (MA) Rules - regarding.


   I am to refer to the subject cited above and to state that references have been received by this office as to whether Govt./KVS employees covered under CS(MA)Rules can avail treatment from Hospitals recognized under CGHS Scheme.

   In this connection, it is informed that the orders issued by the Govt. of India Ministry of Health and family welfare vide OM No. S.14025/7/2000-MS, dt 28th March, 2000 and No.S.14021/06/2005-MS dt. 4th January, 2007 were already circulated to all the Units of the Sangathan for reference and further action vide KVS letter No.161-3/99- 2000/KVS/Budget dt.26.7.2000 and Letter No.125-21/2006-07/KVS (Budget) dt. 22.5.2007 (copy enclosed).

   However the said orders are once again circulated to all the Units of the Sangathan for reference & further action.

Yours faithfully,

Asstt. Commissioner (Fin.)
