Madhya Pradesh on Thursday announced a hike of 10 per cent in dearness allowance (DA).

   The Madhya Pradesh Cabinet on Thursday approved a hike in the Dearness Allowance for all employees of the State government and local bodies.

   The DA has been hiked from 80 to 90 per cent of the basic salary. The double digit hike comes less than a week after the Centre announced a 10 per cent hike for its employees. Timed before the model code of conduct for elections comes into force, the DA would be paid retrospectively from July 1.

   The BJP government of poll-bound Madhya Pradesh on Thursday announced a hike of 10 per cent in dearness allowance (DA).

   The decision comes as a bonanza for a large number of employees and pensioners ahead of the festive season.

Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations.

F. No. 2(54)/08-DPE (WC) - 13
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises

Public Enterprises Bhawan,
Block 14, CGO Complex,
Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003.

Dated the 26th September, 2013


Subject: – Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to para No. 2 and Annexure III to this Department’s O.M. dated 14.10.2008 wherein the rates of DA payable to the employees who are following CDA pattern has been indicated.

   2.The DA payable to the employees may be enhanced form existing rate 80% to 90% with effect from 01.07.2013

CGDA Order2013: Outsourcing of Specialist Medical Services.

(IFA wing)

INSTRUCTION NO. 03 of 2013

No. IFA/142/Vol-I                                                                       

Dated :-26 -09-2013


Sub: Outsourcing of Specialist Medical Services.

   A number of references were received in HQrs. office seeking clarification on outsourcing of medical services in the Armed forces and accordingly the matter has been reviewed denovo.

   2.    On a careful examination of the list of services which can be outsourced (refer Part IV and Annexure III of Govt. letter dated 13.04.2012), it is observed that there are certain overlapping areas and certain services which were being outsourced have not been included in the current list of services. However, it does not imply that these can not be outsourced now. The guiding factor is that the outsourcing should be confined to the ‘non-core’ areas. However, if the necessity of a non core service has been established, outsourcing of the same may be allowed. Further, under AMC in Part IV, Technical Medical Services can be outsourced, which can also be interpreted to include specialist medical services. It is, therefore, felt that outsourcing the services of specialists existed prior to the issue of Govt. Order dated 13th April 2012 and the Govt. Letter dated 13.04.12 has since been issued to streamline the system of outsourcing.