Non-Payment of Full Salaries to Defence Trainees.

   The cadets undergoing their pre-commission training at the various training academies get a fixed stipend of Rs.21,000/- per month for the last one year of training before commissioning. This stipend is converted to pay for all purposes on successful completion of training and the arrears of the allowances admissible are paid. The VI Central Pay Commission did not agree to the Services` demand to grant provisional commission in the last year of training with full pay and allowances and all attendant benefits of the commissioned rank as successful completion of pre-commission training is a pre-requisite for the grant of commission in the Defence Forces, a situation which is not totally comparable with the civilian side.

   This information was given by Minister of Defence Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Shri T.M. Selvaganapathiin Rajya Sabha today.

Source: PIB

Government to introduce health insurance for central staff, pensioners.

   Government said it was contemplating introduction of a health insurance scheme for central government employees and pensioners with special focus on non-CGHS areas.

   Stating this in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha, Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad said the serving central government employees in non-CGHS areas are provided healthcare facilities under the CS(MA) Rules, 1994, but pensioners are not covered under these rules.

   The Minister said the pensioners are, however, entitled to a fixed medical allowance of Rs 300 per month.

   He said pensioners residing in non-CGHS areas have the option to become a CGHS member in any CGHS-covered city of their choice to avail the medical facilities under the Scheme.


Inter-Railway own request transfer of sportspersons, recruited against sports quota; from one Railway/Unit to another Railway/Unit.

RBE No.30/2012


No. 2011/E(Sports)/4(3)/4(Transfer Policy)

New Delhi, 7th March 2012.

The General Managers (P),
All Zonal Railways including
CLW, DLW, ICF, RCF, RWF, Metro Rallway/Kolkata,
The CAO(R), DMW/Patiala,
The DG, RDSO/Lucknow.

Sub :- Inter-Railway own request transfer of sportspersons, recruited against sports quota; from one Railway/Unit to another Railway/Unit.

Ref :- Board’s policy letter of even number dt. 17.02.2011 (RBE No. 23/2011)

   Please connect to Board’s policy letter of even number dt. 17.02.2011 (RBE No. 23/2011), containing instructions on the subiect matter.

   The proposal for delegating powers to General Managers for lnter-Railway/Unit transfer of sportspersons, recruited against sports quota, has been considered in Board’s office. In this regard Railway Board has decided that henceforth the cases of own request transper of sportspersons recruited against sports quota, from one Railway/Unit to another Railway/Unit shall decided exclusively by the General Managers of concerned Railways/Units: subject to fulfilling both the eligibility conditions as mentioned in para 2 (i) of  Board’s policy letter referred above.

   The general conditions governing request transfers, like, educational qualifications prescribed for recruitment to the category/post to which transfer has been sought for, assignment of bottom seniority etc., will apply in all cases of transfer of such sportspersons, on their own requests.

   However, the cases of transfers on exceptional basis, as per Para 2(ii) & 5 of Board’s said policy letter dt. 17.02.2011, shall continued to be decided by Railway Board, as per existing practice.

   This also disposes SECR’s letter No. P-HQ/RUL/116/1/3264 dt. 19.01.2012.

Dy Director, Estt.(Sports)
