The announcement on Dearness Allowance is expected by central and state government employees thirstily.

   Dearness Allowance is not only for Central Government employees..!

   It is a practice which has been followed till now that once in six months, according to the price index ,the rate of DA is being granted in the month of march and September for Government servants. It is not only now, the interest to know the rate of dearness allowance granted twice in a year has been there for the past several years.

   Even before 20 years , the Government servants used to buy the monthly called ‘Swamy’s News’ eagerly and share the things they read in the book with others and debated on it.

   Now it is quit natural that people forget the periodicals, monthly magazines that brings last month’s issues in this modern world in which information technology developed a lot and people have the facility to know the facts in and around the world immediately and share their thoughts through social media.

   It is not right thinking that DA is a matter belongs to only the Central Government employees those who are around 80 Lakhs including Pensioners. Actually they are the reference points for entire state government employees and pensioners except very few states and their numerical strength may be beyond crores.

   Whatever the rate of DA offered for central government employees, the state governments have no other go than to follow it.

   The announcement on Dearness Allowance expected by central and state government employees and pensioners has been getting delayed is making unnecessary embracement. It is believed that not happened like this before.

   Let us hope that there will not be further delay and it will be announced in next cabinet meeting positively.


Revision of pay scales of Teachers, Librarians and Physical Training Instructors of Government Polytechnic Colleges (Engineering).


No. F.9(3)FD(Rules)/2010

Jaipur, dated: 06.04.2013


Subject:- Revision of pay scales of Teachers, Librarians and Physical Training Instructors of Government Polytechnic Colleges (Engineering).

   In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Rajasthan is pleased to make the following rules to amend further the Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay Scales for Government Polytechnic College Teachers, Librarians and Physical Training Instructors) Rules, 2010 namely:-

   1. These rules may be called the Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay Scales for Government Polytechnic College Teachers, Librarians and Physical Training Instructors) (Amendment) Rules, 2013.

   2. They shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 01.01.2006.

   3. In these Rules-

   (A) the existing words and figures 1st day of September, 2006 “ wherever occurring in these Rules shall be substituted by the words and figures” 1st day of January, 2006”.

   (B) the existing words and figures “1st’ September, 2006” or “01.09.2006’ wherever occurring in these Rules shall be substituted by the figures 01.01.2006".

   (C) the existing “Note” appearing below sub-rule (5) of Rule 4 shall be numbered as “Note-I” and the following new “Note-2” shall be inserted, namely -

   “Note-2: In case where a Teacher, Librarian and Physical Training Instructor opts revised pay scale with effect from 01.01.2006 and whose annual grade increment falls between 2nd January, 2006 to 30th June, 2006 (both days inclusive) shall be granted one increment in the existing pay scale on 01.01.2006”.

   (D) the existing form of option under Rule 7 and 8 of these rules shall be substituted by the Annexure appended to this notification.

   (E) after the existing sub rule (4) of Rule 8, the following new sub rule (5) shall be inserted namely -

   “(5) A Government servant who has opted revised pay scale from a specific date as per provisions of Rule 8 of these rules in force prior to issue of this Notification, if not willing to revise the existing option he may continue to retain his existing option”.

   (F) the existing second sentence of Rule II shall be substituted by the following, namely-

   “The first increment after fixation of pay on 01.01.2006 in the running pay-band will be granted to the employees, who have completed six months on 01.07.2006”.

   (G) after the existing Rule 23, the following shall be inserted as new Rule 24, namely-

   “24. Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, no arrear of pay and allowances thereon, on any account shall accrue to a Teacher, Librarian and Physical Training Instructor whether existing or appointed between 01.01.2006 to 30.06.2013 (both days inclusive) for the period upto 30.06.2013”.

By order of the Governor,

(Akhil Arora)
Finance Secretary (Budget)


The Rajasthan Work-charged Employees (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008.



No. F14(5)FD (Rules)/2008 - I

Jaipur, dated: 06.04.2013

Subject:- The Rajasthan Work-charged Employees (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008.

   The Governor is pleased to order that in the Rajasthan Work-charged Employees (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 issued vide FD order no. F. 14(5)FD (Rules)/2008 dated 12-9-2008, the following amendments shall be made:-

   (i) in Appendix-I the existing Grade Pay ` 3200, ` 3600 and ` 4200 appearing in column no. 6 shall be substituted by the Grade Pay ` 3600, ` 4200 and ` 4600 respectively.

   (ii) in Part “A”, “C” and “D” of Appendix-II, the existing Grade Pay ` 3200, ` 3600 and ` 4200 wherever appearing in column no. 7 shall be substituted by the Grade Pay ` 3600, ` 4200 and ` 4600 respectively.

   (iii) after the existing Rule 19, the following new Rule 20 shall be inserted, namely-

   “20. Method of Fixation of Pay in the Running Pay Band and Grade Pay further revised after 01.01.2006:-

   The initial pay of a work-charged employee who elects or is deemed to have elected Running Pay Band and Grade Pay further revised after 01.01.2006 shall be fixed at an equal stage in the Running Pay Band plus Revised Grade Pay of the post. In case the pay last drawn in the existing Running Pay Band is less than the minimum of the further Revised Running Pay Band, he shall be fixed at the minimum of the Running Pay band plus Grade Pay of the post.”

   This order shall come into force with effect from 01.07.2013.

By order of the Governor

[Akhil Arora]
Finance Secretary (Budget)
