Restrictions on top level executives of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) joining private commercial undertakings after retirement.

No. 2(22)/99-GM
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises

Block No.14, CGO Complex,
Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003
Dated the 7th January, 2013.


Subject: Restrictions on top level executives of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) joining private commercial undertakings after retirement.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 15th May, 2008 (copy enclosed) on the subject mentioned above.

   2. The Government has reviewed the position regarding time limit of 30 days for concerned administrative Ministry/Department to communicate the decision on the application(s) seeking permission to accept any appointment/post after retirement in view of the fact that in many cases, a functional Director/CMD would have worked in more than one CPSE during the last five years preceding the retirement and therefore the concerned administrative Ministry/Department would require more than 30 days to consider all aspects/factors as brought out in O.M. dated 15th May, 2008 before arriving at a final decision on such applications. It has accordingly been decided to revise Para 7 of the DPE O.M. dated 15th May, 2008 laying down time limits to read as follows.

Grant of CCL to widower Railway employee in the event of death of wife left behind two surviving children.


No. E(P&A)l-2011/CPC,LE..3

New Delhi, dated 03.01.2013

The General Secretary,
4, State Entry Road,
Mew Delhi-110 055.


Sub:- Grant of CCL to widower Railway employee in the event of death of wife left behind two surviving children.

Ref: Board’s letter No. E(P&A)I-2011/CPC/LE-3 dated 03.05.2012.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to your letter No. AIRF/50(95) dated 19.04.2012 on the above cited subject and it is stated that the matter regarding grant of CCL to widower male employees at par with female employees was referred to DOP&T, which is nodal department in the matter of Leave.

Railways Relax Condition of Production of Original Proof of Identity during Journey

Railways Relax Condition of Production of Original Proof of Identity during Journey
            Ministry of Railways has made some relaxation in the condition of production of original Proof of Identity during train travel and particularly for the passengers belonging to the lower economic classes.
            Under this relaxation, attested photocopy of Ration Card with photograph and Nationalised Bank Passbook with photographs shall also be accepted as a prescribed proof of identity only in case of reserved tickets booked through computerized Passenger Reservation System (PRS) counters, for undertaking journey in Sleeper (SL) and Second Reserved Sitting (2S) classes.  The photocopy of the Ration Card with photograph and Nationalised Bank Passbook with photograph should be attested by a Gazetted Officer or the Chief Reservation Supervisor or Station Manager/Station Master.  This relaxation applies only to Ration Card and Nationalized Bank Pass Book and not in case of other types of proofs of identity cards  for which  only original proof  will be required during journey.