Notification No.1832-F(P)dt.01.03.2013 Rules for Recruitment in Group C posts.

Government of West Bengal
finance Department
Audit Branch
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-700 001


No. 1832—F(P) dt. 01-03-2013 —ln exercise of the power conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India and in partial modification of notification No 6060-F, dated the 25th June, 1979, the Governor is hereby pleased to make the following rules, namely:-


   1. Short title and commencement— (1) These rules may be called the West Bengal Services (Appointment, Probation and Absorption of Group C Employees) Rules, 2013.

   (2) They shall come into force with effect from the 1st day of March.

   2. Application. (1) These rules shall apply in case of appointment to any post or cadre or service of category belonging to Group C.

   (2) These rules shall not apply to:-

   (a) part-time workers, casual labourers, daily labourers, master roll workers and seasonal labourers;

   (b) such other categories of persons as may be specified front time to time by Government by notification in the Official Gazette;

   (c) Cases of appointment no promotion.

   3. Definitions. — In these rules unless the context otherwise requires,—

   (1) Appointment on probation” means appointment on trial before absorption;

   (2) “Government” means the Govt. of West Bengal;

   (3) “Probationer ‘ means a Government employee appointed on probation.

   4. Mode of appointment: On or after the date of coming into force of these rules, all appointments on entry into posts or cadre or service or category belonging to Group C in the Government service, shall be on probation for a period of three years.

   5. Absorption after probation. —A Government employee shall be absorbed on regular basis on satisfactory completion of the period of probation and for this purpose, the performance of the concerned employee shall be reviewed after completion of each year:
   Provided that where passing of departmental or other, examination like computer skill etc. is essential under any existing rules of the concerned Group C post the concerned employee shall have to pass the same within the period of probation:

   Provided further that in case such Government employee fails to pass the departmental or other examination within the period of probation, the period of probation may be extended for further period of one year on the request of the employee

   6. Discharge on non-satisfactory performance during the period of probation.- In case of non-satisfactory performance or failing to pass the departmental examination or other  examination as mentioned in rule 5, the Government employee concerned may be discharged.

   7. Selection procedure.—Selection shall be made on the basis competitive examination to be conducted by the Staff Selection Commission, West Bengal or the Public Service Commission, West Bengal (Clerkship Examination only), as the case may be, by way of following the procedures mentioned in the relevant recruitment rules of the concerned Group C posts or cadre or service or category.

   8. Drawal of salary during the period of probation: During the period of probation only the entry point pay i.e. Basic Pay plus Grade Pay of the concerned Group C posts or service or cadre or category shall be allowed with annual increment @ 3% per annum and medical allowance, if any.

   9. Treatment of probation period after absorption. (1) After abserption on successful completion of the period of probation and passing of such departmental examination wherever applicable, an employee shall be allowed o draw pay in the regular scale related to the concerned posts or service or cadre or category from date of confirmation.

   (2) The period of probation shall be counted or pensionary benefit and shall not counted for Modified Carrier Advancement Scheme (MCAS) or for promotion.

   10. Leave during period of probation. Leave during period of probation shall be allowed as per rule 213 of the West Bengal Service Rules. Part I, applicable for contractual appointment.

By order of the Governor

H.K. Dwivedi
Secy. to the Govt. of west Bengal.


Grant of dual (two) family pension from military as well as Civil employment.


Circular No. 15

Dated: 04.03.2013

1. The Adjutant General
(Service, Head Quarters)
2. The OI/C
Pay Accounting Authority
3. The CMD, CPPC
The CMD, All PSB and Authorised private Banks

Subject :- Grant of dual (two) family pension from military as well as Civil employment.

   Consequent upon issue of GOI,MOD No. 01(05)/2010-D(pen/Pol) dated 17.01.2013 (copy enclosed as Annexure) family of Armed forces officers who got reemployed in Civil Dept/PSUs/ Autonomous bodies/ Local funds of central/state Govt. after getting retired from military service and were in receipt of military pension till death , shall be allowed to draw family pension from military service in addition to the family pension, if any authorized from the reemployed civil Dept. subject to fulfillment of other prescribed conditions as hither to fore.

   The provision of above letter are applicable to the Armed Forces Personnel who got discharged/retired/invalided out from service w.e.f. 24.09.2012 or thereafter. Benefit of this provision has also been allowed in past cases. However the financial benefits shall be granted from 24.09.2012 only.

   It is therefore requested to please identity the affected cases and forward claim on prescribed form through concerned service Hqrs. to pension sanctioning authority alongwith following documents /information.

   1. NOK and family details from service Head quarters

   2. A certificate regarding grant/non grant of family pension from re-employed along with family details or details of grant of family pension for civil service with the following details.

   i. Name and address of Civil Deptt./PSUs/Autonomous bodies where officer was re-employed for second employed after discharge from military service.

   ii. Death certificate of officer

   iii. PDA details alongwith A/c No.

   iv. BSR Code of Paying Branch

   v. PPO No. notifying family pension for civil service and name and address of PPO issuing Authority. A copy of PPO should also be enclosed.

   3. PPO No under which retiring pension was granted from defence side.

   4. Current PDA details alongwith A/c No from where pension now desired.

   5. Last payment certificate by PDA in respect of ordinary family pension from military service indicating date upto which family pension was paid to, if pension was sanctioned, name of family pensioner, date of stoppage of family pension, PPO No. notifying family pension must be clearly mentioned.

   6. This circular has been uploaded on this office website for dissemination across the all concerned.

   Please acknowledge receipt.

Asstt.CDA (P)


No any recommendation to increase the age of retirement of Govt. Employees to 62 year–Govt. repeated in current Lok Sabha Session.


ANSWERED ON      27.02.2013


632 .    Shri MITHLESH
Will the Minister of    PERSONNEL,PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS     be pleased to state:-

(a) whether there is any recommendation to increase the age of retirement of Government employees to 62 years;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the age of retirement has also been kept optional; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?


Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office. (SHRI V. NARAYANASAMY)

(a): No, Madam.  

(b), (c) & (d): Do not arise.
