Expanding Use of Electronic Payment System by Banks.

   For extending banking facilities to the large section of hitherto uncovered population, PSBs and Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) have decided to increase the number of ATMs with emphasis on rural and semi-urban areas.

   The Government, with the objective of providing cost and time efficient mode of banking, has been taking a number of initiatives to promote electronic payment system, which inter-alia include getting interchange charges on ATM transaction reduced, advising Public Sector Banks (PSBs) to make National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) transactions upto Rs.1 lakh free of charge, issuing debit cards to all customers, etc.

Pay Revision of URCs Employees.

   The Unit Run Canteen (URC) employees are getting paid as per the rules regulating the terms and conditions of the services of the civilian employees of the URCs, issued by Army Headquarters in April 2003. These rules were made as per the directions of Hon`ble Supreme Court of India dated 4th January 2001, in the case of Union of India Vs. M. Aslam and others.

Revision of Rates of Wages of Daily wage workers and workers engaged on part-time basis in Himachal Pradesh.

No. FIN-(PR)8(7)-33/2010
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Finance (Pay Revision) Department.

Principal Secretary (Finance) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh.

1. All Administrative Secretaries to the Government of Himachal Pradesh.
2. All Heads of Departments in Himachal Pradesh.
3. All Divisional Commissioners/Deputy Commissioners in Himachal Pradesh.

Dated: Shimla-171002, the 25 August. 2012.

Subject:- Revision of Rates of Wages of Daily wage workers and workers engaged on part-time basis in Himachal Pradesh.

   In partial modification of this Department’s letter of even number dated: 27th April, 2012, on the subject cited above. I am directed to say that the rates of daily wages in respect of various categories of workers engaged on daily wages in Himachal Pradesh are revised w.e.f. 1st September, 2012, as shown in Annexure-A.