Combined Defence Services Exam (I) 2011 Final Results Announced.

   The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced the final results of Combined Defence Services Examination (I). A total of 356 candidates (272 *Men + 84 Women), have finally qualified on the basis of the results of the Combined Defence Services Examination (I)-2011 conducted by the UPSC and  interviews held by the Services Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence for admission to the (i)  *Officers’ Training Academy, Chennai  for 95th  Short Service Commission Course (for Men) and (ii) Officers’ Training Academy, Chennai 9th Short Service Commission Women (Non-Technical) Course,  commencing in April, 2012.  The list of 95th Short Service Commission Course (for Men) also includes the names of the candidates who were recommended earlier on the basis of the result of the same examination for admission to the Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala and Air Force Academy,  Hyderabad (Pre-Flying) Training Course(s).
   The number of vacancies as intimated by the Government, for (i) 95th Short Service Commission Course (for Men) is 175 and for (ii) 9th Short Service Commission Women (Non-Technical) Course is 25.

   The result of Medical Examination of candidates has not been taken into account in preparing the merit list.   The candidature of all the candidates is Provisional.  Verification of date of birth and Educational Qualification of these candidates will be done by Army HQ.
            Result is available on PIB website i.e and also on the U.P.S.C. website i.e. However, marks of the candidates will be available within 15 days from the date of declaration of final result on Commission’s web-site and will be available for 60 days.
   UPSC has a Facilitation Counter near Examination Hall Building in its Campus.  Candidates may obtain any information/clarification regarding their examination on working hours in person or over telephone No. 011-23385271, 011-23381125 and 011-23098543 from this Counter.
Click here to see result

Children Education Allowance.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, February,21-02-2012.


Subject:- Children Education Allowance.
   Subsequent to issue of Department of Personnel & Training’s O.M. No.12011/03/2008-Estt. (Allowance) dated 2nd September, 2008, and clarifications issued from time to time on the subject cited above, a number of references have been received on certain aspects of Children Education Allowance/Hostel Subsidy. After due consideration of the references, in consultation with the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditures, the following modifications/alterations are carried out with effect from the date of issue of this O.M. on pro-rata basis:

   i. Development Fee/Parents’ Contribution charged by the school/institution in lieu of tuition fee shall be reimbursed. The Government servant will have to certify to the effect that tuition fee has not been charged by the school/institution.

   ii. Fee charged directly by the school/institution for catering to the special needs of the child with disabilities, duly certified by the school authorities, shall be reimbursed in addition to items mentioned in para 1(e) of O.M. dated 2.9.2008. The school/institution shall be aided or approved by the Central/State Government/UT Administration or whose fees are approved by any of these authorities.

   iii. The minimum age of 5 years, stipulated in O.M. No.12011/03/2008 Estt.(Allowance) dated 11th November, 2008, for disabled children, pursuing non-formal education or vocational training stands removed. Henceforth, there will be no minimum age for any child for claiming reimbursement of Children Education Allowance/Hostel Subsidy.

   2. Cases where reimbursement has been made on the basis of earlier O.M. on the issues need not he reopened.

   Hindi version will follow.

(Vibha G. Mishra)


Children Education Allowance-Clarification.

No .12011/07(i)/2011-Estt(AL) 
Government of India 
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension 
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, February , 21-02-2012.


Subject: Children Education Allowance-Clarification-

   The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Personnel & Training’s O.M. No.12011/03/2008—Estt.(Allowance) dated 2nd September, 2008, and subsequent clarifications issued from time to time on the subject cited above, and to state that various Ministries / Departments have been seeking clarifications on various aspects of the Children Education Allowance / Hostel Subsidy. The doubts raised by various authorities are clarified as under:

Sl. No

Point of reference/doubts



What constitute “Fee” as per para l (e) of the O.M. dated 2/9/2008 and whether fee paid for extra-curricular activities to some other institute and reimbursement of, school bags, pens/pencils, etc., Can be allowed? Is there any item-wise ceiling?

“Fee” shall mean fee paid to the school in which the child is studying, directly by the parents/ guardian for the items mentioned in para l (e) of the O.M. dated 2/9/2008. Reimbursement of school bags, pens/pencils, etc., may not be allowed. There is no item-wise ceiling.


Whether reimbursement can be allowed in case the original receipts are misplaced and duplicate receipts are produced by the Government servant?

In case of misplacement of receipts given by the school/institution towards charges received from the parents/guardian, reimbursement may be allowed if the Government servant produces a duplicate receipt, duly authenticated by the school authorities. Receipts from private parties, other than the school, if misplaced shall not be entertained, even if a duplicate receipt is produced. Original receipts from school authorities need not be attested/countersigned/rubber stamped by the school authorities.


Whether a Government servant is allowed to get 50% of the total amount subject to the overall annual ceiling in the first quarter and the remaining amount in third and or fourth quarter?

Reimbursement of 50% of the entitled amount for the academic year could be allowed in the first and/or second quarter and the remaining amount could be reimbursed in the third and/or fourth quarter. However the entitled amount can be reimbursed in the last quarter.


It is provided that whenever the DA increases by 50% the CEA will increase by 25%. What shall be the date of effect of such enhancement?

Any enhancement in the ceiling of reimbursement per annum due to increase in DA by 50%,shall be applicable on pro-data basis from the date of increase in DA, subject to actual expenditure during the quarter.

Hindi version will follow.

(Vibha G. Mishra)
