Provision of Rest rooms for Station staff at Wayside stations.


No. E (LR-I)/JCM-2-1
New Delhi, dated l8th May, 2012.

All COMs
Indian Railways

Sub:- Provision of Rest rooms for Station staff at Wayside stations.

Ref: DC/JCM Item No.18/2010.

   The organised labour requested in the JCM meeting for provision of rest rooms facility at wayside stations for the staff belonging to safety/operational categories and for the staff attending to the failures at outstations & remote places.

   The issue was examined and it is advised that Zonal Railways may identify stations where resting facilities are to be provided in consultation with the federations. This may be done especially for remote & wayside stations where frequency of passenger carrying trains is less and road transportation facility is infrequent.

   This may be considered in the phased manner and all other possibilities may be explored to resolve this issue”. The action taken may be advised to Board.

(A.S. Upadhyay)
Executive Director TT/M
Railway Board

Source: NFIR

Facility of retention of accommodation in the case of re-employment.

No.12035/28/96-Pol. II (Vo.l)
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estate.
Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi

Dated: 14.06.2012

Office Memorandum

Subject: - Facility of retention of accommodation in the case of re-employment.

   The undersigned is directed to invite a reference to this Directorate's OM No.12035/28/96.Pol.II, dated 30.09.2009 on the subject noted above and to say that officers who retired from Central Govt. Service before 30.09.2009 and thereafter were reemployed/ appointed in Central Government on tenure basis, may be allowed to avail the un-availed period of retention of 8 months permissible as per SR-317-B-11 and SR-317-B- 22 immediately after termination of their reemployment. However from 30.09.2009 the facility of retention of Govt. accommodation under SR-317-B-11 ond SR-314-B-22 by the officers of Centrol Govt. on their superannuation are to be availed in one go starting from the date of their superannuation. This period of retention cannot be availed in piecemeal or postponed to a later date on their reemployment if not availed immediately after the superannuation of the officer in case the date of retirement of officer is 30.09.2009 or thereafter.

   This issues in partial modification of this office OM No.12035/28/96-Pol.II, dated 30.09.2009 with the approval of UDM.

(R.N Yadav)
Deputy Director of Policy)


Reporting of vacancies in the Grade of Private Secretary (PS) of CSSS for the Select List Year 2011 — reg.

No. 4/5/2012-CS. II(A)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi-110003.
Dated the 19th June, 2012.

Office Memorandum

Subject:- Reporting of vacancies in the Grade of Private Secretary (PS) of CSSS for the Select List Year 2011 — reg.

   The undersigned is directed to say that UPSC have decided to hold Combined SO/PS Limited Departmental Examination (LDCE), 2009, 2010 & 2011. For this purpose, furnishing of vacancy position in advance is a pre-requisite. Firm number of vacancies in the PS Grade for LDCE 2009 were intimated to UPSC on the basis of information furnished by the Cadre Units. Subsequently, Cadre Units were requested vide this Department’s O.M. No. 5/15/2010-CS.II dated 03.04.2012 to intimate the vacancy for PS Grade for LDCE 2010, followed by a reminder dated 11.05.2012. However, some of the Cadre Units (Annexure-l) have yet to intimate the vacancies in the Grade for the Select List Year 2010. Cadre Units (As per Annexure-I) concerned are requested to expedite the reporting of firm number of vacancies for Select List Year 2010.

   2. In addition to the above exercise, all the Cadre Units are requested to take necessary steps to calculate the tentative vacancy position of PS Grade for the Select List Year 2011 in the prescribed proforma (enclosed Annexure-II).

   3. The above information may be furnished to this Department urgently so that firm number of DE vacancies for the Select List Year 2010 and tentative vacancy position for the Year 2011 are made available to UPSC at the earliest. Firm number of vacancies in respect of Select List Year 2011 may be reported by September, 2012.

(Rajiv Manjhi)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

Click here to view the Annexure I and II