Combined Section Officers’/Stenographers’ (Gr. ‘B’/Gr.I) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2012 and 2013.


No. 6/7/2013-CS-I(S)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, dated the l9th March, 2014


Subject: Combined Section Officers’/Stenographers’ (Gr. ‘B’/Gr.I) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2012 and 2013.

The Combined Section Officers’/Stenographers’ (Gr.’B’/Gr.I) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2012 and 2013 was conducted by the UPSC during 21-22 December, 2013. Results of the written part of the said examination are likely to be declared by the Commission in the last week of March, 2014.

2. To address the problem of large number of vacancies in the grade o Section Officer, it is necessary to bring out the results in a compressed time schedule and to promote and allocate officers to various cadre units in a time bound manner. In the past, one of the reasons for delay in finalizing the results of the examination was the delay in collection and collation of ACRs of the
candidates, who qualify the written part of the exam.

3. It is, therefore, requested that the ACR Dossiers, complete in all respects, of all the candidates, who have appeared for the post of Section Officer of CSS and Private Secrétary of CSSS in the Combined Limited Departmental Examination. 2012 & 2013 be kept in readiness, so that the APARs/ACRs of the successful candidates can be sent to UPSC immediately once the results are declared. If there are any ACR/APAR, which are missing or below benchmark, appropriate action, if any, in respect of them may be completed in terms of DOP&T OM No. 21011/1/2010-Estt.(A) dated 13th April, 2010 and other relevant instructions on the.’subject, by 31st March, 2014 positively.

4. A statement of availability status of ACRs/APARs for the period 2005-2013 (1.4.2005 to 31.3.2013), in respect of all the candidates who have appeared in the examination from the respective Cadre Units, may be sent to the undersigned at the earliest.

(Utkaarsh R. Tiwaari)
Director (CS-I)


Cadre restructuring of Group “C” staff



NEW DELHI Dated 31.01.2014

The chief commercial Manager,
All Zonel Railway.

Sub: Cadre restructuring of Group “C” staff

Ref: RallwayBoard’s letter No PC-III/2O123/CRC/4.dt 08.10.2013

ECRCs, Commercial Clerks, Commercial Inspectors and Ticket Checking Staff are essentially revenue earning staff. A reduction of strength in these four categories would result in closure of counters or leaving coaches unmanned, thereby leading to leakage of revenue. It is also be on demonstrated on certain Divisions that deployment of additional Booking clerks and opening of additional Booking Windows bave resulted in increase of revenue.

It is, therefore, desired that there should be no surrender of posts of these categories of staff (that is Ticket Checking Staff, Booking/Reservation Clerks/Supervisors) in connection with the proposed cadre restructuring.

(A.Madhukumar Reddy)
Excutive Director Passenger Marketing
Railway Board

Source: NFIR

Conditions for re-excercise of option

1.  It has been clarified by MoD that the provisions laid down in Minisrty of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure OM No. 10/02/2011-E.III/A dated 19/03/2012 are applicable for all Armed Forces Personnel whose date of increment in the pre-revised scale was between February 2006 and June 2006 irrespective of whether they had exercised option earlier, Such personnel are entitled to exercise fresh option or re-exercise option for pay fixation in 6th CPC pay structure either with effect from 01/01/2006 or any other subsequent date. The following conditions shall be effecting the revision:-

a. The date of increment in the pre-revised scale was between Feb 2006 to June 2006.

b. The revised option/fresh option should have been submitted before 31/07/2013.

Units may forward the options submitted by officers before 31/07/2013, whose date of increment in the pre-revised scale falls between Feb 2006 to June 2006, to PCDA(O) for carrying out the pay revision”.

2. The effective dates for exercising option under various circumstances are as under:

i. For revision of pay on promotion prior to Jan 06-31st Dec 2005.

ii. For switching over to revised pay structure as per Sixth Pay Commission orders, for officers whose date of increment in pre-revised scale falling between Feb 06 to June 2006-31st July 2013.

iii. For switching over to revised pay structure as per Sixth Pay Commission Orders, for officers other than (II) above-30/6/2011.
