Children Education Allowance —Reimbursement of Examination Fee.

RBE No. 93/2013
PC-VI No. 324

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)


New Delhi, Dated: 12-09-2013

The General Manager (P),
All Indian Railways &
Production Units.

Sub Children Education Allowance —Reimbursement of Examination Fee.

   Click here to see the DOP&T Order.....

   Please refer to Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 01.10.2008 followed by subsequent letters regarding revised policy instructions / clarifications on Children Education Allowance admissible to Railway Servants, based on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission.

Shortly DA would cross 100 percent. Once again, all allowances would enhance by 25%.

   As per the information received, unlike previous time, decision on DA would be taken by Cabinet Committee Meeting without delay. Subsequent to release of AICPIN for the month of June by Labor Bureau, Finance Ministry would send for the approval of the Cabinet for final decision on DA. After obtaining the approval, Finance Ministry would release the specific orders procedurally for disbursement of money.

   Additional DA will be paid along with the salary of this month

   The arrears for the month of July and August would also be paid. With the increase of DA by 10%, the total amount of DA would enhance and stay at 90%.

   By next year, it would cross 100%. During that period, as pointed out in the 6th Central Pay Commission, certain allowances would enhance by 25%. But, that is not the expectations of the Central Government Employees. Their requirements are merger of DA with Basic Pay.

Grant of Dearness Allowance to State Government employees.


No. F. 6(1)FD(Rules)/2008

                                              Jaipur, dated :21-09-2013


Sub:- Grant of Dearness Allowance to State Government employees.

   The Governor is pleased to order that the existing rate of Dearness Allowance payable to the State Government employees, drawing pay in Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, under Finance Department Order No. F.6(1)FD(Rules)/2008 dated 19-04-2013 shall be revised from 80% to 90% with effect from 01-07-2013.

   The term ‘Pay’ for the purpose of calculation of Dearness Allowance shall be the Basic Pay i.e. sum of pay in running pay band and grade pay drawn and shall not include any other type(s) of pay like Special Pay or Personal Pay, etc.