Ticketing Through Non-Internet Based Mobile Phones.

   A pilot project of ticketing through non-internet based mobile phones has been launched by IRCTC on 1st July 2013.  The salient features of the scheme are as follows:-

·        There is no need of internet at any stage, viz. booking, payment, cancellation etc.

·        The user gets ticket details Short Messaging Service (SMS) instantly.

·        SMS along with Photo Identity Card in original can be used to travel, no printout of the ticket is required.
          The steps taken to popularize the booking of tickets through non-internet based mobile phones through SMS mode are as follows:

Framing of Rules for URC Employees

Press Information Bureau
Government of India

   The Unit Run Canteen employees are getting paid as per the rules regulating the terms and conditions of the services of the civilian employees of the URCs, issued by Army Headquarters in April 2003. These rules were made as per the directions of Hon`ble Supreme Court.

   It has been held by the Hon`ble Supreme Court in its order dated 28-4-2009, in the case of R.R. Pillai Vs the commanding officer HQ SAC(U), that employees of the URC are not government servant.

Impact of FDI in Defence Sector on National Security

   FDI up to 26% is permissible in the defence sector, subject to licensing. However, wherever FDI beyond 26% is likely to result in access to modern and state-of-the-art technology into the country, decisions can be taken to allow higher FDI on a case-to-case basis with approval of the Cabinet Committee on Security.

   All such concerns shall be addressed while taking approval from Cabinet Committee on Security on a case-to-case basis.