Clarification regarding payment of family pension to physically handicapped/mentally disabled children.


RBE No. 120/2012


New Delhi, dated: 25.10.2012

The GMs/FA&CAOs,
All Indian Railways/Production Units.
(As per mailing list)

Subject: - Clarification regarding payment of family pension to physically handicapped/mentally disabled children.

   A reference has been received from one of the Zonal Railways seeking clarification on certain issues relating to grant of family pension to a son/daughter of a deceased Railway servent suffering from any disorder/disability of mind/mentally retarded or physically crippled/disabled and is rendered incapable of earning a living even after in the age of 25 years of age, in terms of provisions contained in Rule 75(6) of the Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993. The matter has been examined consultation with the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DOP&PW), and the issues raised are clarified as under :-

Air India LTC-80 Fares updated as on 25-10-2012

   Air India has released Air India LTC-80 Fares with effect from 25.10.2012.  LTC-80 fare rates gain significance among central government employees as they are eligible to travel by air only using LTC 80 while they avail LTC.

TABLE IV‐ LTC Fares updated as on 25-10-2012

Order for Approval of Medical Advances and Medical Reimbursement.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-700001

No. 8749-F(Y)                                                                                       Kolkata, the 18 October, 2012


   In continuation of this Department Office Order No. 134-F(Y) dated 04.01.2012, it is directed that the Special Secretaries/Additional Secretaries in charge of various Branches/Groups, or where there are no Special Secretaries/Additional Secretaries, the Joint Secretaries in charge of Branches/Groups shall dispose of at their level, the matters of approval for Medical Advance and Medical Reimbursement cases for the State Government employees upto an amount of Rs.2.00 lakh in each case, provided Code Numbers against specific treatment are specified under the West Bengal Health Scheme (WBHS), 2008 Approvals (a) in cases where Code Numbers are not specified in the application for claims, (b) for claims in relaxation of WBHS, 2008 and (c) for advances and claims in connection with medical reimbursement above Rs.2.00 lath will be put up to the Secretary, Finance Department after vetting by the Medical Cell of this Department.