Promotion Scheme for CGHS Homoeopathic and Unani Doctors.

   As per the 5th Central Pay Commission’s recommendation, career progression had been granted to the ISM&H (Indian Systems of Medicine & Homeopathy) Physicians possessing the medical qualifications approved by the Central Council for Indian Medicines/Central Council of Homoeopathy on the pattern available to the Allopathic doctors//General Duty Medical Officers of Central Health Service (CHS).

   According to the Recruitment Rules for Chief Medical Officer (Non Functional Selection Grade), Union Public Service Commission has to conduct the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) process for promotion to this grade. In respect of the Unani Doctors, the CMO (NFSG) grade has already been granted to 8 eligible Unani doctors. In respect of Homoeopathic doctors, UPSC has asked for certain information / documents in respect of the officers under consideration.

   This information was given by the Minister for Health & Family Welfare Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad in written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.


Grant of Interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 2013-2014.


The Principal Secretary to Government Haryana,
Finance Department.

1. All Heads of Departments in Haryana.

2. The Registrar, Punjab and Haryana High Court & All District & Session Judges in Haryana State.

3. All Commissioners of Divisions, Deputy Commissioners & S.D.Os (Civil) in Haryana.

Dated Chandigarh, the 26th April, 2013.

Subject:- Grant of interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 2013-2014.

   With reference to subject noted above, i am directed to say that the State Government has decided to grant an interest free advance of ` 11,000/- ( ` Eleven thousand only) to Haryana Government employees in the State who wish to purchase wheat for their own/their families consumption during the year 2013-14 is as under:-

Sl. No.


Admissibility Conditions

Admissibility limit of Advance and
Installments of Recovery.


Wheat Advance

i) All Group D” employees.
ii) Group C” employees getting Basic Pay+ DP upto ` 7,000/-in Pre-revised scale and upto ` 8000/- in revised scale (PB+Grade Pay).
` 11,000/- recoverable in not more than 10 Installments.

   2. The advance will be admissible to permanent/temporary regular employees only. The advance will be sanctioned by the Drawing & Disbursing Officers concerned who would, in the case of temporary employees, allow advance on the basis of a surety to their satisfaction so that it is fully secured and its recovery is ensured from the loanee before the close of the financial year 2013-2014.

   3. The following conditions should be observed in sanctioning this loan:-

   i) A certificate may be obtained within one month of the drawal of the advance from the loanee to the effect that he has utllized the loan for the purchase of wheat.

   ii) The officer concerned, before sanctioning the advance, should satisfy himself that the incumbent will continue in service until full recovery of the total amount of advance is effected.

   iii) These orders will cease to operate after the 31st May, 2013.

   iv) The recovery of the first instalment of the advance should preferaby be made from the pay for the month of May, 2013.

   v) The advance should not be granted to those employees who are on deputation to other Govt./Corporations and Local Bodies etc.

   vi) The advance will not be admissible to work charged, contractual and daily wages employees.

   vii) Where both husband and wife are employed, the wheat advance should be allowed to only one of them.

   4. It is requested that the schedule of recoveries should be attached with each pay bill in the proforma enclosed. It is also requested that the detailed accounts of the recoveries of the advance should be maintained by the Drawing and Disbursing Officers which should be reconciled with the office of the Accountant General, Haryana (A&E) every month.

   5. The expenditure incurred on the grant of wheat advance may be communicated to the Finance Department (in Ways & Means. Br.) by the Head of Departments by 30.06.2013 positively in the enclosed Performa.

   6. The expenditure may be debited to the Major Head, “7610-Loans to Govt. Servants. etc-51-NA-800-Other Advances-(99) Advances for purchase of Foodgrains-51NA-50-Advances (Non-Plan). The recoveries made may be credited to the corresponding receipt head i.e.”7610-Loans to Govt. Servants etc.-51NA-800-Other Advances-(99) Advance for Purchase of Foodgrains-51NA-(Receipt)

Yours faithfully,

(Subhash Sihag)
Deputy Secretary Finance
for Principal Secretary to government
Haryana Finance Department


Min. of Railways: Special Incentive Scheme for CLW for the year 2012-13.

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)


New Delhi, dated: 28.03.2013.

The General Manager,
Chittaranjan Locomotive Works,

Sub: Special Incentive Scheme.

Ref: CME/Loco/CLW’s letter No.PE/PROG/23 dated 11.06.2012.

   Ministry of Railways has approved the Special Incentive Scheme for CLW for the year 2012-13 subject to the following:-

   (a) In order to achieve desired level of production, possibility of transfer of excess Essential Indirect Workers to direct incentive shops may be explored instead of outsourcing and OT payment.

   (b) All out efforts may be made for switching over to GIS at CLW in a time bound manner.

   (c) Reduction in allowed time due to commissioning of new CNC machines at CLW may be ensured.

   (d) There will be no staff increase. Outsourcing and OT payment will be controlled. All other terms and conditions would remain the same as were applicable for the year 2011-2012.

   This issues with the concurrence of Finance Dte. of the Ministry of Railways.

(A. Rastogi)
Director Mech. Engg.(PU)
Railway Board

Source: NFIR