Authorisation of Earned Leave in respect of Industrial Employees in OFB

Office of the Principal Controller of Accounts ( Fys.)
1.0-A,S.K.Bose Road, Kolkata-700001

No. Pay/Tech-II/1058

Date: – 10/01/2014

All Cs of F&A(Fys.)/Br.AOs,

Sub:- Authorisation of Earned Leave in respect of Industrial Employees (IEs) Of Ord. Fys and Ord. Equip. Fys.

Ministry of Defence vide ID No.8/1R108/D(Fy.II) dated 25/09/2013 has clarified that the Industrial Workers employed in Ordnance factories are entitled for 30 days Earned Leave (Annual Leave) with wages. With the issuance of the clarification the provisions contained in DOP&T OM dated 20-07-1998 has become equally applicable to Industrial Employees, opted to be governed under Factories Act for Earned Leave purpose by virtue of the provisions contained in Section 78 of the Factories Act, 1948. Further, on specific queries, the Ministry confirmed that the clarification should be given effect from 20-07-1998.

In view of the above following instructions are issued for immediate implementation:

1) Entitlement of 30 days Earned .Leave for each completed year of service may be extended to IEs who are guided under Factories Act invoking provisions of Section 78 of Factories Act.

2) The benefit of calculation of leave wages as per Section 80 of the Factories Act may be extended only to those piece workers who already opted to be guided under Factories Act for EL purpose on or before 31/10/2005. No fresh option in this regard is acceptable.

3) Crediting of 30 days EL for those IEs, as specified in Para 2, may be made w.e.f. 20/07/1998 subject to maximum accumulation of 120 days upto 06/11/2006 and 300 days thereafter.

4) Calculation of leave wages of such Industrial employees, as mentioned in Para 2 and debiting of availed leave in their leave account is to be made taking into account .intervening Sunday g & Holidays as inclusive of availed leave. Hence, instead of the existing formula of P/(N-S), their leave wages may be calculated as per regular establishment i.e. taking into account the formula of P/N where ‘P’ means the Basic Pay and piece work profit actually earned in the month immediately preceding the leave. If holidays fall during the currency of the availed Earned Leave, ‘Holiday Pay’ should not be allowed separately.

(Avra Ghosh)
Joint Controller of Accounts(Fys.)


Revision of Headquarter Allowance admissible to officers of organised Group-A’ Services posted in Headquarters Organisations — reg.

F. No. 4/2/2013-Estt(Pay-II)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

North Block, New Delhi ,Dated 17th January, 2014


Subject: Revision of Headquarter Allowance admissible to officers of organised Group-A’ Services posted in Headquarters Organisations — reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s Office Memorandum No. 2/8/97-Estt. (Pay-11) dated 16th July, 1998, on the above subject and to say that consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations made by the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the President is pleased to decide that the existing rates of Headquarter Allowance may be doubled.

2. These orders shall not apply to officers of services the cadres of which consist only of posts at the Headquarters organisations as also to officers of services who are not entitled to any special pay/special allowance while posted as Under Secretary/Deputy Secretary or ‘Director in the Central Secretariat. These orders shall be effective from the first date of the month in which this O.M is issued.

4. In so far as application of these orders to officers of the Indian Audit & Accounts Department is concerned, these orders are being issue in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.

(Mukesh Chaturvedi)
Deputy Secretary (Pay)


Amendments in the West Bengal Service Rules, Part - I

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch


No.175-F(P), dated 9th January, 2014.- In exercise of the power conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following amendments in the West Bengal Services Rules, Part-I, as subsequently amended (hereinafter referred to as the said rules) :-


In the said rules:-

(I) in rule 5,-

(a) after clause (10 ), insert the following clauses:-

“(10A) Deputation means any appointment made by transfer on a temporary basis against a sanctioned post outside the regular line and in the public interest.

(10B) Detailment means utilization of service of an employee in any job for a temporary period in the public interest under any Department or office of the Government or in any Company. Corporation, Undertaking and Statutory Body etc.. which is wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the State Government or by any body which is funded by the State Government.”;

(2) in CHAPTER XII:-

(a) for the heading. substitute the following heading:-


(b) for the words “foreign service”, wherever they occur, subsiitute the words "foreign service or on deputation.”;

(c) rule 97 shall be renumbered as sub-rule (1) of that rule,-

(i) in sub-rule (I) so renumbered,-

(A) for the words “No Government employee shall be transferred whether within or outside India, against his will.” substitute the following words:-

“Any Government employee may, in the interest of public service, be transferred to foreign service or on deputation within or outside India,”:

(B) for the proviso, substitute the following proviso:“

Provided that in case of transfer to foreign service or on deputation outside India, the consent of the Government employee shall be necessary to his transfer to such foreign service or on such deputation outside India.”;

(ii) after sub-rule (1), insert the following sub-rule:-

“(2) A Government employee may, if the State Government may deem fit and proper to do so to meet the exigency for any job and for optimum utilization of manpower as well as to realize full potential of such Government employee, be detailed in any other Department or office under the Government or in any Company, Corporation, Undertakings, Statutory Government or by any body which is funded by the State Government, for a period not exceeding six months without following the provisions contained in this Chapter or elsewhere in these rules and during such detailment, the terms and conditions of service including drawal of pay and allowances, promotion, sanction of leave, disciplinary control etc., shall remain with the parent cadre controlling authority or Department or office, as the case may be and shall not be any way altered to the disadvantage of
such Government employee and the period of detailment of such Government employee may be extended beyond the period of six months, if the concerned cadre controlling authority, or Department or the office or the Company, Corporation. Undertaking, Statutory Body etc. as above, feels it necessary or at the option of the concerned Government employee.”;

(iii) in Note.- (1). add the following proviso:-

“Provided that in case of a transfer to foreign service or on deputation or by detailment to any Department or office of the Government or in any Company, Corporation, Undertaking, Statutory Body etc., which is wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the State Government or by any body which is funded by the State Government, within the State, of any Government employee, no deputation allowance will be admissible to such Government employee for such transfer.”;

(iv) in Note- (2), for words “without previous consultation with the Finance Department.”. substitute the following words, figure and brackets:-

“in consultation with the Finance Department either prior to issue of the order of transfer or post facto. In case of detailment as mentioned in sub-rule (2), no such consultation will be necessary.”;

(v) in Note.-(4), for the words “after prior consultation”, substitute the word “in”: (3) Omit sub-rule (a) of rule 98.

By order of the Governor,

H. K. Dwivedi
Principal Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal.
